Sunday, February 15, 2015

Adult Content: Grace is Better

Summary:  Paul's story calls us to remember and respond to the incredible news of the Gospel that has and will continue to change our lives.

Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17

1.  Understand the Word
READ 1 Timothy 1:12-17

a. Why is it so amazing that someone like Paul could have experienced so much of a transformation and gained God's favor?

b.  Vs 12 says that God is using Paul for his service, and vs 16 says God is using Him as an example. Given Paul's story, how mighty God use him in this way?

2.  Assessing the Heart
a. Why and how does grace this amazing become something so common and unexciting?

b.  It's easy to see that Paul was a sinner, and it's pretty easy to see that we are as well.  Paul responds correctly to the sin in his life by openly confessing his sin and guilt and acknowledging that he was in desperate need for a savior.  However, many of us don't respond in this way.  Instead, we'd rather cover up our sins, pass the blame on to someone or something else, or act like it is not sin at all.  What are some specific times in your own life that you've treated your sin in this way?

c.  When you treat your sins and your guilt this way, what are your actions effectively communicating to God?  (Hint: What are acting like you don't need God as your help and Savior).

3. Turning to God.
a. When we confess our sin and need for help, we are finally communicating that we don't have it all together and that we need help from a savior.  It that is true, what's the good news of vs 15?

b.  Through Jesus, what MERCY have you been given (not receiving the things we deserve).  Hint: not experiencing judgment, punishment, or separation from God.)

c. Through Jesus, what GRACE have you been given (receiving things we don't deserve).  Hint: love, forgiveness, freedom, adoption into God's family, hope, joy, and peace.1

4.  Apply the Word
a. In what ways could we do a better job being reminded of and remembering this incredibly Good News?  In your home?  In your rGroup?

b.  What kind of differences would be evident in your life, your "service," or your "example" if your heart and mind was daily overflowing in awe and wonder of what Jesus has done in your life?


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