REMINDER: Next week is communion, so that means it's rGroup INVITE NIGHT! Throw a party, cook some good food, and most importantly INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! Invite Nights aren't just designed for the groups to throw a party for themselves. It's designed to be an easy, non-threatening on-ramp for people to come into your group and have a good time. Let's lower some barriers for people so that they'll be more likely to attend a worship experience or rGroup in the future when you follow up with them and give them the invitation.
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:13
Summary: Paul connects the title of Ambassador with one of the responsibilities of Christians. He also gives 2 strong statements for Christians: do not receive the grace of God in vain, and do not place any obstacles in anyone's way of meeting Jesus.
1. "Vain" is defined as "producing no results; useless." So Paul says don't take the grace and gift of God and do nothing with it! What are ways that people take the gift of God's grace in vain? What areas of our lives is the Gospel "producing no results"?
2. So how are you really an ambassador? Here is a list of what Ambassadors do. Take this list and explain how it relates to your Christian life and responsibilities as ambassadors of God's kingdom.
a. The Ambassador advances the mission of the king/president/leader. The Ambassador does what is best for the president and the home country, not what is the best for himself or for the country in which he lives and works.
b. The Ambassador is given all of the authority and power of the president. He is a direct representative of the home nation when the president is not there.
c. The Ambassador is a liaison that brings 2 nations or people groups together. When people have questions about policy, a decision, or something that was said, they approach the ambassador and he acts as a reconciler between the 2 parties.
3. Paul urges the Church not to put any obstacles in the way of people as they move forward in their Journey with God. What are some examples of obstacles that we put in the way? What would be the opposite of these obstacles (a.k.a., things we SHOULD be doing so that more people can hear about Jesus and becomes followers of His?)
4. What are some of the practical excuses that we offer up for not GOING? (no money, no time, inconvenient, too long, too hard). Those excuses turn into obstacles for other people hearing the Gospel message. How can we move past those excuses, find answers for them, and move forward together? Let's eliminate excuses that we have for not living up to the title of Ambassador!
5. Let's get a game plan together! As an organization, REVO provides opportunities twice a year to GO globally (Italy is in July, and Cuba is November 11-17 of this year). Now, read Acts 1:8. This is the last thing that Jesus tells his followers to do (a step in their journey) before he ascends into heaven. "You are to GO." Jesus ends with "to the end of the earth." We often refer to that as "going to the nations." However, Jesus starts with a different place: Jerusalem. That's the home base of the apostles.
So here is your homework. Formulate a strategy that starts on your doorstep (in your Jerusalem). What can you and your group do to Reach This City? How can you work together to GO in your own neighborhood?
Secondly, what is your strategy to GO globally? Whatever your excuse is, make a game plan to overcome it (e.g., put a monthly savings plan in place if money is an issue. Map out your vacation time at work to ensure you have time to take off when the opportunity to GO presents itself).
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
The Journey: SHARE
Text: Ephesians 4:17-32
Summary: Evangelism is talking about someone or something that you enjoy or love. For Christians, that person is Jesus. Paul gives us a 2 step approach to effective evangelism: the language and content that we share combined with our actions or conduct.
3 things to remember about Evangelism:
1. You can't be a follower of Jesus and not care about people that are far from Jesus. (Luke 19:10)
2. Evangelism is a command from Jesus to his followers. (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15, Luke 25:45-48, John 20:21, Romans 10:14-17)
3. People need Jesus and one of our main jobs as followers of Jesus is to get other people to Jesus (Romans 3:23, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21).
1. Why do we find it so difficult to share the good news about Jesus, yet so easy to evangelize about our favorite restaurant, brand names, stores, or company? We don't hesitate to tell people how incredible the newest tech gadget is, how great the food was, or how good our employer is to us. So why the hesitation with the Gospel?
2. Paul talks about taking off the old self and putting on the new self. The fact is, your life changes after you meet Jesus. How has your life changed? How has it gotten more fulfilling and satisfied with Jesus? (All of that is part of the story that you can tell to others!)
3. Paul lays out a simple list in Ephesians 4 that we can implement this week as we strive to make our actions match up with our words. Which ones are you good at? Which ones need improvement?
a. Don't lie, be a trustworthy person (25)
b. Don't let your emotions get out of control (26)
c. Work hard and be generous to others (28)
d. Encourage others, build other people up, don't talk bad about other behind their backs (29, 31)
e. When people deserve justice, give them grace. Look for ways to offer grace and forgiveness to those who least deserve it when they least expect it. (32)
Summary: Evangelism is talking about someone or something that you enjoy or love. For Christians, that person is Jesus. Paul gives us a 2 step approach to effective evangelism: the language and content that we share combined with our actions or conduct.
3 things to remember about Evangelism:
1. You can't be a follower of Jesus and not care about people that are far from Jesus. (Luke 19:10)
2. Evangelism is a command from Jesus to his followers. (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15, Luke 25:45-48, John 20:21, Romans 10:14-17)
3. People need Jesus and one of our main jobs as followers of Jesus is to get other people to Jesus (Romans 3:23, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21).
1. Why do we find it so difficult to share the good news about Jesus, yet so easy to evangelize about our favorite restaurant, brand names, stores, or company? We don't hesitate to tell people how incredible the newest tech gadget is, how great the food was, or how good our employer is to us. So why the hesitation with the Gospel?
2. Paul talks about taking off the old self and putting on the new self. The fact is, your life changes after you meet Jesus. How has your life changed? How has it gotten more fulfilling and satisfied with Jesus? (All of that is part of the story that you can tell to others!)
3. Paul lays out a simple list in Ephesians 4 that we can implement this week as we strive to make our actions match up with our words. Which ones are you good at? Which ones need improvement?
a. Don't lie, be a trustworthy person (25)
b. Don't let your emotions get out of control (26)
c. Work hard and be generous to others (28)
d. Encourage others, build other people up, don't talk bad about other behind their backs (29, 31)
e. When people deserve justice, give them grace. Look for ways to offer grace and forgiveness to those who least deserve it when they least expect it. (32)
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The Journey: FOLLOW
Text: Luke 9:23-25
Summary: Jesus asks the people that have taken the previous steps in their journey to take a step that is no doubt the most difficult and costly step so far. The step to FOLLOW is a hard step, a costly step, and a step that you have to take daily. Many people have stopped moving forward in their journey with Jesus over this bold command. However, the people in Scripture that decided to FOLLOW Jesus changed the world.
1. When you FOLLOW someone, what are you giving up? (Your preferences, control over your life, your opinions about what you should do and where you should go).
2. Why do you think so many people are reluctant to take the step to really FOLLOW Jesus with all of their life?
3. Jeremiah 29:13 talks about seeking God with ALL of your heart. In Mark 10:21-22, the rich young ruler walked away discouraged because there was an aspect of his life that was going to be hard to turn over to Jesus. Are there areas of your life that you find it difficult to FOLLOW Jesus? Are their areas of your life that are easy to FOLLOW Jesus?
4. Jesus starts out the challenge in Luke 9 helping people take the next step that have a "desire" to follow. Do you really have a desire to follow Jesus? It's hard, it's costly, it's daily, and could include you giving up the things that matter the most to you. Do you still have the desire? If so, then why? Why would you want to take a step that is so high in commitment?
5. In Luke 14:27-30, Jesus says that each person must first weigh the costs of following Jesus. Many people will claim to want to follow Jesus, but when they find out how much it costs they turn and walk away. So what are the costs of following Jesus? What is it going to cost you personally?
6. How can you follow "daily"? What are the things you need to do in order to ensure that following is a lifestyle and not just a one-time event?
Summary: Jesus asks the people that have taken the previous steps in their journey to take a step that is no doubt the most difficult and costly step so far. The step to FOLLOW is a hard step, a costly step, and a step that you have to take daily. Many people have stopped moving forward in their journey with Jesus over this bold command. However, the people in Scripture that decided to FOLLOW Jesus changed the world.
1. When you FOLLOW someone, what are you giving up? (Your preferences, control over your life, your opinions about what you should do and where you should go).
2. Why do you think so many people are reluctant to take the step to really FOLLOW Jesus with all of their life?
3. Jeremiah 29:13 talks about seeking God with ALL of your heart. In Mark 10:21-22, the rich young ruler walked away discouraged because there was an aspect of his life that was going to be hard to turn over to Jesus. Are there areas of your life that you find it difficult to FOLLOW Jesus? Are their areas of your life that are easy to FOLLOW Jesus?
4. Jesus starts out the challenge in Luke 9 helping people take the next step that have a "desire" to follow. Do you really have a desire to follow Jesus? It's hard, it's costly, it's daily, and could include you giving up the things that matter the most to you. Do you still have the desire? If so, then why? Why would you want to take a step that is so high in commitment?
5. In Luke 14:27-30, Jesus says that each person must first weigh the costs of following Jesus. Many people will claim to want to follow Jesus, but when they find out how much it costs they turn and walk away. So what are the costs of following Jesus? What is it going to cost you personally?
6. How can you follow "daily"? What are the things you need to do in order to ensure that following is a lifestyle and not just a one-time event?
Saturday, May 10, 2014
The Journey: GROW
Text: Luke 5:1-11
1. When kids grow up, they change. Their looks change, their attitude changes, and their maturity level changes. In fact, one of the most telling signs of growth is change. With that being said, how has your spiritual life change recently to show growth? What are some of the exciting milestones you've reached? Remember, if you're not changing then you're not growing. If you're not growing, then you're not taking the next steps in your journey.
2. There were 2 words highlighted in the text on Sunday: Master and Lord. What is the difference between the two? What are characteristics of people that treat Jesus as a Master? What are the characteristics of people that treat Jesus as Lord? What are the areas of your life that you need to grow in, to move from Master to Lord?
3. How do you grow? What has been the model for your successful growth areas in the past? What are the specific words associated with it? (sacrifice, increased prayer about the certain area, having a growth strategy for certain areas, acknowledging the areas that need growth, etc)
4. Take a moment and look up these passages about Peter and read them aloud.
a. Matthew 16:18- Jesus tells Peter he will be a strong leader in the early NT church.
b. Acts 2:37-41- Peter preaches one of the first sermons in the early church and 3,000 people get saved.
c. Acts 1:13- Peter is listed first in the list of disciples, noting his position of leadership over the group.
d. Acts 3:1-10- Peter makes the Lame walk
e. Acts 5:15-16- Peter makes the sick to be healed and casts our spirits
f. Acts 9:32-35- Peter makes a paralyzed man move again
g. Acts 9:36-43- Peter raises a man from the dead
h. Acts 10:1-11- Peter has a vision from God laying out that the Gospel message is not just for the Jews, but for Gentiles as well (that would include Americans!)
It's hard to believe that NONE of these amazing things would have been possible if Simon hadn't taken the step to grow into a relationship with Jesus. What is the significance about your next step? Why is it important? What's at stake? (Your family/career/finances/relationships/marriage/LIFE could be DRASTICALLY altered by your next step. What are you waiting on?!)
1. When kids grow up, they change. Their looks change, their attitude changes, and their maturity level changes. In fact, one of the most telling signs of growth is change. With that being said, how has your spiritual life change recently to show growth? What are some of the exciting milestones you've reached? Remember, if you're not changing then you're not growing. If you're not growing, then you're not taking the next steps in your journey.
2. There were 2 words highlighted in the text on Sunday: Master and Lord. What is the difference between the two? What are characteristics of people that treat Jesus as a Master? What are the characteristics of people that treat Jesus as Lord? What are the areas of your life that you need to grow in, to move from Master to Lord?
3. How do you grow? What has been the model for your successful growth areas in the past? What are the specific words associated with it? (sacrifice, increased prayer about the certain area, having a growth strategy for certain areas, acknowledging the areas that need growth, etc)
4. Take a moment and look up these passages about Peter and read them aloud.
a. Matthew 16:18- Jesus tells Peter he will be a strong leader in the early NT church.
b. Acts 2:37-41- Peter preaches one of the first sermons in the early church and 3,000 people get saved.
c. Acts 1:13- Peter is listed first in the list of disciples, noting his position of leadership over the group.
d. Acts 3:1-10- Peter makes the Lame walk
e. Acts 5:15-16- Peter makes the sick to be healed and casts our spirits
f. Acts 9:32-35- Peter makes a paralyzed man move again
g. Acts 9:36-43- Peter raises a man from the dead
h. Acts 10:1-11- Peter has a vision from God laying out that the Gospel message is not just for the Jews, but for Gentiles as well (that would include Americans!)
It's hard to believe that NONE of these amazing things would have been possible if Simon hadn't taken the step to grow into a relationship with Jesus. What is the significance about your next step? Why is it important? What's at stake? (Your family/career/finances/relationships/marriage/LIFE could be DRASTICALLY altered by your next step. What are you waiting on?!)
Saturday, May 3, 2014
The Journey: KNOW
Text: Philippians 3:1-16
Summary: After taking the first 2 steps in a journey with Jesus (1. Just Believe, and 2. Baptism), we have to fight the desire to stop moving. If you're not taking steps, then you're not following Jesus. Even a knowledgable, successful, influential Christian like the apostle Paul recognized the need for him to KNOW Jesus more and more as his journey continued.
GROUP LEADERS: Each week I want your group to simply verbalize and summarize the different steps in this process. I want to make sure everyone knows what their next step is in this journey. Also, offer some help for anyone in your group that wants to take the next step. Make yourself available to talk with them, answer questions, and help them know not only what the next step for their journey is, but how they can take it.
Steps in the Journey
1. Just Believe (The relationship begins with believing in Jesus as the Son of God, savior of the world).
2. Baptism (Going Public in this relationship with Jesus).
3. Know (Learning more about Jesus, what He has done for you, and how he has called us to live).
1. In vs 4-6, Paul describes his pedigree as a religious person. Sometimes what we have already accomplished in our past gives us a lack of urgency about taking the next steps. What are the "accomplishments" or steps that you have achieved in the past in your journey? If someone were to ask you what your journey with Jesus is all about, what steps would you tell them?
2. In vs. 10-11, Paul says that even he wants to KNOW Jesus Christ more. If Paul admits that he doesn't KNOW enough about Jesus to be satisfied, what does that say about you and me?
3. What is stopping you from taking the next steps in your journey with Jesus? Paul mentioned some possible barriers in vs 13-14.
a. Forgetting what is behind: Are you so stuck on your past experiences that they are keeping you from Moving Forward? Do you find yourself satisfied with what you've done so far, so much so that it takes the urgency away from what's next?
b. Straining towards what is ahead: Are you actually putting any effort into Moving Forward on the Journey. You'll never "accidentally" get closer to Jesus. You'll never fall into the next step of the journey. It takes effort on your part to Move Forward. So what you are doing now to strain and strive towards the next steps?
c. Pressing on towards the goal: Have you stopped in the middle of the race? Have you said some things, done some things, and accomplished some things spiritually that are tempting you to take a break or put your spiritual life on hold? Don't forget what the final goal is! It's not just a few steps early on in life. It's about finishing what you started and continuing to run this journey in life.
4. Why is it important to KNOW? What results will it produce? (Knowing Jesus will determine how you talk to him, how you respond to him in worship, how generous you are to his mission, how you treat others, and what you do with your life. The more you KNOW Jesus, the more your life continues to change for him.)
Challenge: Did everyone in your group download the Bible app? If so, why don't you pick a 7-day devotional guide to read together this week. Exchange emails and text messages with insights that you've learned together. Get in the habit of studying the Word daily and beginning to KNOW Jesus more individually and in a group setting together each week.
Summary: After taking the first 2 steps in a journey with Jesus (1. Just Believe, and 2. Baptism), we have to fight the desire to stop moving. If you're not taking steps, then you're not following Jesus. Even a knowledgable, successful, influential Christian like the apostle Paul recognized the need for him to KNOW Jesus more and more as his journey continued.
GROUP LEADERS: Each week I want your group to simply verbalize and summarize the different steps in this process. I want to make sure everyone knows what their next step is in this journey. Also, offer some help for anyone in your group that wants to take the next step. Make yourself available to talk with them, answer questions, and help them know not only what the next step for their journey is, but how they can take it.
Steps in the Journey
1. Just Believe (The relationship begins with believing in Jesus as the Son of God, savior of the world).
2. Baptism (Going Public in this relationship with Jesus).
3. Know (Learning more about Jesus, what He has done for you, and how he has called us to live).
1. In vs 4-6, Paul describes his pedigree as a religious person. Sometimes what we have already accomplished in our past gives us a lack of urgency about taking the next steps. What are the "accomplishments" or steps that you have achieved in the past in your journey? If someone were to ask you what your journey with Jesus is all about, what steps would you tell them?
2. In vs. 10-11, Paul says that even he wants to KNOW Jesus Christ more. If Paul admits that he doesn't KNOW enough about Jesus to be satisfied, what does that say about you and me?
3. What is stopping you from taking the next steps in your journey with Jesus? Paul mentioned some possible barriers in vs 13-14.
a. Forgetting what is behind: Are you so stuck on your past experiences that they are keeping you from Moving Forward? Do you find yourself satisfied with what you've done so far, so much so that it takes the urgency away from what's next?
b. Straining towards what is ahead: Are you actually putting any effort into Moving Forward on the Journey. You'll never "accidentally" get closer to Jesus. You'll never fall into the next step of the journey. It takes effort on your part to Move Forward. So what you are doing now to strain and strive towards the next steps?
c. Pressing on towards the goal: Have you stopped in the middle of the race? Have you said some things, done some things, and accomplished some things spiritually that are tempting you to take a break or put your spiritual life on hold? Don't forget what the final goal is! It's not just a few steps early on in life. It's about finishing what you started and continuing to run this journey in life.
4. Why is it important to KNOW? What results will it produce? (Knowing Jesus will determine how you talk to him, how you respond to him in worship, how generous you are to his mission, how you treat others, and what you do with your life. The more you KNOW Jesus, the more your life continues to change for him.)
Challenge: Did everyone in your group download the Bible app? If so, why don't you pick a 7-day devotional guide to read together this week. Exchange emails and text messages with insights that you've learned together. Get in the habit of studying the Word daily and beginning to KNOW Jesus more individually and in a group setting together each week.
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