We're rolling with scaled back blog content this week because I want to give each group an opportunity to get personal and deal with the important message Jesus sends us in Mark chapter 3.
As the rGroup leader prepare for this session by getting your notes out from the October 7th sermon and re-familiarize yourself with the content.
You may even want to let your group listen to a bit of the sermon together to reconnect with it. If you choose to do this start listening about 13 minutes in. You can find the sermon here: http://discoverrevo.com/sermons/sermon/2012-10-07/jesus-is---crazy
Remember that if people eliminate the excuses for why they can't be used by God we'll see crazy things start to happen in our church. God intentionally used some losers in Scripture so that we might be encouraged by knowing that He can and will use us if we make ourselves available to Him. Start your group time by sharing that thought.
Read Mark 3:13-21
Conversation Questions:
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself (i.e. what excuses have you been giving God)?
-What are you going to do about it?
On the flip side:
-How many of you know the dude that doesn't have any excuses for why God shouldn't him? (this guy thinks he is God's gift to the world)
-Do you think God is going to use the humble guy who realizes he is unworthy and ill-equipped or the guy who thinks he is a super start?
-Do you struggle with pride in thinking that God should use you instead of others?
Because this gets a bit personal make sure that you lead in vulnerability so that others feel comfortable sharing.
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