Sunday, October 18, 2020

OUTRAGE - Week 2

Icebreaker: If you were to attempt a Guiness World Record, what do you think you would do?

1- How are you feeling about this election season? Stressed? Worried? Ready to be done? Excited?

2- What comes to mind when you think about peace?

READ Philippians 4:4

3- Did you know you can find joy in God? What do you think about that command from Paul to find joy in God?

READ Philippians 4:5

4- Paul says that as a Christian everyone should know about your reasonableness or gentleness. What about this election makes you unreasonable or not gentle? How can you allow Jesus to use that passion in a positive way?

READ Philippians 4:6

5- "Do not be anxious about anything." What are you worried or anxious about these days? How do you cope with that?

6- Paul tells Christians to cope with worry and anxiety by praying about everything. What do you pray about? Why do you pray about those things?

7- Why do you think it's important to pray about everything? 

READ Philippians 4:7-9

8-  Looking at these verses in conjunction with verse 6, how can we receive peace? Out of those things you see in this text, what can you do this week to move toward peace?

9- What do you think it means to have peace that surpasses all understanding? How can it guard your heart and mind? 


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