Saturday, March 14, 2015

Adult Content: Gifts are Better

Summary:  Paul gives us the recipe to take our lives to a whole 'notha level!  However, there are 3 things that we must do in order to realize the mission and purpose of our lives and effectively utilize the gifts that God has given us: Get Prepared, Eliminate Excuses, and Take Action.

Text: 1 Timothy 4:6-16

1.  What kind of training and disciplines do you have in your life?  Diet, exercise, routines, schedules, hobbies.  What about spiritually?  How are you training and preparing in your life now to reach the next level in your spiritual life?

2.  Do a quick self-evaluation.  What kind of man or woman would you LIKE to be spiritually?  What would your goals be?  Reading the Bible, time in prayer, closeness to God, growing in knowledge, etc.  So what's keeping you from being the man or woman of God that you would like to be?  What kind of disciplines do you need to start?  What do your first small steps need to be?

3.  Scripture says that every follower of Jesus is given a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit.  Do you know what your spiritual gift is?  There are some great free online tests that you can take to find out what your gifts are (

What are some of the excuses that we give for not using our gifts? (tired, want the personal time, lazy, don't know the gift, think it's a lame gift).  How can we move past those?

4.  What do you need to "try" this week in order to take an action step?  What areas should you "immerse yourself" and dive right in?  What areas do you think you would really thrive in and bring a lot to the table?  (Group leaders can help their members get plugged in and connected to the right people and help you move forward!)

5.  Closing challenge from vs 16:  Does your life line up with your beliefs?  If you know you have a purpose and a mission, if you know you were created for God's fame and glory, if you know you were given gifts to help others follow Jesus, then does your life reflect those realizations?


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