Everyone loves a rags-to-riches story, and that's one of the reasons why the story of Esther is so intriguing. But a rags to riches story always has a purpose, a moment where we see why the main character was made a part of the incredible story. This weeks text is that moment for Esther. Everything in her life was preparing her for this moment of radical obedience. Esther is about to discover her purpose in God's story.
1. If you could snap your fingers and immediately solve one problem in the world, what would it be? (e.g. my marriage, poverty, world hunger, family issues, sex trafficking, etc.)
2. What would your response be if someone were to ask you, "what is the purpose of life?"
3. Read Psalm 139:16. What's your response to a HUGE truth like that? Does it make you view your days, your hours, your moments in life any differently?
Most people will admit the desire to live a life that matters, a life of impact, significance, and purpose. Esther definitely did that. So what do we need to look for and do in order to live a life for Christ like that? The story of Esther outlines three ways for us to do just that: Look for purpose, calling, and don’t be afraid to take risks!
Read Esther 4:11-14. PURPOSE IS NEVER EASY
4. How often do you approach life looking for the path of least resistance? The thing that makes the most sense to you? Benefits you the most? Is easiest for you?
5- Have you had an experience in your life that you look back on as a defining moment? Share how a defining moment in the past has impacted your current life circumstances.
6- In your own experience, what are the most difficult parts of pursuing your purpose?
7- READ Ephesians 2:10. God created us to do good works that He prepared for us. In what ways have you noticed God preparing good things for you to do?
8- How much of your life do you view as happenstance, luck, or coincidence? How do you interpret things like luck or coincidence in light of verses like Ephesians 2:10?
9- How is following Jesus risky? (it's selfless, it's sacrificial, it's thinking of yourself last, it's radical obedience even when you can't see the outcome clearly).
10- How do you determine the difference between a godly risk connected to your purpose, and doing something irresponsible just for the sake of living dangerously and taking risks?
11- Take some time this week to write out your purpose in life. If you aren't crystal clear on the purpose, then you can't make decisions that will help drive you towards that purpose.
12- Do an evaluation of your time, money, resources, job, and relationships. They should be pushing you towards the purpose God created and called you to be.
13- Identify a risk that God has been calling you to take, and turn that into obedience this week (could be boldness in evangelism, going to the next level in generosity, or stepping up to lead in an area that could impact others).
Read Mark 8:34-35
Mark 8:35 (NIV) "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for my sake and for the gospel will save it."Read Mark 8:34-35
14- What happens if you want to save your life?
15- What does this passage say the key is to save your life?
If our desire is to save our life, then we will lose it. Even if our desire to save is our life is masqueraded by 'losing our life' for the sake of the Gospel, we will still lose it. Our desire Jesus says should be love Him and obey out of that love, not out of a desire to save our lives. He is our Savior, not us.
16- How can we try to be obedient to Mark 8:34-35 for the sake of obedience, rather than making obedience about saving our own life?
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