Saturday, July 26, 2014

Breaking Point: Writing on the Wall

Text: Daniel 5

Summary:  King Belshazzar leads a life of sin and turns his back on God, despite seeing his Father's example (Daniel 4) and how God dealt with King Nebuchadnezzar.  Daniel interprets the writing on the wall, which foretells the death of King Belshazzar.

1.  In vs 1-4, we see the sinful lifestyle that the king is living, and in verse 5, we see God put "the writing on the wall."  That phrase means that it's easy to see what's going to come next in life.  Has God ever revealed himself to you through some "writing on the wall?"  Not in a literal fashion, but in the sense that you were confronted with some choices in life that you had made or a lifestyle that you were currently living?  How did you heed that warning?

2.a.  Did you turn back to God?  How did your life change?  How did that event shape your future and where you are today?

b.  Did you continue to live a life outside of God's instruction?  What damage was caused as a result of that decision?  How did that decision effect where you are today?

3.  Some people are in the middle of a breaking point, and some are coming out of one.  David's advice on Sunday as it pertains to perseverance during the tough times was to remain faithful wherever you are in whatever you do as you wait on what's next from God.  How are you being faithful where you are right now?  What does it mean to be faithful where you are currently?  How can you show faithfulness to God in the different areas of your life so that your obedience and faithfulness in the small things ensures that we are given opportunities with the bigger things (relationships, finances, family, job).


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