Saturday, August 15, 2015

BODY PARTS: Open Hand or Closed Fist

Summary:  Generous is a word that should be constantly used to describe Christians and the Church.  God has been so generous to us that generosity should be overflowing to others in our lives and in our city.  Let's look at 3 points about generosity and being a generous person that are found in Scripture.

Malachi 3:8-10
Proverbs 11:24-25
2 Corinthians 9:6-13

1. Generous Starts with God
READ Malachi 3:8-10
a. How does God say that His people "rob" Him?  It sounds like some over-the-top language being used for something that seems so insignificant to many Christians.  What does the strong language that God uses in these verses communicate about His viewpoint of generosity and giving to Him?

b. Charities, non-profits, and "good causes" are great things to contribute to by Christians.  However, the House of God takes precedence over those things when it comes to first fruits.  How is giving to other organizations different than giving to God through His local church?  (hint: Who gets the honor and glory and fame and recognition when a charity gives a lot of money?  Now, who gets the honor and recognition and fame and glory when God's church meets a need and gives generously?)

c.  Have you ever wanted to buy something, but couldn't afford it?  Ever had to wait until you got paid again to be able to make a certain purchase?  Ever had to do without something because you simply didn't have enough money at the time to get it?  Of course, we all have.

The same idea works with your generosity.  Giving to God is important, but why is it important to START with giving to God? (because if you start with God, you'll always have enough to be generous to Him.  You'll never be "out" or "short" because you prioritized everything else if you'll keep God first).

2.  Generous Ends with More
READ Proverbs 11:24-25 and 2 Corinthians 9:6, 8
a.  What is the big promise made here in Scripture? (that if you're generous with God, then He'll be generous towards you).  In what ways is God generous towards us?
b.  Who is the person that suffers the most from a lack of generosity? (the person that isn't generous!)

READ 2 Corinthians 9:11-12
c. As a result of your generosity, how will people respond to God?  What 'more' will God get? (worship, honor, glory, thanksgiving, credit)

READ 2 Corinthians 9:13
d. Generosity is contagious.  Other people are oftentimes challenged by our generosity, which births a generous spirit inside of them.  Have you ever been challenged by the generosity of someone else?  Have you ever been inspired to be generous as a result of someone else's generosity?
e. How do you think your personal generosity towards God could spur on those around you?

3.  Generous is Personal
READ 2 Corinthians 9:7
a. More than a number, more than a percentage, more than a dollar amount, what is God looking for specifically in our giving?  (our heart, our motive, the joy and cheer behind the giving).
b. What is your current attitude and heart behind giving? (hate it, reluctantly do it, feel obligated, just following the rules, do it because that's how I was raised, cheerful, don't care about it)
b. What was the process that some of you went through to determine what you give to God?  How do you ultimately decide how much?  Is there a certain amount that is your "floor"?  Is there a certain amount that is your "ceiling"?

What are your next steps personally in the area of generosity towards God?
1. Giving for the first time
2. Be more consistent in my giving
3. Evaluate my attitude and reason behind my giving
4. Evaluate the amount that I give
5. Be willing to set the bar for generosity to challenge those around me


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