Sunday, November 6, 2016

Whole 'Nother Level: Beat Up By an Old Man

Read Joshua 14:6–15 
"The Message" (MSG) is good storytelling version

Caleb was an 85-year-old man who was ALL IN with God the same as he was when he was 40-years-old. That's lifelong faithfulness right there! Even in his old age, he kept the faith. Even when he faced Giants, he wholeheartedly trusted God. Even at 85, he said he was ready to fight the battle as long as God was on his side. God is looking for more people like Caleb!

Group Discussion Questions:

What do you think is the biggest difference between someone who is ALL IN vs someone who is HALWAY IN? This could apply to anything (work, relationships, spirituality, hobbies, sports, etc.).

Caleb stood out as a hero. He had what the Bible calls "a different spirit" or attitude (14:24). Why did he stand out? What was different about how he followed God?

What does it mean to follow God wholeheartedly?

Who likes to weigh the pros vs cons when making a big decision? How does this help you?

What happens when the cons outweigh the pros on something that you know God wants you to do? What do you do?

When circumstances in life are bad, most people will doubt, complain and make excuses. This is exactly what the Israelites were doing. However, Caleb trusted God despite evidence to the contrary, and he stood out to God. Give an example of when you trusted God when it didn't make sense, and then share what happened next.

What's the difference between faith and feelings?

Faithfulness to God is hard because we tend to make decisions based on emotions. We usually do what feel like doing. How do you overcome your emotions when God wants you to do something that you don't feel like doing?

Following Jesus is not supposed to be a one-time decision, but lifelong faithfulness...a daily habit. How have you had to keep deciding to follow Jesus throughout your life?

What's the latest example of when you had to live by faith and decide to follow Jesus?

What daily habits of faithfulness to God do you have?

We've all struggled with faith in God's timing. His timing is rarely our preference. What advice would you give to someone else about God's timing?

When everyone else was ready to give up and retreat from God's promise, Caleb refused to rebel against God. What kind of things has God called you to or promised to you that you're running away from?

Caleb didn't just talk the talk, but he was ready to walk the walk when God gave Him the green light. If God decided to deliver His promise to you right now, are you ready?

What are some things that God has promised to you? Which things do you doubt?

How does God test someone's faith?

How does someone prove their faith?

What kind of long-lasting rewards or impact can there be because of your faithfulness?


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