Sunday, October 7, 2018

Flip the Switch: The Light Test

Read 1 John 2:3–11

How would you respond to someone who asks, "Why does it matter how I live, if Jesus forgives all my sin and is the atoning sacrifice"?

Scripture Review

Read verse 3. What does John point out is the clear indication in our lives of whether or not we have come to know Jesus?

Read verses 4–5. What's the difference between a liar and someone telling the truth?

Read verse 6. Who should our behavior be modeled after? How did Jesus demonstrate obedience to His Father, and how can you?

Read verse 7–8. In what sense is loving God and obeying him an 'old command' and in what sense is it a 'new command'?

Read verses 9-12. What does it mean to 'be' or 'live' in the light?

Why do you think John emphasizes our love for other Christians as much as he does?

Read verses 1–2. What grace is being offered in this passage?

Personal Application

What would you say about the person who claims to know Jesus but whose life tells another story? How can/do you help someone in this situation?

If someone claims to be in the light but has a terrible relationship with a brother or sister in Christ, what does this indicate? How can/do you help someone in this situation?

What kind of person is this passage calling you to be?

How is Jesus your ultimate example? How do you, personally, look up to and imitate him? Share an example.

How does participating in community (or not) affect your faith?

Next Steps

Which truth from this passage is the most important to you today? What practical way will you apply this truth to your life?

What specific command(s) are challenging to follow? How will you change and obey?

Spend some time with your group to connect outside of your weekly meeting – at someone's home, coffee shop, restaurant, etc. Share your personal stories of your relationship with God.

How To Pray This Week

Confess the areas in your life in which you have been disobeying God. Ask God for forgiveness, and tell Him how you will move forward.

Pray that God would gracefully develop deep and meaningful relationships in your group so that we can live in the light.


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