Sunday, September 10, 2017

Messed Up Church: How to Know if You're Messed Up

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

1. (vs 1) Paul begins his letter by identifying himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus. Why should that carry weight to whom the letter is written? How does that apply to you and our church? (Aim to get a discussion going about spiritual authority, leadership, or discipleship.)

2. (vs 2) The church belongs to God, but it's full of imperfect Christians. How can this possibly work out? (We are called by God to be holy people, set apart for God... now live like it.)

3. (vs 4-6) We are blessed! What has God blessed you with that you use to bless others?

4. What needs do you know of for which you can use your gifts to be a blessing?

5. (vs 7) We are equipped with spiritual gifts, too. What do you think yours is? How do you know? (One practical way to find out is try doing what you're passionate about. Also, ask others how you've helped them. Spiritual gifts are to benefit others)

6. What keeps you from using the abilities God's given you? What hurdles do you need to overcome?

7. (vs 8) God sustains us! Why is it difficult to admit that we can't control our lives, or that we need help?

8. Read James 4:6-8. What does being humble look like? (When we give ourselves completely to God, instead of ourselves)

9. (vs 9) We're sent out! We're on a mission with Jesus. What priorities need to change in your life to ensure you focus on the mission?

10. What if I told you that money, cars, houses, and careers are temporary; but God is eternal? How does that change your heart (what you treasure)?


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