Video question-It
is interesting that in the age of mega churches and attractional ministry that
sometimes hides from the Bible and bold truth we look back at Jesus ministry
and realize that He didn’t need to read a book on cultural relevance to have a
booming ministry. He taught the Word! What implication does this have on the
way we should do ministry and engage our friends with the Gospel?
-In that same vein of thinking what do you think the source
of Jesus ministry success and popularity was? God’s power and the Word. The same two things we need for successful
ministry today…God’s power in the Church and proclamation of and submission to
the Word.
Read Mark 2:1-10
-The paralytic had some pretty legit friends. When was the
last time you were relentless in your effort to get someone to Jesus?
-Considering Jesus isn’t on earth tangibly teaching in
people’s homes, what might it look like for you to relentlessly pursue getting
someone to Jesus?
-It was inconvenient for the paralytic’s friends to get him
to Jesus. Do you care enough about people to be inconvenienced for the sake of
their salvation and God’s glory? The
answer to this question may very well be discouraging and reveal your sin.
Praise God for the opportunity to repent and begin asking God to change your
heart that it may no longer beat for trivial things.
-Jesus perceived the four men’s actions as a display of
their faith in His ability to heal their friend. They never had to verbally
assert their faith because their actions had already made that proclamation for
them. How does this shape your thinking about faith? Is faith something that
you simply claim to have verbally or is it something you display through your
actions? What are some practical ways we show or fail to show faith in Jesus?
-Why did Jesus say “Son, your sins are forgiven?” instead of
just saying, “Get up and walk?” Jesus'
healing heals the whole person! Jesus is acknowledging the Hebrew understanding
that death and disease are the effects of sin and healing is predicated on
God’s forgiveness. So Jesus is here dealing with both the cause and effect of
this man’s problem.
-As humans we put a lot of stock in tangibles. We want to
see the physical healings, the water into wine stuff…but Jesus focuses first
and most importantly on healing this man’s heart issue. As hard a question as
this may be…are you satisfied with what Jesus has already done for you on the
cross to provide you access to the Father or do you find yourself expecting,
wishing, and hoping that He will do something more…tangible?
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