Monday, July 17, 2017

Summer on the Mount: Jesus Redefines Adultery & Divorce

Matthew 5:27–32


(Matthew 5:27–30; Exodus 20:17) What is the point of similarity between adultery and lust? What is the difference? How does lust break the 10th Commandment?

God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lust?

(Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornography? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

(Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel someone who shared with you that he/she had trouble with pornography?

(Matthew 5:29–30) We're not supposed to take verses 29–30 literally, but how does Jesus want us to apply His warnings?

How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? the beach or pool?...with your TV?

The world is very accepting and approving (even promoting) of lust. According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lust? How does Jesus' (agape) love help us combat lust?


Warning: Christians disagree on some aspects of divorce and remarriage. Many have been hurt in bad marriages and divorce. Be gentle, sensitive, and loving as you lead this discussion – even if someone disagrees!

(Matthew 5:27–32; 19:1–12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to prohibition of divorce?

Marriage is intended to be a picture of the Gospel. What aspects of the Gospel grow, strengthen, and even save a marriage?

Does a person who has been remarried after a divorce that wasn't caused by marital unfaithfulness live in a perpetual state of adultery? Should that person divorce or separate in order to get back into God's will? How can he/she get back into God's will, or is that no longer possible?

The church has always been supportive of those who are hurting or scarred. In Christ, we help people make the best of what is sometimes a very difficult situation. What can you do to extend Christ's healing love to someone who is struggling in his or her marriage? What can you do to bring healing to someone who is or was divorced?


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