Monday, April 8, 2013

Expletive: Resurrection

John 20:19-21

Read 1 Corinthians 15:12-20

-Verse 17 says that if Christ wasn't raised then we're still in our sins. Why did Jesus have to rise in order for us to be free from sin; was His death not sufficient to provide that freedom?
         *Jesus' death provides atonement for sin, absorbing the punishment for it. That doesn't have any implications for our current sin struggles (meaning that Jesus' death on the cross doesn't help us overcome sin it just ensures we won't be punished for it). We need a Savior who beat sin so that He can give us that victory as well. If Jesus did not rise He was in fact beaten by sin and can offer us no victory over our sin.

-Verse 14 says that if Christ is not raised then our faith is in vain. How so?
        *If Jesus isn't alive then He is a lair (Jesus told His disciples that He would die and rise again) and we've misplaced our faith and trusted someone who failed us.

-According to verse 18, if Jesus didn't rise from the dead then every Christian that dies, truly dies and is not raised to life in heaven.
         *The entire Gospel hinges on the reality of Jesus resurrection. It is the evidence that proves that the plan worked! If there is no resurrection every promise of the Gospel breaks down including the promise of of eternal life with Christ in heaven.

-What does verse 19 mean?

Let's get practical:

-What did this text teach you about God?

-What did this text teach you about yourself?

-What are you going to do about it?


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