1. The Big Serve! Sign up NOW (seriously, right now) at www.thebigserve.net. There is a list of every ministry site, the day, the time, a description, and everything you need to know. Sign up as a group together, or ask individuals if they've signed up yet. Serving this city Hard is a crucial part of us Reaching This City!
2. Baptism! October 27th is the next REVO United Service. We'll have a baptism celebration at REVO North. Do you need to get baptized? Sign up online at www.discoverREVO.com
3. Coats4Kids started this week. Set a goal for your group. How many coats do you want to get? Bring them to the office or to REVO on Sunday to drop them off. With a few hundred coats, we can totally eradicate the problem of kids coming to school cold in 2 low-income schools that are strategic ministry partners of ours.
Questions for tonight!
Nehemiah 4:1-14
1. Why did Nehemiah face opposition? I thought as long as you did what God told you to do and followed him that you wouldn't face opposition or hardship? It may sound simple, but just verbalizing and agreeing in a group setting that Christians face opposition regardless of obedience level may be comforting and encouraging for someone in your group that is going through a hard time and doesn't know why!
2. What is some of the "fine print" of being a follower of Jesus? Have you ever faced opposition as a Christian? In what ways? What did you learn from it? How can you help others that may be going through it now?
3. What are the usual ways that we respond to opposition? (Angry, get argumentative, shut down, cower away, get discouraged, avoid talking about it, get defensive, etc). How did Nehemiah respond to the opposition? How can Nehemiah's response play out in your daily life?
4. In vs. 6, Nehemiah says that the people had a "mind" to work. What do you have a "mind" to do in life? What are you really trying to accomplish?
5. In many areas of our lives, we have to ask the question, "Is it worth it?" (Going in debt to get a college education, spending money on big ticket items, changing professions, the decision to have kids and start a family, etc.) What is the process that you go through to answer the question, "is it worth it?" How can we take that same process and answer the question, "Is is really worth it to follow Jesus?" How would you respond if someone asked you, "Is it worth it to follow Jesus?"
6. How can opposition be an ADVANTAGE to you, your family, and your church? (being ready and prepared for it). So how can you prepare for spiritual opposition in your life?