Monday, November 18, 2013

Reach This City: A Holy Marathon

Nehemiah 10:1-39


On the heels of an incredible worship experience (Nehemiah chapters 8 & 9) God's people decide not to let the passion that welled up in them fade. They covenant with God and with one another to do four things: keep God's law, lead their families according God's Word, press into God's presence communally and without distraction (have a day of worship), and give generously to God's work in their city. This covenant served as strategy for walking closely with God daily rather than simply encountering His presence in the context of a corporate worship experience.

For Group Consideration:

-Nehemiah 9:38 says that the people made a, "firm covenant in writing..." What is a covenant and why is it beneficial to make one with God and fellow believers?

-Nehemiah 10:28-29 outline the first point of the covenant. Essentially the commitment is to keep God's law. As New Covenant Christians (people living after the death and resurrection of Christ) is it still important to keep God's law? Jesus fulfilled the law on our behalf and died to take the punishment we deserve for not keeping the what incentive or reason have we to adopt this point of the covenant?

-Nehemiah 10:30 says that the people committed to align themselves in marriage with other followers of God exclusively. This kind of marital alignment obviously makes sense, but what about people who have already married someone who is not a follower of God or whose life is a contradiction to their profession of faith? How might we counsel and encourage those individuals to proceed in their marriages?

-Nehemiah 10:31 tells us that a layer of the covenant obligated the people to observe a day of worship where they celebrate God together and submit to Bible teaching. Is there a day that you really dedicate to worship and to leading your family/friends if single into a deeper relationship with Jesus?
*This doesn't mean that you are dedicating an entire day to reading the Bible, but it does mean that there should be a day when the work calls and emails go unanswered because you are giving a day to the Lord and to live out the Gospel clearly and intentionally in front of your family/friends if single.

-Nehemiah 10:32-39 shows us that the people committed to give generously to God's work in their city. Why do you suppose they were motivated to do this? What issues do/did you personally have with giving to the local church? Do you believe that God has called followers of Jesus to give to the local church? Have an open dialogue giving...


-Membership Event November 24th


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