Sunday, November 26, 2017

Messed Up Church: Things That Make You Want to Quit

Why do you think God does not allow people to know the future like he does? How could that be for your own good?

Read 1 Corinthians 16:5-7.

Paul is fully devoted to God's mission, but it's obvious he doesn't even know how tomorrow will go. Do you ever find yourself living the "Perhaps" in verse 6, and "if the Lord permits" in verse 7, like Paul? What's that like for you?

Why is Paul ok with this uncertainty? What can you learn from him?

- Uncertainty (not reliant on self) becomes the norm when you follow God.
- Even Jesus submitted to the Father's will above his own.
- Don't trust the future, trust God.

Read 1 Corinthians 16:8-9.

Paul sees a great opportunity to be effective, and also sees many people oppose him. What does this tell you about opportunities and opposition?

Why is opposition (discouragement, burdens, setbacks, etc.) not a good reason to quit on opportunities God's placed before you?

So, what can you do in the midst of opposition? How can you handle it?

Opportunities and opposition usually coexist. Nothing worth doing is easy.
Work hard, but trust (rely on) God.
Don't miss what God is trying to teach you through opposition.

Read 1 Corinthians 16:10-12.

Anything that involves people is difficult. Why is this?

Timothy is doing God's will, yet Paul knows that Timothy may run into difficult relationships or people that disagree with him on his journey. What would you do if you were Timothy?

Why should difficult relationships and disagreements not stop you from what God has called you to do?

We're often tempted to quit on ministry and people that God actually intends us to be involved with. How do you discern whether God wants you to quit or continue?

We're all sinners, and we all need grace.
When we pursue God's plan, well-meaning people will not always understand our specific calling, and that may cause some people (even friends) to turn away.

Read 1 Corinthians 16:13-14.

What exactly are you watching out for? What are the benefits of being on guard?

Standing firm, and being courageous and strong are required for our faith. What does that look like in your life?

Do EVERYTHING in love. Jesus is the ultimate example of not quitting, and doing all that he did in love. Why is the "love" part so important to God?

Next Steps

If there are moments on your journey that you feel isolated while fulfilling God's calling, remember you have the power of the Holy Spirit in you and with you. You are not alone.

If you find yourself reluctant to continue to move forward with God's calling on your life, remember to look to Jesus.

If you're in a place of pursuing God's plan for your life and in the midst of uncertainty or lacking resources, remember that opposition and opportunity can coexist. God has already set provision in place for you to accomplish everything He's called you to do.


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