1 John 5:1–5
Scripture Discussion & Application
1 John 5:1–2
John says if we love God and believe in Him, then we will love others. Our belief should dictate our behavior. How have you seen your love for God enable you to begin to love those who are 'hard' to love?
In light of that view and God's calling, how will your actions toward people change?
1 John 5:2
Loving God's children is a way to love God and obey Him. Here are some Biblical examples of how to love others. Which ones are easy for you? Which ones are hard?
1. Put them first. (Phil. 2:3)
2. Seek their good. (1 Thess. 5:15)
3. Ask for their forgiveness / forgive them. (Col. 3:13)
4. Listen to them. (James 1:19)
5. Include them. (1 Peter 4:9)
6. Be generous to them. (2 Cor. 9:11)
7. Sacrifice for them. (Jn. 15:13)
8. Encourage them with the gospel. (1 Thess. 5:11)
9. Pray for them. (James 5:16)
1 John 5:3
God has rules and tells us to do things/not do things, but His rules aren't meant to be a hassle for us to follow and obey. Why is it that we see God's commandments as burdensome instead of helpful?
What was it like when you obeyed God in spite of what you wanted and saw it turn out to be for the best?
1 John 5:4–5
If faith is what ensures our victory over the world, what can you do to "feed your faith"?
When/how/where is your faith the strongest?
Where in your day-to-day life do you feel defeated by the world? How can the application of faith help you overcome your battle(s)?
How do you see the connection between faith, love and obedience?
Next Steps
Love God and others. Pick a few of the ways to love others (discussed above) and commit to love others this week by doing those things. Which ones will you do?
Obey God. Identify the area(s) in your life where you know you're disobeying God. Confess your sins to God, turn back towards Him, and ask Him and others to help you obey what He's called you to do. What's one way you will obey this week?
Feed your faith. Choose one of the following ways to feed your faith:
- Gratitude by looking back at all God has done
- Taking another step of faith to keep moving forward
- Give it all to God and depend on Him completely
Which one(s) do you choose to build your faith?
How To Pray This Week
Pray that your group will understand the connection between our faith, love and obedience to God. Ask God to shine a light on areas in which we need to grow towards Him more, and that we will be obedient to what He's called us to do.
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Sunday, November 25th
Use this week as a chance to serve together, host a party and invite new people, or hang out together outside of your usual meeting place. As we church people say, "do life" together.
Christmas Eve Eve Service
Sunday, December 23rd at 5pm at both campuses.
There is no rWorld for the evening service.
(Sunday morning services are still happening that day as well. Normal schedule for those.)
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Flip the Switch: Here's What Love Does
1 John 4:7–21
→ Scripture Discussion
What are some ways the world defines love?
Read 1 John 4:7–10
How does the Bible define it?
(See 1 John 4:9–10 and John 15:13.)
God showed His love for us by sending His Son to be the sacrifice for our sins. What insight does this give us into how God expects us to show love to others?
What happens to our efforts to love each other if those efforts aren't connected to Jesus' love for us?
How willing are you to make loving sacrifices in your relationships with others right now?
What does your willingness to sacrifice for others show about the way you see and define love?
What is the difference between claiming that "God is loving," and that "God is love"? Why is the second more meaningful than the first?
How does God's love for us transform the way we see other people?
When we fail to love others, what does it reveal about our own relationship with God?
Why is it important that we find the definition of love in the cross rather than somewhere else?
What is the danger of defining God's love based on your circumstances rather than the cross?
Is there any situation in your life right now that is causing you to question the love of God? Based on these verses, how would you counter those doubts?
Read 1 John 4:11–21
Does verse 12 indicate that God's love is somehow imperfect or incomplete? Why or why not?
What does it mean that God's love is made complete or perfected when we love one another?
(As we love one another, that love of God becomes visible to those around us through the tangible and sacrificial expressions of love. This is how the love of God is made complete and becomes visible – when we love each other.)
When we love the way God loves, two things happen according to verses 17–21. What are they?
→ Personal Application
When do you find it hard to love?
Who do you find hard to love?
How can we overcome the challenge to love?
→ Next Steps
Love sends. What opportunities do you have to go out of your way for someone this week?
Love sacrifices. How will you give your very best in order to demonstrate the love of God to someone this week?
Love stays. Who needs you to remain with them this week?
→ How To Pray This Week
Pray and thank God that He deals with us in love. Thank Him for defining love through Jesus, and pray that we would love each other in the same practical and tangible ways He has loved us.
→ Happenings
Communion - Sunday, November 25th
Use this week as a chance to serve together, host a party and invite new people, or hang out together outside of your usual meeting place. As we church people say, "do life" together.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Flip the Switch: Three Big Questions
1 John 3:18–24
Scripture Discussion
1. What if you could know you're saved? (vs. 18–19)
How is God's true love seen to be real in a believer?
What are some differences between 'acting' and 'actions' when it comes to our faith?
What is one way in which you've noticed your actions demonstrate your faith?
What has caused you to question whether or not you're really saved?
- Do you bring your questions to God to answer, or do you try to find them on your own?
2. Why do we feel guilty? (v. 20)
How can guilt keep us away from a deep relationship with God?
But how has conviction pushed you toward a deeper relationship with God?
Why is your conscience not the same thing as the Holy Spirit?
The heart of man has always been a problem. When should we listen to it and when should we stop listening?
3. What's the deal with prayer? (vs. 21–22)
Why would our obedience to God's commands affect our confidence in prayer?
Why don't we get what we prayed for?
How can you get to a point where you know what pleases God and pray for that?
vs. 23–24
Believe in Jesus. Obey God. Love others. How has Jesus changed your life and caused you to obey God and love others?
Next Steps
How can you put God's love that is in you into action this week?
What will you do about the Holy Spirit's conviction in your life?
What is one or two things you will pray for this week because you know it pleases God?
(rGroup Leaders, use this week's discussion to get those who are on the fringes with their faith to talk with you about where they're at, what's holding them back, and what they'd like to do about it.)
How To Pray This Week
Pray for the group to experience a greater level of reassurance in their relationship with God through faith in Christ, and that God would cast away any fear or doubt.
Communion - Sunday, November 25th
Use this week as a chance to serve together, host a party and invite new people, or hang out together outside of your usual meeting place. As we church people say, "do life" together.
Scripture Discussion
1. What if you could know you're saved? (vs. 18–19)
How is God's true love seen to be real in a believer?
What are some differences between 'acting' and 'actions' when it comes to our faith?
What is one way in which you've noticed your actions demonstrate your faith?
What has caused you to question whether or not you're really saved?
- Do you bring your questions to God to answer, or do you try to find them on your own?
2. Why do we feel guilty? (v. 20)
How can guilt keep us away from a deep relationship with God?
But how has conviction pushed you toward a deeper relationship with God?
Why is your conscience not the same thing as the Holy Spirit?
The heart of man has always been a problem. When should we listen to it and when should we stop listening?
3. What's the deal with prayer? (vs. 21–22)
Why would our obedience to God's commands affect our confidence in prayer?
Why don't we get what we prayed for?
How can you get to a point where you know what pleases God and pray for that?
vs. 23–24
Believe in Jesus. Obey God. Love others. How has Jesus changed your life and caused you to obey God and love others?
Next Steps
How can you put God's love that is in you into action this week?
What will you do about the Holy Spirit's conviction in your life?
What is one or two things you will pray for this week because you know it pleases God?
(rGroup Leaders, use this week's discussion to get those who are on the fringes with their faith to talk with you about where they're at, what's holding them back, and what they'd like to do about it.)
How To Pray This Week
Pray for the group to experience a greater level of reassurance in their relationship with God through faith in Christ, and that God would cast away any fear or doubt.
Communion - Sunday, November 25th
Use this week as a chance to serve together, host a party and invite new people, or hang out together outside of your usual meeting place. As we church people say, "do life" together.
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