Monday, December 7, 2015

Unseen Series - The One That Didn't Quit

This guide is a tool to help you facilitate discussion with your rGroup. Use it to lead your group in discovering, owning, and applying God’s Word. This is a flexible tool, not a rigid task list. Follow the Holy Spirit’s lead as you lead your group. You don’t need to ask every question.

Summary: When we find that our own journey of faith is difficult, we are able to push on and finish the race when we remember those who have gone before us and the grace of Christ who endured the ultimate race on our behalf. 

Understanding God’s Word: Know and Understand the Truth

READ Hebrews 11:35b-12:2
  • What kind of life does this scripture say people of faith may have to face? 
  • What does it mean for Jesus to be the founder and perfecter of faith? 
    • How is he similar and different from the heroes of faith described in Hebrews 11?
  • What does it mean when it says, “[Jesus]…for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame…" 

Living and Applying God’s Word: Give a Vision of Life With God

  • What does it mean to you, having a relationship with a God who knows what it is to suffer, having experienced the greatest suffering in history on the cross? 
  • What does it mean to you knowing that you have a "cloud of witnesses," others who have gone before you enduring this life and finished the same race? 
  • Imagine being at the end of your life: you are able to look back and see you’ve faithfully run the race through all life's trials and hardships to the finish line. Or you stand before God in heaven, where he says that done well and have been faithful to the very end. What would that mean to you? 

Assessing the Heart: Identify and Address Sin
  • What are some sins or people that you’ve had a hard time “taking off” and make running the race harder? 
  • What are some of the things in your life that have won your focus rather than Christ and have the potential of destroying your chances of finishing the race well?
  • What would it be like to not endure in your faith all the way until the end?

Turn to God: Confess and Renew Belief in God

  • How can the joy that helped Jesus endure life and the cross, also help us endure the hardest trials in our own lives?
  • How do we put our focus on Jesus and keep it there? 
  • What would it look like to pursue and extend relationships/community for those who are running the same race as us? 


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