Acts 5:12-42
Key Verse to Memorize: Acts 5:42
Key Points:
1. A Dangerous Church does everything it can to get people to Jesus. If your life has been changed by Jesus, our default reaction should be to identify with people that were once lost/broken/searching like you were, and show them the way out. Show them the map! Hold the door for them! (vs. 14-16)
2. You can't argue with results! If Jesus has changed your life, where do you identify the results? Scripture says it's by the fruit in your life. Where's the fruit? Because people can argue against your theology, your oratory skills, and your bible. But you can't argue with results! (vs. 17-21a)
3. If God has called you to do something, focus on that. Don't deviate from it, don't make excuses, and don't get off focus. Let God worry about the details. (vs. 17-21a)
4. Praying Dangerous Prayers (Acts 4:29-30) results in God moving in incredible ways (Acts 5:21b-33).
5. Even a cynic of Jesus and the Gospel believed this: if this movement stands the test of time, then that means it's of God, and NO ONE will be able to stop it. That was 2,000 years ago... so what are you waiting for? Live Bold. This texts proves that this Christianity/Jesus thing is legit, and NO ONE can stop it. (vs. 34-40)
Discussion Questions:
1. Is your model of Christianity based solely on your words and what you say? Or is your life bearing fruit? Or worse, are you not saying or doing anything at all!?
2. Make a list of some friends/coworkers/neighbors that don't go to church and don't have a relationship with Jesus. Now, what are you willing to do to get them to Jesus?
3. If you were given a task, and you knew there was no way to fail, would you go All-In and chase it? Would you tackle it 100% if you knew in the end you were on the winning team? Even if it was hard and would take time and energy and effort? That is the exact scenario we have as followers of Jesus. So what's stopping you? (Not a rhetorical question).
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