Friday, June 19, 2015

-ADULT CONTENT: 5 Marks of a Righteous Life-

Summary: Paul shows Timothy what a man of God should look and act like by giving examples of what a righteous life looks like.  We have to know what to fight for, what to look for, and what to avoid in life as we strive to stay focused on what God has called us to do as His followers.

Text: 1 Timothy 6:11-16

1.  In vs 11, Paul instructs Timothy to “pursue” a life of righteousness through 5 marks. 
a. What are the things that you are pursuing in your life right now?  What are the things that are setting the course of your life and defining it? 
b. If you stay on that course, what will the result of your life be in 5 years?  10 years?  When you die?

2. Take a look at the 5 marks of a righteous life:
a. Godliness- Being aware of God in and around your life.
b. Faith- Trusting and believing in God
c. Love- Our response when we put our trust in Him and respond to our awareness of what He’s done for us
d. Steadiness and Endurance- Stable, steady, consistent, available.
e. Courtesy and Gentleness- Kind, compassionate, courteous.

Which of these marks is the easiest for you?  Which areas need improvement?  Which mark has someone else shown to you or that you've experienced that impacted you in a powerful way in your walk with Jesus?

3.  In vs 12, Paul says to fight the good fight.
a.  What is the “good” fight?
b.  What “bad” fights do you see people pursuing in their lives today?

4. How are you taking hold of the eternal life that God has given you?  What actions and attitudes do you show on a consistent basis that would illustrate your drive to think beyond just the “here and now”?

5.  Paul charges Timothy to keep the commandment “unstained.”  What are things that stain the Gospel?  The Church?  Our lives as Christians?  What steps do you need to take to keep these areas of our lives unstained?

6.  What do you need to do this week to turn your Sunday knowledge into Monday-Friday action?  Share it with the group and stay accountable to those things!


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