Sunday, March 21, 2021

Life of David Week 8

1 - Go back a few weeks in your memory to the story of David and Bathsheba from a few weeks ago. Summarize the story and the subsequent confrontation by the prophet Nathan.

2 - When you are confronted for doing something wrong, what is your typical response? 

3 - Do you ever confess specific sins and ask God to forgive you? Why or why not?

READ Exodus 34:6-7, Psalm 51:1-3

4 - What similarities do you see between the way God describes Himself to Moses and the appeals David makes in the first 3 verses of Psalm 51?

5 - Why do you think it's important that David went back to the basics of who God is when confessing His sin? How can you do that in your own personal time of confession?

READ Psalm 51:4-5

6 - David acknowledges who his sin is truly against. Why do you think is this an important aspect of confession?

READ Psalm 51:6

7 - Despite the intense moral failures of David on the outside he knows that God cares more about what's going on inside. Why do you think it is it easy for us to focus on fixing the outside without worrying about the inside?

8 - What can be done as Christians to focus more on the inward things from which the outward actions flow?

READ Psalm 51:7-9

9 - Conviction is rarely comfortable. David links confession after conviction with rejoicing. Why do you think confession brings joy? Have you ever experienced that?

READ Psalm 51:10-12

10 - These verses are famous. David focuses on the right things in confession. What do you see in these verses as important?

Next Steps:

  • Memorize Psalm 51:10-12
  • Confess specific sin to God this week


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