Sunday, September 9, 2018

Rebuild - Build the House

Haggai 1:1-11

Ice Breakers

1. Have you ever helped build or rebuild something? What's the hardest part?

2 - What part of the message/scripture impacted you the most? What point or phrase really stood out to you?

Scripture Review

3 - Read Haggai 1:2. One of the possible reasons why they didn't rebuild the temple was that it was going to take some hard work. What are the things in our lives that are hard, that we know are right/godly/biblical/healthy, but we aren't doing?

4 - The temple was in partial disrepair for a long time. It was partially built but never finished. Is there something in your life that you started, but haven't finished? What is something that God has instructed you to do that you haven't seen to the end?

5 - Read Haggai 1:3-5. The words "paneled houses" in our context could mean "a house with all the amenities." However, God isn't against nice things. What does God say that the problem really is with the situation?

6 - Read Haggai 1:6. What is consistent throughout this verse?

Personal Application

7 - What's your greatest barrier to acting on God's plan for your life?

8 - Has your life ever looked like Haggai 1:6? What have you learned from that period?

9 - God may not be calling you to do someTHING different. He may be calling you to do the same THING but for someONE different. What's the difference in going to work this week with God as your priority vs going to work this week with someone/thing else as the top priority?

Next Steps

10 - What is the biggest area of your life in which you need to rebuild your devotion to God?

11 - Describe what your three steps to laying a foundation – based on Haggai 1:8 – might look like. Just start with 3 small, simple steps so that you can move forward this week.

12 - Have you ever had to lay a new foundation in a specific area of your life before? Ever had to hit the reset button and start over? What worked? How did it turn out?

13 - What are some practical ways you'll make God's work your priority? Write a list, and put it on your fridge.

14 - Do something for someone else or for the church instead of yourself this week. Then, make it a new habit.

How To Pray This Week

15 - "Give careful thought to your ways." That phrase is repeated two times in three verses, and we know that repetition signifies importance in Scripture. So be honest with yourself; "give careful thought to your ways" right now. As the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what areas of your life need to be rebuilt with God as the priority.

16 - Sometimes doing the right thing is hard. Ask God for the strength and discipline this week to prioritize Him, listen and obey, and start the rebuilding process in your life. You're going to need Him to help you stay dedicated and see His plan through until completion!


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