Monday, November 23, 2020

Anchored Week 3

 Icebreaker: Based off what you know about heaven, what are you looking forward to most?

In this parable for our study today, Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of Heaven. 

1- When you hear the words Kingdom of Heaven, what do you think that means? 

READ Matthew 25:14-15

2- Who does everything we have ultimately belong to? How does that change your perspective on your life? 

3- Does verse 15 seem unfair to you that the man gave certain people more and certain less? Knowing that the master in the story is an allusion to God, how does this truth challenge or enhance your view of God?

READ Matthew 25:16-18

4- Who do you know that's a good example of using the life and gifts God has given them like the first 2 servants? What makes them a good example?

5- Who do you know that's a bad example of using the life and gifts God has given them like the last servant? What makes them a bad example in contrast to the good examples?

READ Matthew 25:19-23

6- Think about your own life, gifts, time, talents, etc. If Jesus came back today, would you receive the "well done" greeting? Why or why not? 

READ Matthew 25:24-27

7- We all have areas where we are like the last servant: afraid to turn it over to God and use that certain area for His glory. What area is that for you? Why is it hard for you to use that well?

8- How do you think a person's view of God affects the way they use the things God has given them? 

9- What practical next steps can you take this next week to better steward what God has given you? (Or in other words, how can you improve on your answer to #7?)


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