Monday, July 8, 2013

Religious Lies: Give Me A Sign

Mark 8:11-21

1.  Why didn't Jesus give them a sign?  It would have been an easy fix, right?  It would have shut them up and finally helped them to be authentic followers, right?  What's wrong with asking for a sign?

2.  Jesus compares the traditionalism, doubt, and skepticism of the religious people to yeast in dough.  How do those things work in our lives?  What are the results?

3.  Here are the 5 questions that Jesus asked.  Let's put them in our context and answer them.
a. Why are you talking about having no bread?  (Why do we always sweat the small stuff?  Why do the unimportant things always worry us and consume us?  How can we stop doing that and focus on what matters?)
b.  Do you still not see or understand? (How many times have we heard a sermon on love, forgiveness, evangelism, discipleship, faith, etc, and it seems to never stick?  What causes that?  Why are so quick to forget the basics, which in turn causes our lives to seem like chaos sometimes?)
c. Are your hearts hardened? (Do you ever read the Bible or hear and sermon and automatically think of 5 different people that need to hear it?  How can you create a habit in your life of wrestling with texts/sermons/Bible reading?  Maybe you can take notes during the message and then revisit them during the week.  Maybe you can focus on ways that this text applies to your life/situation/job/relationships right now.)
d. Do you have eye but fail to see and ears but fail to hear? (Are you so desperate for the big things that you miss the little ways that God is daily moving in your life and around you?  Do you have a plan for your life/prayers that you want God to follow?  If he answered those prayers in some other way, would you even notice?)
e. Don't you remember? (Do you ever take time to think about what God has done for you in the past?  How he has provided, sustained, spoken to you, helped you?

4.  How do you identify the ways that God is moving in your life every day?  How can you move from "wanting more signs" to "acknowledging what God has done and worshipping Him for those?"


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