Sunday, November 29, 2020

Anchored Week 4


Icebreaker: Talk about this past Thanksgiving holiday. What did you do and what was your favorite part?

1- What is something that you're really good at? How did you get good at it? 

2- Who is your best friend? How did you become such good friends? 

Most things we do well and our best relationships have the same thing in common: each takes time.

READ Ephesians 3:16-19

3- What stands out to you about this prayer from Paul?

4- What does it mean to have Christ dwell in your heart through faith? Do you treat Jesus more like a visitor in your life or a permanent resident? 

5- How do you think a person grows deep in their relationship with Jesus? 

6- What do you think it means to be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God? Do you know someone who seems to live like that? What makes that type of life attractive

7- Growing deep to live a full life takes time. What are you doing now to work towards that? 

8- In what ways can you use your time better to grow deeper in the things that matter most?

If there are any ways that REVO can help, email

Monday, November 23, 2020

Anchored Week 3

 Icebreaker: Based off what you know about heaven, what are you looking forward to most?

In this parable for our study today, Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of Heaven. 

1- When you hear the words Kingdom of Heaven, what do you think that means? 

READ Matthew 25:14-15

2- Who does everything we have ultimately belong to? How does that change your perspective on your life? 

3- Does verse 15 seem unfair to you that the man gave certain people more and certain less? Knowing that the master in the story is an allusion to God, how does this truth challenge or enhance your view of God?

READ Matthew 25:16-18

4- Who do you know that's a good example of using the life and gifts God has given them like the first 2 servants? What makes them a good example?

5- Who do you know that's a bad example of using the life and gifts God has given them like the last servant? What makes them a bad example in contrast to the good examples?

READ Matthew 25:19-23

6- Think about your own life, gifts, time, talents, etc. If Jesus came back today, would you receive the "well done" greeting? Why or why not? 

READ Matthew 25:24-27

7- We all have areas where we are like the last servant: afraid to turn it over to God and use that certain area for His glory. What area is that for you? Why is it hard for you to use that well?

8- How do you think a person's view of God affects the way they use the things God has given them? 

9- What practical next steps can you take this next week to better steward what God has given you? (Or in other words, how can you improve on your answer to #7?)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Anchored Week 2


Icebreaker: What is your favorite story? (movie, book, family story, etc.)

Today, we are studying one of the most famous stories ever told: The Good Samaritan

1- When you hear the words "Good Samaritan" what do you think of? How would you define a "Good Samaritan"? 

2- Have you ever been on the receiving end of a stranger's act of kindness? 

READ Luke 10:25

3- If someone asked you this question, how would you answer? 

READ Luke 10:29

4- If someone asked you this, what would your response be?

READ Luke 10:30-35

5- What stands out to you about this story?

6- Notice how each person (the priest, Levite, and Samaritan) all saw the man in need. What needs do you see around you in your daily life? What about in REVO church? 

7- Only one person noticed and did something about it. With the needs you noted in the last question, how do you think God might be calling you to act?

8- The Good Samaritan used his time and his resources to serve the man in need. When you serve, do you normally serve with your time, resources or both? Why? 

9- What's a next step for you to take this week as you think about REVO's core value of serving hard? 

Leader Huddle Season 3 - wk. 11


Here's some questions to ask your group these next few week to get feedback on the past season:

  • What was good about this season of rGroups that you would like to continue?
  • What could we as an rGroup improve?
  • Consider your expectations for what an rGroup is. Did this meet those expectations? Why or why not?
  • Was the content we studied helpful? What would you keep? What would you change?
  • How was the communication for this rGroup? How can we do better?

As a reminder, here's some questions for our upcoming Leader Dinner. We want to hear all feedback, so write your thoughts down if that's helpful!

  • What went well over the past few seasons?
  • What did not go well over the past few seasons?
  • Think about the online video content:
    • What was the good?
    • What was the bad?
    • Do you want us to continue it? If so, any content/topic suggestions?
  • Think about the sermon blog:
    • How were the questions?
    • Were there too few questions or too many?
    • Any suggestions to make it better?
  • Do you watch the Leader Huddle? Why or why not?
    • If not, how can we make it more useful so that you want to watch it?
    • Or should we just scrap it?
  • How was the communication for this season? Does email work best for you? How can we improve our communication as a leadership team?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Emergency News Conference

Will you be a proactive or reactive leader? Your answer could be the difference between awkward confrontations and awesome conversation.

Here is the link to the other leader huddle I mention in the video:


Anchored Week 1

 Icebreaker: For the next few weeks we are looking at the biblical basis for REVO's Core Values. Share how you involved at REVO. 


1- How would you define the word "love"?

2- What do you think REVO Church means by saying a core value is "love big"?

READ Matthew 20:29-31

3- Why do you think the men called to Jesus asking for mercy instead of physical healing? 

4- What needs are there around you calling for your attention?

5- What would meeting those needs practically look like? 

6- What things in your life silence those needs and distract you from them?

READ Matthew 20:32

7- What do you think about Jesus' question to the men? 

8- When there is someone around you who needs something what is your first response? In what ways could a question like Jesus asked be a good response for you to emulate? 

READ Matthew 20:33-34

9- What do you think it looks like to have compassion on the needs that surround you each day? 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Leader Huddle Live from Matthew's Pantry


Consider some of these questions before our Dinner Debrief on Nov. 22nd. We will talk about them and go over your thoughts at our dinner.

  • What went well over the past few seasons?
  • What did not go well over the past few seasons?
  • Think about the online video content:
    • What was the good?
    • What was the bad?
    • Do you want us to continue it? If so, any content/topic suggestions?
  • Think about the sermon blog:
    • How were the questions?
    • Were there too few questions or too many?
    • Any suggestions to make it better?
  • Do you watch the Leader Huddle? Why or why not?
    • If not, how can we make it more useful so that you want to watch it?
    • Or should we just scrap it?


1- Have you ever heard the story of Jonah and the whale before? What do you know about it?

We're going to be looking at a story from Jonah's life and Paul's life to contrast their response to negative situations.

READ Jonah 4

2- Have you ever been mad at God for allowing someone to get away with doing bad and giving them grace? How have you seen God do that in your life? 

3- Think about times where something happened that made you live in discomfort. How did you respond to God during that time? 

READ Acts 17:22-28

4- Where do you have your most interactions with non-Christians? Have you ever talked about your faith around them? If so, how did the conversation go?

In Acts 17, Paul is preaching to people who believe differently than him, desiring that they know God.

5- What is your response when people believe/think differently than you? Why?

6- Think about the most outrageous moral issue in your opinion, one where you are 99.9% sure you are right. You don't have to share the issue with the group, but talk about how you think you would react to someone on the opposite side joining your rGroup.

7- Look again at verse 25-27. Paul's hope is that these people would be saved. Who in your life do you desire for them to be saved? How are you praying for them and evangelizing them? 

READ Acts 17:30

8- A message of repentance was the same message Jonah preached. What does it mean to repent? When is the last time you repented? 

Optional:: During election week, especially in the middle of a pandemic, it is tempting to pray for a candidate that will suit your beliefs. But Acts 17:25 says that God's purposes are not served by human hands, even the hands of the President of the United States. If you feel like your group is close enough relationally to do this, have a time of prayer and repentance that God would change our hearts and heal our land through His purposes and in His timing. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Leader Huddle Season 3 wk. 9


For those of you who would rather read the information than watch the video here is a transcript of what you need to know:

  • I need your 2021 rGroup information on or before November 22nd:
    • Are you leading again?
    • What content are you doing?
    • Are you keeping your day and time?
    • Any new leaders launching new groups out of your existing group?
  • There will be NO NEW CONTENT in Season 1 of 2021. New content will be debuting in Season 2 of 2021, so use this time to catch up on any series you have not gotten to do.
  • There's still time to RSVP for the Leader Dinner on November 22nd. There will be food, a time for you to give your input/opinions, PLUS you are going to be the recipient of training that has only been available to REVO Staff until now! Don't miss out! Nov. 22nd 6:30pm
  • OUTRAGE - Week 3

    Icebreaker: What's one of the most embarrassing moment of your life?

    READ John 8:3-5

    1- Imagine Jesus catches you red-handed in the middle of sin. What do you think He would say? Why?

    2- If Jesus caught you, what would you say? Why?

    READ John 8:6

    3- We might be quick to roll our eyes at the religious teachers for testing Jesus. But we can be guilty of the same thing. Can you think of ways that you might try and test Jesus' grace? 

    4- The religious teachers had malicious intent in questioning Jesus. Have you ever experienced someone questioning Christianity out of anger rather than genuine curiosity? What was your response? 

    READ John 8:7-9

    5- According to Jesus' standard, who has the most reason to throw a stone in this crowd? 

    6- Even though Jesus had the authority to throw the stones, He did not. How did Jesus respond to this situation? What do you think this response means?

    READ John 8:10-11

    7- Put yourself in the woman's shoes. What do you think she is thinking at this point?

    8- What was Jesus' response to the woman's sin? How could this help inform our response to sin?

    READ John 1:14

    9- The story in John 8 is a great example of grace and truth coexisting in a person. How can we as Jesus followers attempt to model this in our current world? 

    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 3 Wk 8


    What do we do when our group members have different political views than us? How do Christians engage in a hostile culture? Plus, Matthew offers to buy you a gift in this week's leader huddle! 

    OUTRAGE - Week 2

    Icebreaker: If you were to attempt a Guiness World Record, what do you think you would do?

    1- How are you feeling about this election season? Stressed? Worried? Ready to be done? Excited?

    2- What comes to mind when you think about peace?

    READ Philippians 4:4

    3- Did you know you can find joy in God? What do you think about that command from Paul to find joy in God?

    READ Philippians 4:5

    4- Paul says that as a Christian everyone should know about your reasonableness or gentleness. What about this election makes you unreasonable or not gentle? How can you allow Jesus to use that passion in a positive way?

    READ Philippians 4:6

    5- "Do not be anxious about anything." What are you worried or anxious about these days? How do you cope with that?

    6- Paul tells Christians to cope with worry and anxiety by praying about everything. What do you pray about? Why do you pray about those things?

    7- Why do you think it's important to pray about everything? 

    READ Philippians 4:7-9

    8-  Looking at these verses in conjunction with verse 6, how can we receive peace? Out of those things you see in this text, what can you do this week to move toward peace?

    9- What do you think it means to have peace that surpasses all understanding? How can it guard your heart and mind? 

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    OUTRAGE - Leader Huddle - Season 3 wk. 7

    You ever feel like it's raining bad news? Our new sermon series "OUTRAGE" is addressing these sorts of issues. Plus, you aren't sure how to respond as a Christian. Christians on both sides of the issue say different things. 

    This leader huddle gives you a way that EVERY Christian leader should react no matter what! 

    OUTRAGE week 1

     Icebreaker: Share with the group one of the best meals you've ever had.

    1- Have you ever had an awkward meal experience? Maybe a first date or a meeting the parents type situation that was really awkward? If so, share!

    Our rGroup session for this week is about an awkward meal that Jesus ate with His disciples. 

    READ Matthew 26:18-21

    2- What do you think you would have done if you were in the situations of the disciples in these verses?

    READ Matthew 26:22-25

    3- How do you think Jesus' disciples felt when Jesus told them one of them would betray Him? What do you think they felt when Jesus ousted Judas? 

    4- Put yourself in the shoes of each person. How would you feel if you were in Jesus' place? How would you feel if you were Judas? What would your thoughts be if you were in the other 11 disciples' shoes?  

    5- Now, think about this scenario through the lens of our new series called "OUTRAGE" leading up the Presidential election. If something like this happened today, what sort of response would our culture have? What response do you think you would have?

    READ Matthew 26:26-30

    6- After this awkward moment at dinner, Jesus displays symbols of sacrifice and forgiveness. How do you think we as Jesus followers, can apply this to our current cultural moment?

    READ Eph. 4:1-3 (we studied this in a recent rGroup study a few weeks ago) 

    Often in our lives as Christians we avoid hard conversations in order to avoid outrage. However, Jesus addressed the difficult and awkward reality of the situation in Matthew 26. On the other hand, Ephesians 4 tells us to make every effort to live in unity.

    7- As you think about the outrage culture we live in, how can Christians walk the fine line of addressing what needs to be addressed while still bearing with one another and keeping unity? 

    8- Each week during the OUTRAGE series we are going to pray through cultural issues that are often hotly discussed. A good rule Christians should consider is "if you haven't prayed about it, don't post about it." 

    • This week, focus on the division that exists in the United States. Spend a few minutes discussing how political and social division has affected you personally and our country corporately. 
    • Then spend time praying for each other and those we come in contact with throughout the week.

    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 3 Wk. 6


        Learn about the 4th and final purpose of rGroups: character. It's the most important, yet least talked about. Here's one tip for how to grow your group in that area.

    Level Up wk. 6

     Icebreaker: If you could have one superpower, what would it be? 

    Making adults talk about superpowers seems silly, but Ephesians 6 gives Christians insight into Holy Spirit superpowers, also known as the Armor of God. 

    READ Eph. 6:10-13

    1- Why do you think Paul wraps up his letter to the Ephesians like this? 

    2- What is the purpose of the armor of God that Paul states in verses 11-13? What do you think that means?

    3- Before reading about the Armor of God, think of some things you need in your own spiritual battles. If you could create your own "armor" based on your perceived needs, what are some things you would choose? 

    READ Eph. 6:14-17

    4- List out the specific pieces of armor (ex. shield) that Paul lists and their purpose (ex. faith). Now think back to question 3. Does anything of this list match up with what you said? If not, why do you think that is? 

    5- Now that you've seen the list in it's totality, which pieces of armor do you think you need most in your current season of life?

    READ Eph. 6:18

    6- Although it often gets left out of the list, some have called prayer, the final piece of armor. What do you think? Should prayer be a part of the defense against enemy schemes? Why or why not?

    Let's focus on a few specific pieces of armor. 

    READ Eph. 6:14-17 again and think about the list you made in question 4. 

    7- What do you think is important about "the belt of truth" in the life of a Christian in fighting schemes of Satan?

    8- What is righteousness? Why do you think it's important to have as a piece of armor?

    9- The sword of the Spirit is the only offensive piece of armor. Why do you think the Word of God is an offensive weapon in the life of a Christian?

    10- How can you practically put on the armor in your life this week? Think about the ones you need most and come up with next steps that will help you remember to arm yourself with those this week. 

    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 3 wk. 5

    In less than 2 minutes hear about the 3rd purpose of rGroups and how to practically implement it in your group this week! 

    Level Up wk. 5

    This rGroup session is on the latter part of Ephesians 5. This mainly applies to married couples. However, this can be very useful for single people who may be looking for a spouse. If you have single people in your group, encourage them to think through these specific roles and how they can start to make progress toward what God has called them to, while also looking for a spouse that embodies these characteristics.

    Icebreaker: We are talking about marriage today. Go around and share one word that describes how your marriage is currently going.

    1- When you hear the word "submit" what are the first few thoughts that come through your head? Why?

    READ Eph. 5:22-24

    2- After reading these 3 verses, what are you initial thoughts about the role of the wife in marriage? 

    3- How do you think this idea conflict with modern ideas of a woman's role in marriage? How do you think it's similar? Which one is better and why?

    READ Eph. 5:25

    4- What do you think it means to love "the way that Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her"? 

    READ Eph. 5:26-30

    5- Verses 26-27 show us what Paul means when he writes about the husbands role to love as Christ loved the Church. What do you think that means? 

    6- How do you think that looks practically in marriage? 

    7- Paul is using Jesus and the Church to make points about marriage relationships, but this also gives us deep theology about the relationship between Jesus and the Church. What do these passages tell you about the way Jesus cares about the Church as a whole? 

    8- After answering #8, how does this change the way you view/interact with your local church? 

    READ Eph. 5:33

    9- Verse 33 is a great summary statement for this discourse on marriage. Think about how this verse applies to you as either the husband or the wife in your marriage. How can you better play your role? 

    10- Now, think about the other person in your marriage. In what ways can you and your group pray for them to play their role? 

    Sunday, September 20, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 3 Wk. 4

     Watch this 1.5 minute video about our 2nd purpose of rGroups! We're focusing this week on "Crowd" and how to grow smaller as our church get's bigger. 

    Level Up wk. 4

    Icebreaker: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you succeed in realizing that dream?

    This rGroup Bible Study of Ephsians 4 is about what we grow up to be when we are Christians. The life of a real Jesus-follower is marked by movement. We are constantly moving toward Christ-likeness or away from it, but we are never stagnant. Ephesians 4 will help us determine which way we’re growing. 

    READ Eph. 4:1

    1- Verse 1 is the theme verse for this chapter. Glancing back over the preceding chapters of Ephesians, what do you think “the calling” is that Christians have been called to? Why?  

    READ Eph. 4:2-3 

    2- When verse 1 says to “walk in a manner worthy...”, verses 2-3 describes part of what that looks like. Which one of those comes easiest to you? Which one is the most difficult?

    3- Now think outside of Ephesians 4:2-3. What are other ways that Scripture calls Christians to walk worthy of their calling? 

    READ Eph. 4:11-15

    4- What is the job of pastors/ministers according to these verses (v.11-12)? Why is that the case (v.13-14)?

    5- How do you think verse 14 applies to our current culture? What does it look like in your life?

    6- How does verse 15 instruct Christians to respond to our current culture? What do you think that looks like for your life?

    READ Eph. 4:17-19

    7- What are the marks of non-Christians seen in these verses? Have you ever seen these in the life of a Christian (maybe even your own)? Why do you think that is?

    READ Eph. 4:20-24

    8- Notice how Paul does not describe the opposites of the things listed in v.17-19. Instead, he simply says to “put off the old self.” What are some “old self” things you have put off? What are some “old self” things you’re in the process of putting off? 

    9- Verse 24 describes the “new self.” In your opinion, what does this verse mean? How does this verse connect with the calling discussed in verse 1?

    10- What is a practical next step you can take to apply Ephesians 4 to your life?

    Sunday, September 13, 2020

    Leader Huddle season 3 wk.3


    3 tips:

    1. Create space for good and the bad

    2. Lead with vulnerability. Be family. 

    3. Consistency drives community

    Level Up wk. 3


    1- What’s the last big thing you prayed for? If it’s been answered, what was the result?

    In Ephesians 3:1 Paul begins a prayer, but pauses to discuss God’s plan of salvation. Let’s see why he paused.

    READ Eph. 3:2-5

    2- Has God ever given you a gift to use for the good of others? If so, how did you use that?

    3- What are some “mysteries” that you don’t understand about the Bible or Christianity? 

    • Leader Note: If there are some real struggles and questions, write them down and send them to We can address those questions corporately.

    READ Eph. 3:6-7

    4- What is the mystery that Paul was talking about? Why was that such a big deal in the first century when Paul was writing?

    5- How can this realization apply to your life?

    READ Eph. 3:8-13

    6- Paul was given a big task, but had a humble view of himself. Do you tend to struggle with overconfidence or underconfidence? Why?

    7- When you pray would you describe your demeanor as bold and confident like verse 12? Why or why not? What do you think it looks like to boldly and confidently pray?

    In verse 14, Paul picks up his prayer again that he started in verse 1.

    Read Eph. 3:14-19

    8- What do you think it means to be rooted and grounded in love in your life?

    9- Have you ever experienced the love of Jesus like Paul asks for in verse 18-19

    READ Eph. 3:20-21

    10- What are some areas in your life where you want to see God move “exceedingly and abundantly”?

    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Level Up - Wk. 2

    Bible Study of Ephesians 2:

    Icebreaker: Since this is the first week of a new season, start with introductions! A fun question to ask might be, “what’s your favorite pastime?”

    READ Eph. 2:1-3

    1- Did you know that this is how the Bible describes your life before Jesus? How does this change the way you view yourself?

    2- How does this change the way you view your friends/family/co-workers who are not followers of Jesus? 

    READ Eph. 2:4-10

    3- Knowing your condition before Christ described in v. 1-3, what’s your reaction to what God has done on your behalf? Which part of verses 4-9 means the most to you? Why?

    4- Verse 10 says that God has created and prepared us for certain things. What purposes do you think God has created you for? 

    God prepared the good works for you to do before they ever happened. When we take a step of obedience to do what God calls us to, we are guaranteed success. Not that the outcome will be successful as we define success, but the outcome is exactly what God had planned. 

    5- What encouragement does it give you to know that God guarantees us success in the works He calls us to? How can this help you move forward in your faith? 

    READ Eph. 2:11-16

    6- What sticks out to you most in these verses? Why?

    Put yourself in the shoes of a Nazi in 1935. You think you are the superior race. Everyone else in your community is inferior to you. That’s a modern way to describe the relationship between Jews and Gentiles. They were vastly different and each thought they were better than the other. So as Paul is talking to Christians who come from Gentile and Jewish backgrounds, you can imagine the hostility still lingering from their former lives. 

    Leader Note: What follows are difficult questions that can spark difficult conversations. They are conversations that are in view in this text, so they must be addressed no matter how counter-cultural our answers may be. For guidance or advice, reach out to one of the REVO Staff Members. If you as a leader think that your group is not ready for this type of conversation, we defer to your judgement. 

    7- Jesus as the peacemaker between hostile people groups is in view here. How should this realization from Scripture inform our modern understanding of racial issues? 

    8- Ultimately, Jesus’ goal was a spiritual reconciliation between humanity and God, which will in turn reconcile people groups on Earth (v.15-16). So with this end goal in mind, what are some practical steps Christians can take to pursue racial reconciliation?

    • Leader Note: The focus here should be on spiritual reconciliation with God before racial reconciliation on earth. We cannot expect non-Christians to treat each other the way in which Jesus instructs. Once someone has expressed Jesus as Savior and King over their life, then we can confront sin in their life and expect reconciliation. 

    Another helpful text in this conversation might be Galatians 3:26-29, in which similar ideas from Eph. 2 are expressed. Namely that spiritual reconciliation with God is primary and racial reconciliation on earth is a result.

    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Social Media Fame and My Cooking Skills


    I know you've been wondering how to become social media famous and show off your cooking skills, so here is a 2 minute video to tell you how! 

    Email or text me for more info:

    Wednesday, August 5, 2020


    Check out these 3 new series' trailers for Season 3 of rGroups!!

    Spiritual Gifts with Pastor Wesley::

    Thrive: A Study of Psalm 119 with Matthew:: 

    Christian Parenting with Pastor Nathan:: 

    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 2 Wk. 8

    Here is 3 short minutes of how you can help us get better! 

    RE Series wk. 4 REstore

    Icebreaker: What's one of your biggest fears? 

    Today we're studying a passage about a very well-known fear. Bugs. In Joel 2, God sends a plague of locusts on His own people to decimate their livelihood in order to get their attention. Let's see what God might be saying to us through it. 

    READ Joel 2:1-2

    1- What are some warning signs you've seen pop up in your past when you were heading down a path God doesn't want you to stay on? 
    • Leader Note; This may seem like a personal question but if some people can share from their past, it can be very helpful for people who may be seeing these signs in the present but are unable to recognize them.
    2- When you hear the term "the day of the Lord" are your thoughts normally positive or negative? Why?

    READ Luke 23:44-46. 

    Here we see a parallel (darkness during the daytime) between the day of the Lord mentioned in Joel and the fulfillment of the day of the Lord when Jesus was crucified. The day of darkness and gloom ending up being the day where relationship between God and man was restored.

    3- How does knowing that even the worst day in history was used for your good, encourage you today?

    READ Joel 2:11-12

    4-This verse tells us that God used this plague of locusts to get His people's attention. Has God ever used something bad in your life to draw you closer to Him? If so, share with the group.

    5- Despite the hard season the Israelite people faced, God told them to return to Him. If his past season of life has been hard for you, how have you "returned" to God during this time? If the past few months have not been hard, what decisions can you make now that would help you in a difficult season in the future? 

    READ Joel 2:13-15

    6- The same phrase "Blow a trumpet in Zion" was used in verse 1 to warn of God's judgement. Now, in verse 15 it is used in response to His goodness. How do you think Joel and the people of Israel could were able to have the same reaction to both bad and good from God?

    7- How do you react to these 2 characteristics of God? Do you react to them differently or the same? Why or why not? 

    8- As season 2 of rGroups comes to a close, how can the group be praying for you? How do you want to see your faith grow in the coming weeks? 

    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 2 Wk. 7

    Let's ask God to flip the camera in our minds to see our groups the way He sees them, not focusing on what we can see with our own eyes! 

    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    RE Series wk. 3 - REnew

    Icebreaker: Today we are studying the passage of scripture that inspired the famous hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” What’s one of your favorite “oldie but goodie” songs? (It has to be at least 10 years old)

    1- When you hear the word “lament” what are some of the initial thoughts that come to mind?

    READ Lamentations 3:16-18, Job 2:10

    *I recommend reading the NLT (New Living Translation) this week*

    2- The ‘he’ in this passage refers to God (see Lam. 3:1). Christians often mistakenly think that God never gives them anything bad/difficult. How do these passages challenge that assumption?

    3- God gives us hard things sometimes. How have you seen that to be true in your life recently?

    4- Lamentations 3:18 (NLT) says, “Everything I had hoped for from the Lord was lost.” Have you had this thought in the past few months? Why?

    READ Lamentations 3:19-21

    5- When you go through difficult times in your life, in what do you normally find hope?

    6- Gloom and doom has been the mantra of the day since COVID came. Jeremiah was dealing decades worth of sorrow and despair when he wrote this. Yet, verse 21 (NLT) says he still “dared to hope.” Have you purposely tried to be hopeful during the past few months? If so, how? If not, why?

    READ Lamentations 3:22-24 

    7- Despite all the bad things brought in Jeremiah’s life, he still can write verse 22. How do you think that’s possible?

    8- “Great is His faithfulness.” What do you think that means? After thinking about that in relation to questions 2 and 3, how does this passage of scripture impact your view of God? 

    9- Verse 24 answers our questions 5 & 6. What does it mean for the Lord to be your inheritance? How does that help you have hope?

    • If you need some extra help, check out Ephesians 1:11-14. Our inheritance is our salvation and the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of that salvation. So, our hope is in our salvation that comes only from God.

    Sunday, July 12, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 2 Wk.6

    This past week, due to vacation and illness, I had 2 people show up to my rGroup, and one of them was 20 minutes late. It got me thinking, 'What if no one shows up?' Are you guys prepared if it's just you and 1 or 2 others? 

    I put some thoughts together in this week's leader huddle about leading an (almost) empty room as well as an important announcement. 

    RE Series -wk. 2- REpurpose

    Icebreaker: In your opinion, what is a book, movie, or TV show that is so popular you think everyone knows about it? 

    Today we’re looking at one of the most popular Bible verses of all time. Even non-Christians have heard this one before!

    *Background Info: Jeremiah 29 is part of a letter written to the Israelite people from God after they had been conquered and taken as exiles to Babylon. It is written in response to false prophets who were telling the people that this exile would be easy and only last a few years*  

    READ Jeremiah 29:7-9 

    1- Who sent the Israelites into exile in verse 7? Something that was seen as bad, was actually brought on God’s people by God. How can this encourage you with the season of life you are currently in? 

    2- “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you…” How can you apply this command from God to the Israelite people to your life today? 

    3- “Pray to the Lord on its behalf…(v.7)”  Now, read 1 Timothy 2:1-2. Do you ever consider praying for the good of the city/state/country that you live in? Why or why not? What about the leaders of the city/state/country, how can we pray for them? 

    READ Jeremiah 29:10-11

    4- Now that you have read some of the context of Jeremiah 29:11, what are your thoughts on the meaning of this verse? 

    5- Looking at verse 7 after reading verse 10, we see that God sent the Israelites into exile for 70 years! Yet, 29:11 says that His plans are good, not evil, and will give them hope and a future. How do you reconcile these two truths in your faith? 

    6- Now, think about 2020 in light of these verses. How can seeing the good and the bad mixed together in the story of the Israelites apply to our lives in 2020? Does that application encourage you or discourage you? Why? 

    READ Jeremiah 29:12-13 and Matthew 7:7-8

    7- God promises that when we seek Him, we will find Him. How have you seen this to be true in your life in the past?

    8- As you think about the near future, what are some things that you are seeking God for and asking Him for? 

    • Leaders: writing these down and praying over them as a group might be a great way to end this rGroup session!

    Sunday, July 5, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 2 Wk. 5

    You’re either in the middle of a storm right now, or you are about to be in the middle of one. 

    It’s coming, and people are counting on us to be able to lead them well regardless of what’s going on in our personal lives. 

    So, how should a leader prepare for that reality? 

    RE Series- wk. 1- REmedy

    Icebreaker: What is a moment in your life that you would like to REvisit? What's one of you favorite memories?

    Let's revisit Isaiah 53. It's a very popular passage in Christianity, so let's take a deeper look.

    1- What are some expectations you had for 2020 that have not turned out like you had hoped?

    READ Isaiah 53:1

    2- Here, Isaiah is discouraged by the fact that no one in Israel has listened to his words from God. How have you dealt with unmet expectations in 2020? Why do you think you have responded in that way? 

    READ Isaiah 53:2-3

    3- Now, Isaiah turns toward the prophetic portion of this chapter. He is talking about Jesus. After hearing this, how do you think you would have reacted if you had been alive in the 1st century and seen Jesus as a human? Would you have expected great things from him? Why or why not?

    4-  Look again at verse 3. How did people in the 1st century treat Jesus? Knowing that he looked unimportant, but promised to be the Messiah, why do you think he was treated like that? 

    5- Have you ever thought of Jesus in a similar way as verse 3 because he didn't do something in the way you expected?

    READ Isaiah 53:4-6

    6- Put yourself in the shoes of Jesus' accusers. They were Jewish people who would have studied these verses, yet they did not connect Jesus' suffering with the sacrifice depicted here. What are some things in your life that might need you to look at again and change your perspective? 

    7- Re-read verse 5. In what ways might the sacrifice of Jesus heal you from the wounds of unmet expectations, disappointments, and hurts in this year?

    8- As you see a community, a country, and a world that is in need of healing in so many ways, how can you offer a remedy to their wounds this week? What habits can you try to instill in yourself now that will help others see the remedy for their wounds? 

    9- Verse 6 encourages us that even though we fail and falter, Christ took the punishment for us. How does that encourage you to attempt the things you decided on in the last question? 

    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Leader Huddle Season 2 Wk. 4 (2020)

    If I’m honest with you, I can get discouraged at times because I wonder if my group is even helpful or useful to the people in my group… What do you do when you feel like your group isn’t helpful or useful for the group members? Check out this leader huddle from John 4 to answer this question and get some encouragement!

    Our Imperfect Family- 4

    Icebreaker: What is one of your favorite childhood memories? 

    1- How do you normally deal with conflict in your relationships?

    2- How do you see the people that you are close to (family, spouse, friends, co-workers) deal with conflict?

    READ Acts 15:1-3

    3- Paul and Barnabas went straight to the source of their conflict. When you're "fighting" with someone in your life do you tend to deal with it immediately? Why or why not? 

    4- Look at verse 3 again. Who was it that initiated Paul and Barnabas facing their conflict head on? Why do you think that's important? 

    READ Acts 15:5

    5- Check out what type of Jews had become believers in Jesus in verse 5. Jesus was always at odds with the Pharisees, but now they are among the "believers." How can this realization help you when you are in  conflict with someone?

    READ Acts 15:12-13

    6- Verse 12 says that everyone listened quietly. What do you think it practically looks like to listen quietly? 

    7- How could listening quietly help you in your current relationship conflicts?

    8- In verse 13, James spoke up. He was the brother of Jesus and a leader of this church in Jerusalem. Paul and Barnabas went to the most wise and experienced people they could think of. Who are you getting advice from in the midst of your conflicts? Why? 

    READ Acts 15:15-19

    9- James' first response to conflict was to turn to Scripture, then he made his opinion known. How often do you turn to the Bible to help you in your conflict? 

    10- After reading through this story, in Acts what is your biggest takeaway for your relationships? 

    Sunday, June 21, 2020

    Leader Huddle - Father's Day edition

    My dad has led a ton of groups in the past. Hear a quick (less than 2 mins!) tip from him about how to lead your group well! 

    Our Imperfect Family- 3- Father's Day Conversation

    Icebreaker: What’s a funny story that involves your father or father figure? 

    READ 1 Kings 3:5-9

    1- God approached Solomon and told him to ask for anything He wanted. What do you think the significance is of the fact that God came to Solomon wanting to give good gifts, rather than Solomon approaching God asking for good gifts? 

    2- What did Solomon ask for? 

    READ Proverbs 3:5-6

    3- Solomon asked God for wisdom and God gave it. Then he wrote the book of Proverbs to his son about how to live wisely. What is the first command you see in Proverbs 3:5-6? Why do you think that is listed first?

    4- When Solomon says, “lean not…” he is referring to leaning on a crutch. How have you been guilty in the past of using your own understanding as a crutch? What are some situations in your life right now where you are tempted to lean on your own understanding?

    5- Thinking about your answer to the previous question, what are some practical steps you can take in the coming weeks to trust God’s ways and submit to them rather than leaning on your own ways and knowledge? (ex. study the book of Proverbs to better understand what some of God’s ways are)

    READ Proverbs 22:6

    6- Think about this verse in the context of Solomon telling his own son to do this and his son hearing this from his parent. How did the actions of your parents affect the way you viewed their advice?

    7- We all have children. Whether we literally have kids of our own, or have someone in our lives that we mentor in some way, we are all parents. How does this verse that Solomon wrote impact the way you think about your actions around your “kids.”

    8- What was the most helpful piece of advice you picked up from the sermon conversation on Sunday? Why was that the most helpful? 

    9- Pastor Wesley and Pastor Nathan both closed with the same encouraging words to all parents: There’s still time to right wrongs and there’s always enough grace for any kind of failure. How does this encourage you as you go about parenting your children or those people whom you regularly influence?