Philippians 3:1–14
5 Habits of Happiness
Read vs. 1–6
1. Embrace Grace
Just think about those two words for a moment, and then explain the powerful affect they have on your life and happiness.
Why does God want you to embrace grace instead of your performance?
In 3:4–6, Paul explains what it means to "put confidence in the flesh." According to those verses, what sorts of things could have made Paul feel worthy of God's approval? What sorts of things in your life are you tempted to put confidence in?
2. Remember What Matters Most
Read vs. 7–8
What are some of the things that culture (and your sinful flesh) tell you matters most, and that you've fallen for?
Paul was so happy, despite being in jail, being tortured and beaten, being alone, having the worst luck, having no friends and countless enemies. How can you possibly be happy in that?
3. Know Jesus More
Read vs. 10–11
How do you think your life would be different if knowing Jesus was your primary goal?
What is one thing that you can do to help you know Christ more deeply?
What priorities to do you need to rearrange in order to know Jesus more every single day?
4. Evaluate Your Life
Read vs. 12–13
What are some literal ways/methods that you can accurately evaluate your spiritual life?
Pride keeps us from continuing to follow Jesus throughout our life. Look back at the last 3 habits of happiness, and then share how pride will keep you from them.
5. Forget and Focus
Read vs. 13–14
What kind of regrets (things you've done or things that have been done to you) are holding you back from focusing on what God has for you today?
Why is it so important to be laser focused on the step that God has for you to take?
Is anything more important than listening to God and doing what He says?
Live It Out
God cares about the transformation happening within us. Make a list of situations, events, or choices over the past six months that show God is transforming you from the inside out. Thank God for working in and through you.
Think through what yo've lost as a result of following Christ. Then write down all the things you've gained by following Him. Praise God for the ways He is blessing you.
Pray that you may know peace and happiness and be able to speak the words of Paul: "I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ."
Repent of the idea that you've "arrived" spiritually. Ask God to show you the areas in which you need to grow. Then form a plan for opening that area of your life to God this week.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Sunday, May 21, 2017
I Just Want To Be Happy: Happiness in Disguise
Announcement: Summer Break
Thanks for being so faithful as a disciple and leader to others in our church. The scripture we cover this week reminds me that you are described as a Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus – consistently serving God and genuinely caring about others.
As summer approaches, we (church leadership) would like to offer you to take a break from your regular weekly rGroup meetings. Attendance can be very inconsistent during the summer, and we would like to offer you some valuable time to be re-energized as a leader.
This is not mandatory. You are welcome to continue your regular schedule throughout the summer if you wish. In fact, you may grow in numbers if you continue since other groups may not be available for others.
If you do decide to take a summer break, I highly encourage you to do 2 or 3 social activities as a community in order to stay in touch and use the time to build relationships. Don't limit these to only a few people in the group, but make sure everyone in your rGroup is invited.
The summer break will be consistent with the Forsyth County Schools summer break – beginning the week of June 11, and starting up again on the week of August 27.
If you have any questions, please email me at Thanks!
Here are some quotes you may have heard before:
"Teamwork makes the dream work."
"Teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have five acting as one. You become selfless." - Coach K (Duke Basketball)
"If selfishness is the key to being miserable, then selflessness must be the key to being happy." - Joyce Meyer
"I think a role model is a mentor – someone you see on a daily basis, and you learn from them." - Denzel Washington
Why are these statements so true?
In the New Testament, there is a constant emphasis on imitating other Godly Christians (1 Cor. 11:1; Titus 2:2–4). In Philippians 2:19–30, we are instructed to emulate those who are interested in the well-being of others, and those who have proved themselves faithful through hardship.
Read Philippians 2:19–30
Bible Discussion:
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:1 "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." Do you have a model or mentor in the Christian life that is showing you what it looks like to follow Christ in everyday life?
Who in your life has been there for you through thick and thin – like Timothy was there for Paul?
Who have you been able to mentor and invest in like Paul did with Timothy?
Who has invested in you? How does that affect how you see your responsibility as a follower of Jesus?
Paul is pretty blunt (throws some shade) in verse 21. What does Paul mean in verse 21, and why is this so unfortunately true?
Timothy is concerned with the well-being of the Philippians (2:19–24). What are ways in which you show concern for others in the church?
Who has been a co-worker to you in ministry? How have you served together?
What qualities make Epaphroditus so special to Paul?
Epaphroditus is characterized by deep empathy and compassion (2:25–30). What does it mean to have empathy and compassion? How do these characteristics build up community?
Move Forward:
If you depend on your own strength to grow and transform, confess this to God. Ask him to show you the right balance between opening yourself to his work and depending on him to do the work.
Thank God for the people who have invested in you over the years. Ask God to show you who you can invest in.
Keep a journal of blessings and things you're grateful for. At the end of each day, thank God for working in your life to allow these blessings. Give God the credit.
Thanks for being so faithful as a disciple and leader to others in our church. The scripture we cover this week reminds me that you are described as a Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus – consistently serving God and genuinely caring about others.
As summer approaches, we (church leadership) would like to offer you to take a break from your regular weekly rGroup meetings. Attendance can be very inconsistent during the summer, and we would like to offer you some valuable time to be re-energized as a leader.
This is not mandatory. You are welcome to continue your regular schedule throughout the summer if you wish. In fact, you may grow in numbers if you continue since other groups may not be available for others.
If you do decide to take a summer break, I highly encourage you to do 2 or 3 social activities as a community in order to stay in touch and use the time to build relationships. Don't limit these to only a few people in the group, but make sure everyone in your rGroup is invited.
The summer break will be consistent with the Forsyth County Schools summer break – beginning the week of June 11, and starting up again on the week of August 27.
If you have any questions, please email me at Thanks!
Here are some quotes you may have heard before:
"Teamwork makes the dream work."
"Teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have five acting as one. You become selfless." - Coach K (Duke Basketball)
"If selfishness is the key to being miserable, then selflessness must be the key to being happy." - Joyce Meyer
"I think a role model is a mentor – someone you see on a daily basis, and you learn from them." - Denzel Washington
Why are these statements so true?
In the New Testament, there is a constant emphasis on imitating other Godly Christians (1 Cor. 11:1; Titus 2:2–4). In Philippians 2:19–30, we are instructed to emulate those who are interested in the well-being of others, and those who have proved themselves faithful through hardship.
Read Philippians 2:19–30
Bible Discussion:
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:1 "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." Do you have a model or mentor in the Christian life that is showing you what it looks like to follow Christ in everyday life?
Who in your life has been there for you through thick and thin – like Timothy was there for Paul?
Who have you been able to mentor and invest in like Paul did with Timothy?
Who has invested in you? How does that affect how you see your responsibility as a follower of Jesus?
Paul is pretty blunt (throws some shade) in verse 21. What does Paul mean in verse 21, and why is this so unfortunately true?
Timothy is concerned with the well-being of the Philippians (2:19–24). What are ways in which you show concern for others in the church?
Who has been a co-worker to you in ministry? How have you served together?
What qualities make Epaphroditus so special to Paul?
Epaphroditus is characterized by deep empathy and compassion (2:25–30). What does it mean to have empathy and compassion? How do these characteristics build up community?
Move Forward:
If you depend on your own strength to grow and transform, confess this to God. Ask him to show you the right balance between opening yourself to his work and depending on him to do the work.
Thank God for the people who have invested in you over the years. Ask God to show you who you can invest in.
Keep a journal of blessings and things you're grateful for. At the end of each day, thank God for working in your life to allow these blessings. Give God the credit.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
I Just Want To Be Happy: Mother's Day
Opening Question: Who are the most fulfilled and happy people that you know? Are these people usually selfish or not?
Read Philippians 2:12–18
Vs 12 - In what specific ways have you "worked out" your salvation with the body (church) of Christ?
How do you respond to the word "obedience"? Do you take obedience seriously?
Read 1 Samuel 15:22. Why do you think God values our obedience over worship and sacrifice?
Vs 13 - How have you sensed God working in you?
In what ways has God increased your desire and obedience?
In what practical ways have you grown spiritually in the last six months? What step of obedience have you taken recently?
Vs 14 - Why is it so hard to "do all things without complaining"?
How have you violated this command this week? Have you confessed your sin of whining to God and the person you shared with?
Vs 15 - Paul tells Christians to "live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people." What can you do to ensure that your light shines bright to the world around you?
Vs 16 - As Christians, we are to learn and live God's Word. In what way has the world noticed your godly behavior (light)? How has this served as a witness? How can you improve?
Vs 17–18 - How do I sacrifice myself for my local church? How/why did you begin serving in the church? What brought you to that decision?
What has God taught you through your service?
How has serving in ministry brought others to joy? How has your service brought you joy?
What would you say to others who are contemplating whether or not to serve?
Read Philippians 2:12–18
Vs 12 - In what specific ways have you "worked out" your salvation with the body (church) of Christ?
How do you respond to the word "obedience"? Do you take obedience seriously?
Read 1 Samuel 15:22. Why do you think God values our obedience over worship and sacrifice?
Vs 13 - How have you sensed God working in you?
In what ways has God increased your desire and obedience?
In what practical ways have you grown spiritually in the last six months? What step of obedience have you taken recently?
Vs 14 - Why is it so hard to "do all things without complaining"?
How have you violated this command this week? Have you confessed your sin of whining to God and the person you shared with?
Vs 15 - Paul tells Christians to "live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people." What can you do to ensure that your light shines bright to the world around you?
Vs 16 - As Christians, we are to learn and live God's Word. In what way has the world noticed your godly behavior (light)? How has this served as a witness? How can you improve?
Vs 17–18 - How do I sacrifice myself for my local church? How/why did you begin serving in the church? What brought you to that decision?
What has God taught you through your service?
How has serving in ministry brought others to joy? How has your service brought you joy?
What would you say to others who are contemplating whether or not to serve?
Sunday, May 7, 2017
I Just Want to be Happy: Key to Happiness in Conflict (Humility)
Read Philippians 2:1–11.
Also read Matthew 20:26-27 and Matthew 23:12.
It seems these days that the word "great" is used for everything. Because the word is used so loosely, it is important to know what Jesus had to say about being "great". We're going to discuss the path to greatness (happiness), and it just might surprise you.
Why is it so easy to talk about our strengths and successes but hard to talk about our weaknesses and failures?
In Philippians 2:1-2, list all the words that describe the results of being "in Christ". What do you think it means to be "like-minded?" With your husband? With the men/women in your group? With your church?
Pride is the root of most conflict and frustration. Humility is the root of most peace and happiness.
In Philippians 2:3-4, Paul challenges us to "consider others better than yourselves". From your every day life, what are some ways you could put this into practice? Get specific.
How did Jesus exemplify the teachings of Philippians 2:4? (Answer is in vs 6-8.)
What is the reason Paul gives for humbling ourselves and seeing others as above us? (Because that's what Jesus did for you... See vs 5)
In Philippians 2:5-8, make a list of all the words and phrases that paint a picture of Jesus' humility.
What are some other passages or stories that demonstrate the humility of Jesus?
How can we have the mindset of Christ?
Who do you know that is a good example of humility? How is that evidenced in their life?
Read Philippians 2:5-11. What in this passage helps us see that Jesus was both fully God and fully man?
What would it look like for you to demonstrate your family?
...on the job? your most difficult relationship?
Live It Out:
Identify someone who has humbled themselves to serve you. Reach out to them this week and thank them for serving you.
Identify a person in your life you could serve. Find a way to unselfishly serve that person this week. Come prepared next week to share what you did.
Pray about ways you can show more humility in your day-to-day routine. Ask God to show you any areas where there needs to be more humility.
Also read Matthew 20:26-27 and Matthew 23:12.
It seems these days that the word "great" is used for everything. Because the word is used so loosely, it is important to know what Jesus had to say about being "great". We're going to discuss the path to greatness (happiness), and it just might surprise you.
Why is it so easy to talk about our strengths and successes but hard to talk about our weaknesses and failures?
In Philippians 2:1-2, list all the words that describe the results of being "in Christ". What do you think it means to be "like-minded?" With your husband? With the men/women in your group? With your church?
Pride is the root of most conflict and frustration. Humility is the root of most peace and happiness.
In Philippians 2:3-4, Paul challenges us to "consider others better than yourselves". From your every day life, what are some ways you could put this into practice? Get specific.
How did Jesus exemplify the teachings of Philippians 2:4? (Answer is in vs 6-8.)
What is the reason Paul gives for humbling ourselves and seeing others as above us? (Because that's what Jesus did for you... See vs 5)
In Philippians 2:5-8, make a list of all the words and phrases that paint a picture of Jesus' humility.
What are some other passages or stories that demonstrate the humility of Jesus?
How can we have the mindset of Christ?
Who do you know that is a good example of humility? How is that evidenced in their life?
Read Philippians 2:5-11. What in this passage helps us see that Jesus was both fully God and fully man?
What would it look like for you to demonstrate your family?
...on the job? your most difficult relationship?
Live It Out:
Identify someone who has humbled themselves to serve you. Reach out to them this week and thank them for serving you.
Identify a person in your life you could serve. Find a way to unselfishly serve that person this week. Come prepared next week to share what you did.
Pray about ways you can show more humility in your day-to-day routine. Ask God to show you any areas where there needs to be more humility.
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