Acts 7
Acts 7:55- Verse to Memorize
-Could someone describe you as "stiff-necked and uncircumcised?" Stiff neck would be your own pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness keeps you from truly bowing to God and His will. Uncircumcised in heart and ears means that you may have all the outward appearances and words to say to make people think you're a follower of Jesus, but what about your heart? Are you living a life for Him, or simply giving him lip service?
-When you die, do you think Jesus would stand and welcome you into the kingdom? Has your life been that impactful? Have you shown that much respect and honor to the name of Jesus through your words, attitudes, and actions? What can you do now to start that legacy. What are ways that you know you need to get better? Make a game plan, be accountable to one another, and help each other get to where you need to be as followers of Jesus.
3 Challenges from this Text:
1. Stephen's death obviously had an impact on Saul (later known as Paul). Do you view your suffering and life in Christ as a stepping stone for someone else coming to know Him? Can a perspective like that change the way you view your own hardships and sacrifices in relation to the Gospel? Do you see how petty your comfort level and reputation can be when you realize what all is at stake?
2. Are you challenged by Stephen's grasp on the OT? Many people are afraid when they talk about Jesus because they may be asked a question that they don't know the answer to. Stephen refused to use that as an excuse. He dedicated himself to the Word and at his most desperate moment was able to out talk even the most religiously educated people. Do you know how dangerous you could be if you had the same love and devotion to the word? Now would be a good time to discuss the verses we are memorizing together. It's a great way to tell the story of the book of Acts, just like Stephen does with the Pentateuch and some of the Gospels.
3. Are you willing to live for Christ? What does that mean? Which would be easier, to live or to die for Jesus? You don't have to wait until a gun is at your head or you're on trial in defense of your own life. Live for Jesus now. Even with his last words, Stephen was acting like Jesus. Can others say that about you?
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