Text: Luke 7:36-50
Fans vs. Followers. What are some characteristic and differences between the 2?
Fan: Relationship with Jesus focuses on a one-time decision
Follower: Relationship with Jesus focuses on a life-long commitment to Jesus
Fan: Relationship is based on a knowledge of Jesus, and intellectual or mental assent of Him.
Follower: Relationship is based on intimacy with Jesus, a thriving, growing, living relationship.
Gut Check: Do sinners and lost people like to be around you and hang out with you? If not, then you're not being like Jesus. Sinners and lost people loved hanging out with Jesus, not because he compromised the truth, but because he accepted everyone and recognized people's need for a savior.
Matthew 15:8- Does Jesus's definition of a "Pharisee" describe your life? What areas, and how can you change that?
Think about times in your own life that you have defined your relationship with Jesus in these specific steps.
1. Foot washing: Giving the bare minimal, simply wanting to hang out with Jesus to receive the perks, but not wanting a real relationship. Him simply coming into the doorway, but nothing more.
2. Kiss: Does your life even give a friendly nod to Jesus? Is it simply a kiss on the check to satisfy him? Or are you so enthralled by the grace and mercy of Jesus you can't stop kissing him?
3. Gift: Take an evaluation of your gifts and talents. Are you simply putting a drop here and there, giving very minimal to Jesus? Or are you taking your life, your everything, your time, your finances, your relationships, and your baggage, and dumping it all out at the feet of Jesus?
This woman didn't care about social faux pas. She didn't care about how others looked at her or thought of her. Are there areas in your life that are off limits to Jesus? Things that you just won't allow God to be a part of?
What can you do practically to move from being a fan of Jesus to more of a follower?
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