Saturday, January 3, 2015

Vision 2015: Parable of the Talents

Text:  Matthew 25:14-30

1.  In the story, the master gives each of his servants a "talent" (a sum of money).  For this story applied to our lives, God is the master, we are the servants, and the "talent" is what God has entrusted each of us with in this life.

READ 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Scripture says that every follower of Jesus has been given a gift by God.  Looking at the list in this text, what are some of the talents or gifts that God has given you?  The passions, the skills, the desires, and the giftings?  Are you using those talents to help others follow Jesus, or are you simply using them for your own advantage?  What are some ways that you could utilize those skills more to honor God?

(Different approach: Let others tell YOU what they think your talents and giftings are as they have seen you and talked with you).

2. The man that was given the 5 talents refused to stifle future growth by sitting back and being satisfied with what he had already.

Are there areas of your life in which you have become "satisfied"?  Where has growth stopped?  READ Matthew 25:28-29.  What happens to God-given gifts and talents that aren't utilized effectively for God?

3. The man in the story that had 2 talents was still faithful with what he'd been given, even though it wasn't as much as other people had.  

READ Luke 16:10-12.  What are the little ways that we can be faithful?  The everyday tasks, relationships, and "small" areas of our lives?  Sometimes it's easier to focus on the big things and harder to remember to be faithful with the little things.  Remember, the easiest step to being entrusted with more in life is to simply be obedient and faithful with what you currently have.

4. The men that were given the 5 and 2 talents risked it all to make more.
What risks do you need to take it 2015?  READ Mark 12:30.  The key word in that verse is "all."  What areas do you need to take a step of faith in?  What excuses have you been telling yourself as to why you haven't taken the step yet?


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