Luke 2:17-20
We have a lot of different response to the Christmas season: Entitlement (I better get what I asked for), Disappointment (I didn't get what I asked for), Gratitude (I got what I asked for), etc... Luke chapter 2 documents a response to Christmas that should be indicative of every Christians response to the birth of Jesus and the reality of the gospel: herald, meditate, worship.
-In verses 17 & 18 the shepherds natural response to encountering Jesus was to tell everyone about does this compare to your natural response to encountering Jesus?
-Verse 19 says that Mary treasured and pondered the things God had done in her heart. Was this Christmas a time of meditation for you or a time of business? Did Jesus receive time and attention in your heart or were you preoccupied with other things that prevented you from treasuring the gospel in your heart?
-Verse 20 reveals that Christmas served as a catalyst that produced praise in the hearts of the shepherds. What did the Christmas season produce in you? Praise toward God or stress due to preparation?
-Christmas is all about Jesus, did He receive the place of honor in your celebration this year? Was there worship of Jesus, teaching about Jesus, and even heightened focus on Jesus? If not, how might this be remedied?
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Wrapped: What's On God's Wishlist?
Text: Micah 6:8
1. What are some of the lousy gifts that we try to continuously bring to God to earn his favor and approval?
What are some Gifts of Quality (vs 6)?
What are some Gifts of Quantity (vs 7a)?
What are some Gifts of great expense (vs 7b)?
2. What are we really trying to do when we give those gifts to God?
3. What is God's response to those incomplete gifts?
4. What are tangible ways that we can implement vs. 8 in our lives today?
a. Act Justly
b. Love Mercy
c. Walk Humbly with God
Kids choir singing with the band!
Cookie decorating and homemade Christmas ornaments for the kids!
Christmas goodies and holiday drinks to enjoy before and after the service!
Family Friendly worship service with Christmas carols and Christmas message!
Service will be under 30 minutes, so invite your friends and family and make this a new part of your Christmas tradition!
1. What are some of the lousy gifts that we try to continuously bring to God to earn his favor and approval?
What are some Gifts of Quality (vs 6)?
What are some Gifts of Quantity (vs 7a)?
What are some Gifts of great expense (vs 7b)?
2. What are we really trying to do when we give those gifts to God?
3. What is God's response to those incomplete gifts?
4. What are tangible ways that we can implement vs. 8 in our lives today?
a. Act Justly
b. Love Mercy
c. Walk Humbly with God
Kids choir singing with the band!
Cookie decorating and homemade Christmas ornaments for the kids!
Christmas goodies and holiday drinks to enjoy before and after the service!
Family Friendly worship service with Christmas carols and Christmas message!
Service will be under 30 minutes, so invite your friends and family and make this a new part of your Christmas tradition!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Wrapped: Not What You Expected
Text: Luke 4:16-30
-What are some of the words people use to describe Jesus? The people in Luke 4 viewed him simply as a doctor, a miracle worker, and a healer. This partial viewpoint made them turn their backs on Jesus when he didn't deliver the goods.
-Have you ever been disappointed with Jesus? Maybe he didn't answer a prayer, didn't show up when you needed help, or didn't perform how you wanted him to. Many times we treat Jesus as Santa Claus. "I'll be good, and you give me what I ask for." What's the flaw in that mentality? How did Jesus morph from savior of the world to genie in a bottle?
-As Christians, how can we deal with a perceived "disappointment" when God doesn't give us what we ask for and deliver on the gifts? How can we focus on Jesus as the gift as opposed to Jesus being the one that gives us gifts?
-Why is Emmanuel so important? What's the big deal? Why is it so important that Jesus came as "God with us"?
-What are some of the words people use to describe Jesus? The people in Luke 4 viewed him simply as a doctor, a miracle worker, and a healer. This partial viewpoint made them turn their backs on Jesus when he didn't deliver the goods.
-Have you ever been disappointed with Jesus? Maybe he didn't answer a prayer, didn't show up when you needed help, or didn't perform how you wanted him to. Many times we treat Jesus as Santa Claus. "I'll be good, and you give me what I ask for." What's the flaw in that mentality? How did Jesus morph from savior of the world to genie in a bottle?
-As Christians, how can we deal with a perceived "disappointment" when God doesn't give us what we ask for and deliver on the gifts? How can we focus on Jesus as the gift as opposed to Jesus being the one that gives us gifts?
-Why is Emmanuel so important? What's the big deal? Why is it so important that Jesus came as "God with us"?
Monday, December 9, 2013
Reach this City: Stay Strong
Nehemiah 13
The people of Israel in the book of Nehemiah started out
their journey to obey and worship God well. They overcame adversity,
refortified Jerusalem in 52 days, re-instituted the worship of God, and re-commissioned
the function of the temple. In chapters 1-12 of Nehemiah God’s people were
marked by success as they listened to God and did what He said. In chapter 13
of that success unravels. The covenant that the people made with God in chapter
is categorically broken and the worship of God dismissed. The denouncement of
Nehemiah is not a happy one. Things started out well, but the people failed to
finish well.
-In Nehemiah 13:1-3 & 23-27 it sounds as if God is
opposed to the marriage of different racial/ethnic groups. Is this in fact what
these verses mean or is there something going on beneath the surface? Why is
this question important?
-Why do you think that the Israelites were successful in
obeying God for a period of time, but eventually failed and broke the covenant
they made with God?
-Have you ever broken a covenant you made with God/do you see this trend of temporary obedience in your own life?
-When Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem and finds the people
having abandoned God and broken the covenant. His response was to re-institute
the covenant and fight for the restoration of the people. Do you think that initiating
another covenant immediately after the people broke the first covenant will yield
a different result?
-The Old Testament seems to be replete with behavioral
covenants and laws. Why did God interact with humanity this way for so long
when He knew that we were incapable of keeping His laws and covenants? Read
Romans 7:7-20 for assistance in answering the question above.
-How can we break the trend of temporary obedience and temporary covenant keeping in our lives and instead move forward to consistency?
-How can we break the trend of temporary obedience and temporary covenant keeping in our lives and instead move forward to consistency?
-Xmas Eve Service at REVO North at 5:00 PM.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Reach This City: Better Worship
Nehemiah 12
The walls of Jerusalem have been rebuilt, the city has been repopulated, and the church is beginning to grow. Things are going exceedingly well for the people of God and they decide to have worship/dedication service to honor and praise God for the success they've experienced.
Questions for Consideration:
-In verse 27 we see that the people had a worship service during which they gave credit and glory to God for the success of their efforts to rebuild the wall. Even though they worked hard they still ascribed credit to God for success. Do you find that you are legitimately thankful to God for what you have or is their a sense of entitlement lingering in your mind that whispers I deserve this, I worked hard for this, I accomplished this?
-In verse 30 we're told that the Levites and the priests "purified," themselves before worship. As believers in Jesus' death and resurrection we live in the reality that Jesus' has purified us such that we no longer need to make attempts to do so ourselves, but there is an important principle here. These people took time to prepare themselves before worship. Do you prepare your heart and mind for worship before the service begins or do you rush in late and flustered unprepared to hear and receive God's Word? What might it look like to prepare yourself for corporate worship?
-In verse 31 Nehemiah sends out two "great choirs" to sing and give thanks to God, yet he mentions nothing about what kind of music or songs they sang. It seems that if the kind of music employed to praise God were important, Nehemiah would have included those details. Is the genre of music used in worship important, irrelevant, or neutral?
-Verse 43 tells us that the people made "great sacrifices," to God. Sacrifice and worship are always tethered. For what do you sacrifice, and what does it reveal about the object of you worship?
-Pray for Cuba Team
The walls of Jerusalem have been rebuilt, the city has been repopulated, and the church is beginning to grow. Things are going exceedingly well for the people of God and they decide to have worship/dedication service to honor and praise God for the success they've experienced.
Questions for Consideration:
-In verse 27 we see that the people had a worship service during which they gave credit and glory to God for the success of their efforts to rebuild the wall. Even though they worked hard they still ascribed credit to God for success. Do you find that you are legitimately thankful to God for what you have or is their a sense of entitlement lingering in your mind that whispers I deserve this, I worked hard for this, I accomplished this?
-In verse 30 we're told that the Levites and the priests "purified," themselves before worship. As believers in Jesus' death and resurrection we live in the reality that Jesus' has purified us such that we no longer need to make attempts to do so ourselves, but there is an important principle here. These people took time to prepare themselves before worship. Do you prepare your heart and mind for worship before the service begins or do you rush in late and flustered unprepared to hear and receive God's Word? What might it look like to prepare yourself for corporate worship?
-In verse 31 Nehemiah sends out two "great choirs" to sing and give thanks to God, yet he mentions nothing about what kind of music or songs they sang. It seems that if the kind of music employed to praise God were important, Nehemiah would have included those details. Is the genre of music used in worship important, irrelevant, or neutral?
-Verse 43 tells us that the people made "great sacrifices," to God. Sacrifice and worship are always tethered. For what do you sacrifice, and what does it reveal about the object of you worship?
-Pray for Cuba Team
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Reach This City: Live Sent
1. In Nehemiah 11:1-3, we see the worship service end and the people go home. Part of their strategy to Reach the City is to live like people that are "sent out" by God to tell the world about Him. For many people, missions and living sent centers around a trip or an event (Cuba, the Big Serve, church service). However, that's an incomplete viewpoint of missions. How is missions more of a lifestyle than an event? How can our lives be missional where we live, play, eat, shop, and work?
2. What is the message that we are called to proclaim in the Great Commission and in Jesus' last words here on earth in Acts 1:8? How would you define the Gospel? Do you have a clear understanding of the message that we have been entrusted with? Some may be hesitant to share their faith because they have a lack of clarity or understanding about it. Here's an easy breakdown to remember and use as a guide when you are telling people about your faith in Jesus.
a. God- Creator, Sustainer, desires a relationship with His people
b. Sin- We are separated from God because of our sin, therefore solidifying our need for a savior.
c. Jesus- He is the only way back to God, and he offers the free gift of salvation.
d. Response- We can accept or reject that free gift. Our choice has huge ramifications for eternity.
3. What is your roll in the process of your friends, family, and coworkers beginning a relationship with Jesus? Do you think you have a responsibility in that? Nehemiah and the people viewed themselves as spiritual mail carriers. In the temple at the worship experience, they were given the Good News, a package/letter about who God is and what He has done for people. They then took it on as their responsibility to leave the worship experience and deliver this Good News to people that needed to receive it. Have you delivered this Good News to anyone lately?
4. What are some of the fears that you have that are keeping you from starting a conversation about Jesus? (Rejection, hard questions being asked that we don't have the answers to, being politically correct, not wanting to be pushy or pressure people into something, don't know what to say). How can your group have some accountability with one another to make sure you're sharing your story? Would you commit to having at least one spiritual conversation this week? Would you be willing to get a game plan together for how to live a missional life in all aspects of your life?
Closing thought:
Answer this question out loud: "Can you really be a follower of Jesus and not tell others about Jesus?"
There are 2 explanations to why followers of Jesus don't tell other people about Jesus.
1. They really don't know Jesus. They may think they do, but their life hasn't been changed by Jesus.
2. They are being disobedient. Jesus was clear on what he has called his followers to do.
Our response to those things is to do some soul searching. Has Jesus really changed my life? Have I really given my life to follow him?
If so, do I need to repent over my sin of disobedience? Do I need to be reminded of the Gospel message and how powerful and life changing it is?
2. What is the message that we are called to proclaim in the Great Commission and in Jesus' last words here on earth in Acts 1:8? How would you define the Gospel? Do you have a clear understanding of the message that we have been entrusted with? Some may be hesitant to share their faith because they have a lack of clarity or understanding about it. Here's an easy breakdown to remember and use as a guide when you are telling people about your faith in Jesus.
a. God- Creator, Sustainer, desires a relationship with His people
b. Sin- We are separated from God because of our sin, therefore solidifying our need for a savior.
c. Jesus- He is the only way back to God, and he offers the free gift of salvation.
d. Response- We can accept or reject that free gift. Our choice has huge ramifications for eternity.
3. What is your roll in the process of your friends, family, and coworkers beginning a relationship with Jesus? Do you think you have a responsibility in that? Nehemiah and the people viewed themselves as spiritual mail carriers. In the temple at the worship experience, they were given the Good News, a package/letter about who God is and what He has done for people. They then took it on as their responsibility to leave the worship experience and deliver this Good News to people that needed to receive it. Have you delivered this Good News to anyone lately?
4. What are some of the fears that you have that are keeping you from starting a conversation about Jesus? (Rejection, hard questions being asked that we don't have the answers to, being politically correct, not wanting to be pushy or pressure people into something, don't know what to say). How can your group have some accountability with one another to make sure you're sharing your story? Would you commit to having at least one spiritual conversation this week? Would you be willing to get a game plan together for how to live a missional life in all aspects of your life?
Closing thought:
Answer this question out loud: "Can you really be a follower of Jesus and not tell others about Jesus?"
There are 2 explanations to why followers of Jesus don't tell other people about Jesus.
1. They really don't know Jesus. They may think they do, but their life hasn't been changed by Jesus.
2. They are being disobedient. Jesus was clear on what he has called his followers to do.
Our response to those things is to do some soul searching. Has Jesus really changed my life? Have I really given my life to follow him?
If so, do I need to repent over my sin of disobedience? Do I need to be reminded of the Gospel message and how powerful and life changing it is?
Monday, November 18, 2013
Reach This City: A Holy Marathon
Nehemiah 10:1-39
On the heels of an incredible worship experience (Nehemiah chapters 8 & 9) God's people decide not to let the passion that welled up in them fade. They covenant with God and with one another to do four things: keep God's law, lead their families according God's Word, press into God's presence communally and without distraction (have a day of worship), and give generously to God's work in their city. This covenant served as strategy for walking closely with God daily rather than simply encountering His presence in the context of a corporate worship experience.
For Group Consideration:
-Nehemiah 9:38 says that the people made a, "firm covenant in writing..." What is a covenant and why is it beneficial to make one with God and fellow believers?
-Nehemiah 10:28-29 outline the first point of the covenant. Essentially the commitment is to keep God's law. As New Covenant Christians (people living after the death and resurrection of Christ) is it still important to keep God's law? Jesus fulfilled the law on our behalf and died to take the punishment we deserve for not keeping the what incentive or reason have we to adopt this point of the covenant?
-Nehemiah 10:30 says that the people committed to align themselves in marriage with other followers of God exclusively. This kind of marital alignment obviously makes sense, but what about people who have already married someone who is not a follower of God or whose life is a contradiction to their profession of faith? How might we counsel and encourage those individuals to proceed in their marriages?
-Nehemiah 10:31 tells us that a layer of the covenant obligated the people to observe a day of worship where they celebrate God together and submit to Bible teaching. Is there a day that you really dedicate to worship and to leading your family/friends if single into a deeper relationship with Jesus?
*This doesn't mean that you are dedicating an entire day to reading the Bible, but it does mean that there should be a day when the work calls and emails go unanswered because you are giving a day to the Lord and to live out the Gospel clearly and intentionally in front of your family/friends if single.
-Nehemiah 10:32-39 shows us that the people committed to give generously to God's work in their city. Why do you suppose they were motivated to do this? What issues do/did you personally have with giving to the local church? Do you believe that God has called followers of Jesus to give to the local church? Have an open dialogue giving...
-Membership Event November 24th
On the heels of an incredible worship experience (Nehemiah chapters 8 & 9) God's people decide not to let the passion that welled up in them fade. They covenant with God and with one another to do four things: keep God's law, lead their families according God's Word, press into God's presence communally and without distraction (have a day of worship), and give generously to God's work in their city. This covenant served as strategy for walking closely with God daily rather than simply encountering His presence in the context of a corporate worship experience.
For Group Consideration:
-Nehemiah 9:38 says that the people made a, "firm covenant in writing..." What is a covenant and why is it beneficial to make one with God and fellow believers?
-Nehemiah 10:28-29 outline the first point of the covenant. Essentially the commitment is to keep God's law. As New Covenant Christians (people living after the death and resurrection of Christ) is it still important to keep God's law? Jesus fulfilled the law on our behalf and died to take the punishment we deserve for not keeping the what incentive or reason have we to adopt this point of the covenant?
-Nehemiah 10:30 says that the people committed to align themselves in marriage with other followers of God exclusively. This kind of marital alignment obviously makes sense, but what about people who have already married someone who is not a follower of God or whose life is a contradiction to their profession of faith? How might we counsel and encourage those individuals to proceed in their marriages?
-Nehemiah 10:31 tells us that a layer of the covenant obligated the people to observe a day of worship where they celebrate God together and submit to Bible teaching. Is there a day that you really dedicate to worship and to leading your family/friends if single into a deeper relationship with Jesus?
*This doesn't mean that you are dedicating an entire day to reading the Bible, but it does mean that there should be a day when the work calls and emails go unanswered because you are giving a day to the Lord and to live out the Gospel clearly and intentionally in front of your family/friends if single.
-Nehemiah 10:32-39 shows us that the people committed to give generously to God's work in their city. Why do you suppose they were motivated to do this? What issues do/did you personally have with giving to the local church? Do you believe that God has called followers of Jesus to give to the local church? Have an open dialogue giving...
-Membership Event November 24th
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Reach This City: Prayer and the Word
Text: Nehemiah 8-9
1. What is your approach to reading the Bible? How do you do it? (Pick a book, start on page 1, drop the book open and read whatever page it lands on).
2. What are you expecting to get out of it? (check it off the daily list, direction, instruction, wanting to hear from God, needing advice, needing help, obligation).
3. What is your most common reaction after reading the word? (learned something new, convicted over sin, didn't understand, like reading a good story, don't know what the next step is).
4. When is the last time you had a "Feast of Booths" moment? (when you read the Bible, were challenged by it, and put a plan of action into place).
5. Define what the real purpose of the Word is. (challenge, equip, convict, encourage, instruct, all that is good. But the Word is designed to change us and produce results). Is your time in the Word producing results?
6. We have 3 different aspects of prayer in chapter 9: Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving. Go around the room and take turns voicing these aloud. Start with one-liners of adoration about God. Leave some time of silence for people to confess to God silently. Remind them of the examples of why we need to confess on Sunday (stiff necked, threw out the laws, turned a cold shoulder, and didn't listen) and confess those things. Then close out the time by each person acknowledging lines of thanksgiving to God.
1. What is your approach to reading the Bible? How do you do it? (Pick a book, start on page 1, drop the book open and read whatever page it lands on).
2. What are you expecting to get out of it? (check it off the daily list, direction, instruction, wanting to hear from God, needing advice, needing help, obligation).
3. What is your most common reaction after reading the word? (learned something new, convicted over sin, didn't understand, like reading a good story, don't know what the next step is).
4. When is the last time you had a "Feast of Booths" moment? (when you read the Bible, were challenged by it, and put a plan of action into place).
5. Define what the real purpose of the Word is. (challenge, equip, convict, encourage, instruct, all that is good. But the Word is designed to change us and produce results). Is your time in the Word producing results?
6. We have 3 different aspects of prayer in chapter 9: Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving. Go around the room and take turns voicing these aloud. Start with one-liners of adoration about God. Leave some time of silence for people to confess to God silently. Remind them of the examples of why we need to confess on Sunday (stiff necked, threw out the laws, turned a cold shoulder, and didn't listen) and confess those things. Then close out the time by each person acknowledging lines of thanksgiving to God.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Reach This City: Life Change is Contagious
Nehemiah 7:5-73
Nehemiah chapter 7 verses 5 through 73 contains a lengthy list of names. Over 42,000 people are accounted for within this list. These are the people who returned to Jerusalem after its rebuilding. They showed up on the scene to help re-institute the worship of God within the city of God's people. It is clear that this list is the result of some godly men and women who lead their families well during 141 years of displacement. Even though they were scattered from their city and without a temple, they faithfully taught their children the scriptures and instilled in them the worship of God. This training trickled down from generation to generation such that Nehemiah ended up with some 42,000 people on the core team for his new church plant in the city of Jerusalem. This list of faith followers of God is the legacy left by the men and women who poured into their lives and cultivated them spiritually.
-The things you do and the things you choose not do shape your family and set a trajectory for their future. Are you living your life today in light of the reality that your decisions will affect your future and the future of you family? Will you watch netflix or spend time with the kids? Will you play another round of golf or will you engage your wife spiritually?
-The primary responsibility for biblical training within the home falls on the man. Men are you doing this well both in content and in action? Can you honestly say I lead my family in a Gospel-centered direction, I talk about Jesus regularly with my kids and wife, and my actions in the home support my speech?
-Woman, the primary responsibility of spiritual leadership is placed on the man, but do not think that means this text has nothing to do with you. Below are three things to discuss specifically for woman (and the men should here this discussion!). One point to be considered for single woman desiring a man, one point for woman in dating relationships considering marriage, one point for married woman with husbands who aren't leading well, and one point for single mothers who now bear the full responsibility of leadership in the home.
1. Some of you ladies are single and want a man. DO NOT settle for a man who displays passive tendencies, laziness, and never seems to have a great deal to say about his relationship with Jesus. If he seems passive in some areas it's a matter of time before he'll be passive regarding you. If he seem lazy it's a matter of time before he becomes lazy regarding you. If he doesn't appear to be in intense pursuit of Jesus personally he will not push you toward Jesus with any intensity.
2. Some of you ladies are dating a guy. Does he talk about Jesus often? Do you see him teaching/telling others about Jesus regularly? Has he been morally upright in your relationship? Can you see him reading the Bible to your future kids in the living room and modeling the truths he reads in your home? If the answer to these questions is no, end the relationship now.
3. Some of you ladies are married to a guy who is a poor spiritual leader. That's frustrating and exhausting, but your marriage is a covenant not a contract, so don't give up. You can call the honorable man out of your husband and help him become the leader you want him to be. This is done not by brow beating or belittling but by edifying. Pray for him daily, love him sacrificially, and find ways to compliment his spiritual leadership. These things will make him want to be better! Some of you say, "How can I compliment his spiritual leadership if he is doing a poor job?" Look for any possible positive and celebrate it. Does he at least pray before a meal, does he at least take the family to church regularly, does he have a Bible in the house? Celebrate these things. Thank him for praying before meals and showing you and the kids what it looks like to be grateful to God for the things He provides, thank him for getting up on Sundays and taking the family to church, thank him for keeping God's Word in your home...let him know that you notice these things and you find them attractive...what's celebrated is duplicated. Lift him up and celebrate the things that he is doing right, this will push him toward growth and maturity because he'll realize his wife is his biggest fan (perhaps you should even tell him that)!
4. Some of you ladies have been married and for one reason or another that marriage dissolved. If there are kids in the picture this probably left you with primary custody of the kids making you the primary spiritual leader in their lives. Let me encourage you. You've got an incredible opportunity to leave your legacy with your kids! Live in such a way that when you're gone your children might speak of you as a woman of God, a woman sacrificed for their well being, a woman who taught them the Bible and modeled its teaching. Leave your mark with your kids and let be a mark of which you're proud.
-Teens, some of you have great parents who teach you the Bible, take you to church, and model the Gospel. Are you honoring them and following the path they've laid out?
Nehemiah chapter 7 verses 5 through 73 contains a lengthy list of names. Over 42,000 people are accounted for within this list. These are the people who returned to Jerusalem after its rebuilding. They showed up on the scene to help re-institute the worship of God within the city of God's people. It is clear that this list is the result of some godly men and women who lead their families well during 141 years of displacement. Even though they were scattered from their city and without a temple, they faithfully taught their children the scriptures and instilled in them the worship of God. This training trickled down from generation to generation such that Nehemiah ended up with some 42,000 people on the core team for his new church plant in the city of Jerusalem. This list of faith followers of God is the legacy left by the men and women who poured into their lives and cultivated them spiritually.
-The things you do and the things you choose not do shape your family and set a trajectory for their future. Are you living your life today in light of the reality that your decisions will affect your future and the future of you family? Will you watch netflix or spend time with the kids? Will you play another round of golf or will you engage your wife spiritually?
-The primary responsibility for biblical training within the home falls on the man. Men are you doing this well both in content and in action? Can you honestly say I lead my family in a Gospel-centered direction, I talk about Jesus regularly with my kids and wife, and my actions in the home support my speech?
-Woman, the primary responsibility of spiritual leadership is placed on the man, but do not think that means this text has nothing to do with you. Below are three things to discuss specifically for woman (and the men should here this discussion!). One point to be considered for single woman desiring a man, one point for woman in dating relationships considering marriage, one point for married woman with husbands who aren't leading well, and one point for single mothers who now bear the full responsibility of leadership in the home.
1. Some of you ladies are single and want a man. DO NOT settle for a man who displays passive tendencies, laziness, and never seems to have a great deal to say about his relationship with Jesus. If he seems passive in some areas it's a matter of time before he'll be passive regarding you. If he seem lazy it's a matter of time before he becomes lazy regarding you. If he doesn't appear to be in intense pursuit of Jesus personally he will not push you toward Jesus with any intensity.
2. Some of you ladies are dating a guy. Does he talk about Jesus often? Do you see him teaching/telling others about Jesus regularly? Has he been morally upright in your relationship? Can you see him reading the Bible to your future kids in the living room and modeling the truths he reads in your home? If the answer to these questions is no, end the relationship now.
3. Some of you ladies are married to a guy who is a poor spiritual leader. That's frustrating and exhausting, but your marriage is a covenant not a contract, so don't give up. You can call the honorable man out of your husband and help him become the leader you want him to be. This is done not by brow beating or belittling but by edifying. Pray for him daily, love him sacrificially, and find ways to compliment his spiritual leadership. These things will make him want to be better! Some of you say, "How can I compliment his spiritual leadership if he is doing a poor job?" Look for any possible positive and celebrate it. Does he at least pray before a meal, does he at least take the family to church regularly, does he have a Bible in the house? Celebrate these things. Thank him for praying before meals and showing you and the kids what it looks like to be grateful to God for the things He provides, thank him for getting up on Sundays and taking the family to church, thank him for keeping God's Word in your home...let him know that you notice these things and you find them attractive...what's celebrated is duplicated. Lift him up and celebrate the things that he is doing right, this will push him toward growth and maturity because he'll realize his wife is his biggest fan (perhaps you should even tell him that)!
4. Some of you ladies have been married and for one reason or another that marriage dissolved. If there are kids in the picture this probably left you with primary custody of the kids making you the primary spiritual leader in their lives. Let me encourage you. You've got an incredible opportunity to leave your legacy with your kids! Live in such a way that when you're gone your children might speak of you as a woman of God, a woman sacrificed for their well being, a woman who taught them the Bible and modeled its teaching. Leave your mark with your kids and let be a mark of which you're proud.
-Teens, some of you have great parents who teach you the Bible, take you to church, and model the Gospel. Are you honoring them and following the path they've laid out?
Sunday, October 27, 2013
-Reach This City: Hard Work Pays Off-
1. We are celebrating COMMUNION this Sunday at REVO. This is always a special service for us, and a great time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus went through for our salvation. You don't want to miss it!
Text: Nehemiah 6:15-7:4
1. Nehemiah records that the reason why his opposition lost their confidence and self-esteem was NOT just because the wall was finished, but because the people knew that God was on the side of the builders. They accomplished something that only God could have done.
One of my favorite quotes: "Most of our lives we've done what we ourselves can accomplish. So when are you going to stop trying on your own and let your story be about things that only God can accomplish through you?"
What are some examples in your life where you've been able to accomplish things that can only be explained by the admission that God showed up and did only what He can do?
2. Nehemiah still comes into contact with opposition. It will remain there throughout the book. However, it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal right now. Why do problems seem less significant and overwhelming when you're following God? When you focus on God, how does that change the way you view your opposition and problems?
3. Even though the wall is built, Nehemiah still gives certain rules for the opening of the gates. He does this to protect from an ambush from his enemies. What are you doing to keep your guard up spiritually? To protect your relationships and family? To ensure that what you've worked so hard to build won't be lost?
4. Nehemiah shares and celebrates the wins, but keeps focused on Moving Forward. This would be a great time to share some "wins" with each other in the group. Brag on God, your rGroup, your church, your husband/wife, group leader or group members. Share some things God has been doing in your life.
Now, set some new goals. Share what you are working towards together. What are your next steps? How are you striving to continue to Move Forward and Reach This City? Nehemiah knows that the milestone must be celebrated, but also is aware of the importance of staying faithful and obedient to what God has called him to do.
So how will you stay faithful and obedient?
1. We are celebrating COMMUNION this Sunday at REVO. This is always a special service for us, and a great time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus went through for our salvation. You don't want to miss it!
Text: Nehemiah 6:15-7:4
1. Nehemiah records that the reason why his opposition lost their confidence and self-esteem was NOT just because the wall was finished, but because the people knew that God was on the side of the builders. They accomplished something that only God could have done.
One of my favorite quotes: "Most of our lives we've done what we ourselves can accomplish. So when are you going to stop trying on your own and let your story be about things that only God can accomplish through you?"
What are some examples in your life where you've been able to accomplish things that can only be explained by the admission that God showed up and did only what He can do?
2. Nehemiah still comes into contact with opposition. It will remain there throughout the book. However, it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal right now. Why do problems seem less significant and overwhelming when you're following God? When you focus on God, how does that change the way you view your opposition and problems?
3. Even though the wall is built, Nehemiah still gives certain rules for the opening of the gates. He does this to protect from an ambush from his enemies. What are you doing to keep your guard up spiritually? To protect your relationships and family? To ensure that what you've worked so hard to build won't be lost?
4. Nehemiah shares and celebrates the wins, but keeps focused on Moving Forward. This would be a great time to share some "wins" with each other in the group. Brag on God, your rGroup, your church, your husband/wife, group leader or group members. Share some things God has been doing in your life.
Now, set some new goals. Share what you are working towards together. What are your next steps? How are you striving to continue to Move Forward and Reach This City? Nehemiah knows that the milestone must be celebrated, but also is aware of the importance of staying faithful and obedient to what God has called him to do.
So how will you stay faithful and obedient?
Monday, October 21, 2013
Reach This City: Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing
Nehemiah 6:1-14
In chapter 6:1-14 Nehemiah models what it looks like to keep the main thing the main thing. He filters every opportunity, every meeting, and every decision through the filter of God's call on his life. In other words if a particular relationship, decision, or meeting wouldn't help him accomplish the vision God had given him, he knew not to bother with it. Tonight will be about assessing our "filtering" skills and developing a game plan to see God's vision for our lives realized.
-What has God called you to accomplish (this can be as general as the call to make disciples or as specific as a call to over seas missions)?
-What are you doing to accomplish this call (be honest)?
-What may be holding you back or distracting you from accomplishing God's vision for your life (a relationship, a negative pattern of behavior, poor calendar arrangement. etc...)?
-Do you really value God's vision for your life or has answering these questions revealed that you've really been more interested in your own vision?
-If we're honest, most of us will have to admit that on a daily and hourly basis we live out our vision for our lives rather than God's vision. How can we alter that this week and keep the main thing the main thing?
-Baptism this Sunday (At REVO North. No services downtown)!
-Coats for Kids (Bring em')!
In chapter 6:1-14 Nehemiah models what it looks like to keep the main thing the main thing. He filters every opportunity, every meeting, and every decision through the filter of God's call on his life. In other words if a particular relationship, decision, or meeting wouldn't help him accomplish the vision God had given him, he knew not to bother with it. Tonight will be about assessing our "filtering" skills and developing a game plan to see God's vision for our lives realized.
-What has God called you to accomplish (this can be as general as the call to make disciples or as specific as a call to over seas missions)?
-What are you doing to accomplish this call (be honest)?
-What may be holding you back or distracting you from accomplishing God's vision for your life (a relationship, a negative pattern of behavior, poor calendar arrangement. etc...)?
-Do you really value God's vision for your life or has answering these questions revealed that you've really been more interested in your own vision?
-If we're honest, most of us will have to admit that on a daily and hourly basis we live out our vision for our lives rather than God's vision. How can we alter that this week and keep the main thing the main thing?
-Baptism this Sunday (At REVO North. No services downtown)!
-Coats for Kids (Bring em')!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Reach This City: Righting Wrongs through Generosity
Hey leaders!
First of all, you're awesome!
Second of all, what you are doing is making a difference in the lives of your groups members!
Third of all, you are helping to make disciples so that we can Reach This City with the Gospel!
Fourth of all, you're awesome!
1. Don't forget to pump the REVO United service on October 27th. We are having our second baptism of 2013! It's going to be at the North campus, and we'll have one service at 11 with lunch afterwards. Do any of your group members need to take the next step and get baptized? Ask them to talk to you after group, and if they have any questions that you can't answer then send one of the REVO pastors an email!
Also, why don't you plan to sit together as a group at Baptism and cheer?! Bring some noisemakers, paint your chest, wear a rainbow wig, DO SOMETHING to get jacked up about life change through Jesus!
2. Coats for Kids is going on through the month of October. Turn your coats in at rGroup or at either campus on Sunday morning!
Question to discuss tonight on Nehemiah 5:1-19
1. Why do you think most people hate when churches, pastors, charities, or anyone for that matter talk about money?
(not generous, guilty over their lack of giving, misconceptions about money, think they are trying to be guilted to give more, insecure, bad past experience)
2. What are the differences that you've seen in how followers of Jesus treat money as oppose to people that aren't Christians?
(sometimes non-Christians give more, sometimes you don't see a difference, some Christians are very generous). Do you think it matters if there is a difference or not between the two groups?
3. Nehemiah 5:9-
-What do our finance say about who we really are?
(it illustrates what matters the most to us, it illustrates our level of obedience to God's word, our faithfulness to God, and our trust in God. When you think about it like that, no wonder Jesus talked about money so much!)
-Do you think that they way you spend your money shows others what you think of Jesus and His church?
-If so, then what do others think of Jesus based on your giving?
(answers range from "worth selling out for and very important" to "not really worth it and not that big of a deal")
4. Do you believe that your generosity can help Reach this City? How?
5. Nehemiah 5:19
-How can you turn your physical generosity into a spiritual gift to God? How do make that connection with giving of your time/money/resources to actually giving to God?
(Do you feel like your offering is going to an institution, or do you treat it as a gift to God so more lives can be changed? When you volunteer and serve, do you feel like you're just sweating and working for someone or an organization, or do you treat it as your gift to God?)
-What would happen if you switch the object of your giving from people/organization/groups to making God the object/recipient of your giving?
(it would be an act of worship, wouldn't be obligatory, wouldn't be burned out, would give joyfully and willingly, etc. It's a perspective change).
1. Scripture teaches that everything comes from God.
2. Scripture teaches that resources (including money) can open up doors for people to hear/respond to the Gospel message.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Reach This City: Protect This House!
Nehemiah 4:15-23
-We've been called to a personal building project. We are to build our relationship with Jesus, our relationship with our spouse, and we are to build and cultivate our children. What else are we called to build (think about singles or people without children)?
-Do you agree that while Satan is an enemy who seeks our destruction, we make his job easy and are often the primary cause of our own ruin? If so, in what ways do we bring destruction on ourselves?
-It's easy to determine how to defend things from an external enemy, but when our enemy is internal...when our enemy is ourselves...putting a game plan for defense together is more difficult. What steps can we take this week to protect the things we've built from our own inclination to destroy/neglect them?
-The Bible says that if we hold fast to the gospel then we are "being saved" (1 Corinthians 15:1-2). How might this truth help us develop that strategy for defending the things we've built against our number one enemy (ourselves)?
The Triad
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
-We've been called to a personal building project. We are to build our relationship with Jesus, our relationship with our spouse, and we are to build and cultivate our children. What else are we called to build (think about singles or people without children)?
-Do you agree that while Satan is an enemy who seeks our destruction, we make his job easy and are often the primary cause of our own ruin? If so, in what ways do we bring destruction on ourselves?
-It's easy to determine how to defend things from an external enemy, but when our enemy is internal...when our enemy is ourselves...putting a game plan for defense together is more difficult. What steps can we take this week to protect the things we've built from our own inclination to destroy/neglect them?
-The Bible says that if we hold fast to the gospel then we are "being saved" (1 Corinthians 15:1-2). How might this truth help us develop that strategy for defending the things we've built against our number one enemy (ourselves)?
The Triad
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Reach This City: Is It Worth It?
Please share these quick announcements with the group members before you get started!
1. The Big Serve! Sign up NOW (seriously, right now) at There is a list of every ministry site, the day, the time, a description, and everything you need to know. Sign up as a group together, or ask individuals if they've signed up yet. Serving this city Hard is a crucial part of us Reaching This City!
2. Baptism! October 27th is the next REVO United Service. We'll have a baptism celebration at REVO North. Do you need to get baptized? Sign up online at
3. Coats4Kids started this week. Set a goal for your group. How many coats do you want to get? Bring them to the office or to REVO on Sunday to drop them off. With a few hundred coats, we can totally eradicate the problem of kids coming to school cold in 2 low-income schools that are strategic ministry partners of ours.
Questions for tonight!
Nehemiah 4:1-14
1. Why did Nehemiah face opposition? I thought as long as you did what God told you to do and followed him that you wouldn't face opposition or hardship? It may sound simple, but just verbalizing and agreeing in a group setting that Christians face opposition regardless of obedience level may be comforting and encouraging for someone in your group that is going through a hard time and doesn't know why!
2. What is some of the "fine print" of being a follower of Jesus? Have you ever faced opposition as a Christian? In what ways? What did you learn from it? How can you help others that may be going through it now?
3. What are the usual ways that we respond to opposition? (Angry, get argumentative, shut down, cower away, get discouraged, avoid talking about it, get defensive, etc). How did Nehemiah respond to the opposition? How can Nehemiah's response play out in your daily life?
4. In vs. 6, Nehemiah says that the people had a "mind" to work. What do you have a "mind" to do in life? What are you really trying to accomplish?
5. In many areas of our lives, we have to ask the question, "Is it worth it?" (Going in debt to get a college education, spending money on big ticket items, changing professions, the decision to have kids and start a family, etc.) What is the process that you go through to answer the question, "is it worth it?" How can we take that same process and answer the question, "Is is really worth it to follow Jesus?" How would you respond if someone asked you, "Is it worth it to follow Jesus?"
6. How can opposition be an ADVANTAGE to you, your family, and your church? (being ready and prepared for it). So how can you prepare for spiritual opposition in your life?
Monday, September 23, 2013
Reach this City: We Need You!
Nehemiah 3:1-32
1. In verses 1-32 we saw an array of different kinds of people all working together to reach their city. We saw white collar people working next to blue collar people. The socioeconomic identifiers that typically drive societal association were broken down for sake of the God's mission in the city. Why is this important and how can our church break away from the inclination to surround ourselves with those who look and act like us?
2. We talked about the 20/80 rule of involvement that is at work in our church. How did this strike you and what do you think keeps people from participating?
3. We saw in verse 14 that some of the city leaders repaired by the Dung Gate (sewage and trash dump). What does this verse reveal about the attitude we should have when serving our city?
4. Verse 5 says that some of the nobles refused to stoop to serve their Lord. None of us wants to be remembered like these guys, but stooping to serve doesn't come naturally to us. What kind of steps can we take in our personal lives to cultivate humility that allows us to "stoop" in the way that we serve?
Shut it down:
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
*Head- It's going to take more than support of Jesus' mission to reach this city. It will require participation in Gospel activity.
*Heart-Evaluate whether or not your participation in Gospel activity has been 1. Stellar 2. In need of improvement 3. Non-existent
*Hands- Get involved in an rGroup, sign up for Big Serve, and participate in Gospel activity (involvement in neutral spaces cultivating relationships with those far from Jesus for the sake of making disciples).
2. We talked about the 20/80 rule of involvement that is at work in our church. How did this strike you and what do you think keeps people from participating?
3. We saw in verse 14 that some of the city leaders repaired by the Dung Gate (sewage and trash dump). What does this verse reveal about the attitude we should have when serving our city?
4. Verse 5 says that some of the nobles refused to stoop to serve their Lord. None of us wants to be remembered like these guys, but stooping to serve doesn't come naturally to us. What kind of steps can we take in our personal lives to cultivate humility that allows us to "stoop" in the way that we serve?
Shut it down:
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
*Head- It's going to take more than support of Jesus' mission to reach this city. It will require participation in Gospel activity.
*Heart-Evaluate whether or not your participation in Gospel activity has been 1. Stellar 2. In need of improvement 3. Non-existent
*Hands- Get involved in an rGroup, sign up for Big Serve, and participate in Gospel activity (involvement in neutral spaces cultivating relationships with those far from Jesus for the sake of making disciples).
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Reach This City: Strategy
1. Nehemiah prayed and cried out to God for what burdened him and mattered to him. According to 2:1, he prayed for 3-4 months! Have you ever prayed for something (with regularity and urgency) for an extended period of time? What makes it so hard to pray for so long?
2. What have you been praying for or burdened by that has been a "thought" in your head and heart for long time, but needs to be paired with action? What areas of your life do you need to formulate a strategy or a plan in order to Move Forward?
3. What are the broken walls and burned gates in our lives that need to be addressed? (relationship with Jesus, involvement in church, marriage, friends, parenting, work, apathy towards problems, etc.) Why is it so easy to turn away, ignore it, and tell ourselves it's really not that bad?
4. Nehemiah influenced people to get on board and rebuild the wall. What influence do you have (as a friend, spouse, boss, supervisor, parent, leader, church member) and how can you leverage and utilize that to impact the city?
Twitter worthy things to remember (#ReachThisCity)
-Vision without a strategy is a daydream. It'll never come to fruition! Have a goal AND a plan for how you'll achieve it.
-Don't over-spiritualize your life! Yes, God has called you to pray, but He's also called you to ACTION!
-God's calling HAS to be viewed through the scope of God's TIMING!
-Opposition in your pursuit of God is inevitable. You can either get discouraged, or get to work.
-God's calling on your life is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself. Work hard, sabbath hard.
-Good ideas fail all the time. God ideas are unstoppable.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Reach This City: A New Perspective
Nehemiah 1:1-11
-Jerusalem had been in shambles for 150 years. People were used to it. It had become normal. Why is it that seemingly out of the blue, Nehemiah becomes broken and distraught over the condition of his city?
-We've grown up with spiritual need all around us, we've never known anything different, perhaps 88% of 18-35 year olds involved in Jesus' Church is a normative and acceptable statistic in our estimation. Have you become indifferent toward the needs in our city? What might it look like for you to pursue God's perspective regarding these needs?
-Do you make a point to offer supplication for the city? In verses 4-11 Nehemiah passionately intercedes on behalf of his city. When was the last time we did that unprompted by a sermon series or stirring call by some religious leader? When was the last time we cared about lost people in our city without someone else telling us that we should feel that way?
-The end of verse 11 states Nehemiah's occupation. He was the cup bearer to the king. He was not a paid religious professional. He was just a regular, plain, replaceable guy. His position is one in which a high turn over rate is cup bearer dies...oh well bring out the next guy. Nehemiah was of no extreme importance, but because of the intensity with which he adopted God's perspective, he was used mightily. Do you legitimately believe that God will use you to spark a revolution of life change?
Make it Personal:
-What did you learn about God in this text?
-What did you learn about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
-Jerusalem had been in shambles for 150 years. People were used to it. It had become normal. Why is it that seemingly out of the blue, Nehemiah becomes broken and distraught over the condition of his city?
-We've grown up with spiritual need all around us, we've never known anything different, perhaps 88% of 18-35 year olds involved in Jesus' Church is a normative and acceptable statistic in our estimation. Have you become indifferent toward the needs in our city? What might it look like for you to pursue God's perspective regarding these needs?
-Do you make a point to offer supplication for the city? In verses 4-11 Nehemiah passionately intercedes on behalf of his city. When was the last time we did that unprompted by a sermon series or stirring call by some religious leader? When was the last time we cared about lost people in our city without someone else telling us that we should feel that way?
-The end of verse 11 states Nehemiah's occupation. He was the cup bearer to the king. He was not a paid religious professional. He was just a regular, plain, replaceable guy. His position is one in which a high turn over rate is cup bearer dies...oh well bring out the next guy. Nehemiah was of no extreme importance, but because of the intensity with which he adopted God's perspective, he was used mightily. Do you legitimately believe that God will use you to spark a revolution of life change?
Make it Personal:
-What did you learn about God in this text?
-What did you learn about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
Monday, August 26, 2013
Worship: More Than Singing
Matthew 22:37, Colossians 3:17, 22-24
1. Let's answer the "how" of worship. How do you do it? Do you think most people have limited worship to singing, music, and what we do it church on Sunday?
2. For John the Baptist, people saw what he was doing, what he was saying, and how he was acting, and they approached him asking "are you the one, are you the savior, are you the perfect person we have been waiting for that has all the answers and knows how we should live life?" Then, John the Baptist was able to share with the people about Jesus.
What are you doing at work that would cause people to come to you wanting to know "what's your secret? Why are you different? What makes your life seem so much better than anyone else?" The way you worship through your work can give you all kinds of opportunities to point people to Jesus. So what are you doing to gain that reputation? What are you doing to be a minister at work?
3. One person serves hard and calls it a chore. Another person serves hard and calls it worship. What's the difference? What can you do to turn even the hardest tasks and mundane chores into worship? (It's all about where your focus is.)
4. What are some of the ways you have categorized your life into spiritual and secular? Do you catch yourself taking off your spiritual hat after church and being a different person at work during the week?
1. Let's answer the "how" of worship. How do you do it? Do you think most people have limited worship to singing, music, and what we do it church on Sunday?
2. For John the Baptist, people saw what he was doing, what he was saying, and how he was acting, and they approached him asking "are you the one, are you the savior, are you the perfect person we have been waiting for that has all the answers and knows how we should live life?" Then, John the Baptist was able to share with the people about Jesus.
What are you doing at work that would cause people to come to you wanting to know "what's your secret? Why are you different? What makes your life seem so much better than anyone else?" The way you worship through your work can give you all kinds of opportunities to point people to Jesus. So what are you doing to gain that reputation? What are you doing to be a minister at work?
3. One person serves hard and calls it a chore. Another person serves hard and calls it worship. What's the difference? What can you do to turn even the hardest tasks and mundane chores into worship? (It's all about where your focus is.)
4. What are some of the ways you have categorized your life into spiritual and secular? Do you catch yourself taking off your spiritual hat after church and being a different person at work during the week?
Monday, August 19, 2013
Worship: Quality Revelation
Isaiah 6:1-10, John 12:37-41
-How would you assess the quality of the revelation we've received of Jesus?
-If this revelation of Jesus is so incredible, why do we struggle to respond with appropriate intensity?
-What holds you back in your response to Jesus in corporate worship? (Mood, musical preference, not an expressive person...)
-How strong is your grip on the revelation of who Jesus is? Is it something you meditate on and commit time to, or is it a cursory section in your routine that yields no return?
-How are you going to go about embracing and uncovering the revelation of Jesus this week?
Bottom Line
Head-The quality of the revelation determines the intensity of the response.
Heart- Does our response to Jesus accurately reflect the quality of the revelation we've received?
Hands-Tighten your grip on the revelation.
-If this revelation of Jesus is so incredible, why do we struggle to respond with appropriate intensity?
-What holds you back in your response to Jesus in corporate worship? (Mood, musical preference, not an expressive person...)
-How strong is your grip on the revelation of who Jesus is? Is it something you meditate on and commit time to, or is it a cursory section in your routine that yields no return?
-How are you going to go about embracing and uncovering the revelation of Jesus this week?
Bottom Line
Head-The quality of the revelation determines the intensity of the response.
Heart- Does our response to Jesus accurately reflect the quality of the revelation we've received?
Hands-Tighten your grip on the revelation.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Worship: Sibling Rivalries
Luke 11:38-42
1. Let' go ahead and take a poll: Who is a Mary, and who is a Martha? Briefly explain why you would call yourself that.

1. Let' go ahead and take a poll: Who is a Mary, and who is a Martha? Briefly explain why you would call yourself that.
When you first gave your life to Jesus, what was your initial desire?
Go, do, join, lead, and jump right in? Did you feel an obligation or a
duty to do something right off the bat?
Why is it so hard for the Martha's to identify, understand, and worship
instead of just getting up and DOING all the time? Are you serving and
doing in order to try to get to God, impress God, or earn something
from Him? Or is it an overflow of your relationship of God? (one of
the best ways to determine that may be your satisfaction level in
service. Do you hate it, not look forward to it, wish you didn't have
to? Or are you excited about the opportunity, show up fired up and
ready to go, and understand the WHO and the WHY behind the WHAT?
What about the Mary's? Do you think it's really possible to have a
REAL, growing, and healthy relationship with God without actually
getting up and serving, giving, doing, and responding?
How can we have the best of both worlds? What is the real question at
hand? (the real question is "what are we doing first?") How is this
really a both/and not an either/or?
Leave with this challenge.
and relationship is a choice. No one can make you grow deeper and move
forward. No one can make you closer to God. It's all up to you. If
you're not where you want to be, then there is only one person to blame
and one person that can fix it.
Martha- Slow
down and get closer to God. Start with what matters. Start with the
WHO. Stop preparing presents and gifts FOR God and start enjoying the
presence OF God. Worship.
Mary- Get up and do something with what you've learned. It's time to respond to God's revelation. Worship.
So What?
Head-Intimacy with God leads to service of God, not the other way around.
Heart-Determine for yourself whether you need to begin responding to God in worship through cultivating intimacy or if you need to respond to God in worship through service.
Hands-Act on what was determined.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Worship: The Who
Isaiah 6:1-8
1. Why is it so important to start a conversation and understanding of worship with the WHO? Why not start with the where, when, how, or why?
Bottom Line:
Head: Worship of God begins only after we see who He is (holy and intrinsically worthy of worship).
Heart: Many of us don't respond to God with worship because we don't truly understand who He is. We've not contemplated the depths of His holiness or asked the Holy Spirit to reveal His glory and consequently we've not allowed ourselves the opportunity to see God as Isaiah did, for if we had seized that opportunity we would respond as Isaiah did.
Hands: If you've not seen God for who He is then you've not worshipped God as He deserves to be worshipped. Use your time in prayer and Scripture this week to intentionally be overwhelmed by who God is! Don't think so much about your requests or how you want Him to improve your life, simply think about the Who and plead with the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the reality of who God is so that you can worship Him rightly.
1. Why is it so important to start a conversation and understanding of worship with the WHO? Why not start with the where, when, how, or why?
2. What are ways that we "see the Lord" today, in comparison to how Isaiah saw the Lord in vs 1?
What is a good working definition of worship? What are some other
things we worship, and how do we worship them? (ascribing worth, our
response to God's revelation)
4. What are some
effects of seeing the WHO behind worship, and why are those important?
(confession of sin, realize the standard of goodness and holiness).
What are some ways that you can share with the group that have been
powerful in helping you see the WHO behind your worship? (time in the
word, prayer, attending church, reading the Word, seeing it in other
Head: Worship of God begins only after we see who He is (holy and intrinsically worthy of worship).
Heart: Many of us don't respond to God with worship because we don't truly understand who He is. We've not contemplated the depths of His holiness or asked the Holy Spirit to reveal His glory and consequently we've not allowed ourselves the opportunity to see God as Isaiah did, for if we had seized that opportunity we would respond as Isaiah did.
Hands: If you've not seen God for who He is then you've not worshipped God as He deserves to be worshipped. Use your time in prayer and Scripture this week to intentionally be overwhelmed by who God is! Don't think so much about your requests or how you want Him to improve your life, simply think about the Who and plead with the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the reality of who God is so that you can worship Him rightly.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Religious Lies: Q & A
1. What are ways in our lives that we are hindering ourselves from truly experiencing the Gospel? Are there areas of your life where your attitude/actions/words are hindering others from knowing who Jesus is?
2. When you understand what the unforgivable sin is, how does that change your urgency about the Gospel? What are the next steps you need to take THIS WEEK with people you know that haven't heard or responded to the Gospel message?
3. How do you pray? Are there certain things you always include? How did you learn? How has your prayer life grown? And how has prayer helped your relationship with God become more personal?
4. What are the buckets of your life that you can daily fill to deepen your faith? What are the small mustard seeds that you can focus on? How can showing simple faith everyday help your faith deepen over time?
5. Close it out by reflecting back over the last 10 months of Mark. What were the high points for your group? What series did you like the best and get the most out of? What was the biggest takeaway from the book study?
Monday, July 22, 2013
Religious Lies: Tradition vs. God's word
Things to remember
-Pray for Cuba Team
-Praise God His provision in providing a location for our new campus
Mark 7:1-23
In verse 1 we see that the Pharisees are so busy trying to judge Jesus and His disciples that they neglect the assessment of their own hearts. Have you ever fallen into this religious pattern of judging other people's hearts and behavior instead of dealing with your own issues? Is doing this wrong and unproductive? If so, why are we so drawn to doing it?
In verses 6-9 Jesus reveals that the Pharisees traditions weren't based on God's word. They were based on the preferences of the people who were in power and they elevated those preferences to the same level of importance as God's word. Does this still happen in the Church? What are some examples?
Verses 10-13 provide an example of how the Pharisees had elevated their tradition and preference above God's word. Perhaps you and I haven't done this in as formal a fashion as the Pharisees, but in complete honesty, would you have to admit that you have elevated your tradition (preferred way of doing things) above God's law? Why is doing this wrong?
The Pharisees idea of being clean and undefiled before God revolved around external cleanliness and behavior. Jesus challenges that idea in verses 15-23. How do these verses relate to the Gospel?
The wrap up:
(Head) We all have traditions that we elevate above God's commands.
(Heart) What are those traditions for us personally?
(Hands) Actively and prayerfully repent of these traditions and submit instead to God's word.
-Pray for Cuba Team
-Praise God His provision in providing a location for our new campus
Mark 7:1-23
In verse 1 we see that the Pharisees are so busy trying to judge Jesus and His disciples that they neglect the assessment of their own hearts. Have you ever fallen into this religious pattern of judging other people's hearts and behavior instead of dealing with your own issues? Is doing this wrong and unproductive? If so, why are we so drawn to doing it?
In verses 6-9 Jesus reveals that the Pharisees traditions weren't based on God's word. They were based on the preferences of the people who were in power and they elevated those preferences to the same level of importance as God's word. Does this still happen in the Church? What are some examples?
Verses 10-13 provide an example of how the Pharisees had elevated their tradition and preference above God's word. Perhaps you and I haven't done this in as formal a fashion as the Pharisees, but in complete honesty, would you have to admit that you have elevated your tradition (preferred way of doing things) above God's law? Why is doing this wrong?
The Pharisees idea of being clean and undefiled before God revolved around external cleanliness and behavior. Jesus challenges that idea in verses 15-23. How do these verses relate to the Gospel?
The wrap up:
(Head) We all have traditions that we elevate above God's commands.
(Heart) What are those traditions for us personally?
(Hands) Actively and prayerfully repent of these traditions and submit instead to God's word.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Religious Lies: Functional Saviors
-Family meeting after 9:30 and 11:00 am services. BIG Announcement!
-Pray for Cuba team as they serve this week (Jessica Wilson, Andrew Shumate, Steven Wright, Emily Deer, Paul and MacKenzie Davidson)
-Live Q & A session July 28th. Email your questions about any of the content from the book of Mark to
Mark 12:13-17
1. We have 2 kinds of saviors: functional and non-functional. (A non-functional savior is one we profess verbally or subscribe to in principle but does not affect or govern our lives practically. A functional savior is someone or something to which we look for security and hope practically, in real time situations). All Christians would admit that Jesus is their savior, but unfortunately he often serves in a non-functional role. What are the functional saviors that we pursue daily? (family, money, career, government)
-Family meeting after 9:30 and 11:00 am services. BIG Announcement!
-Pray for Cuba team as they serve this week (Jessica Wilson, Andrew Shumate, Steven Wright, Emily Deer, Paul and MacKenzie Davidson)
-Live Q & A session July 28th. Email your questions about any of the content from the book of Mark to
Mark 12:13-17
1. We have 2 kinds of saviors: functional and non-functional. (A non-functional savior is one we profess verbally or subscribe to in principle but does not affect or govern our lives practically. A functional savior is someone or something to which we look for security and hope practically, in real time situations). All Christians would admit that Jesus is their savior, but unfortunately he often serves in a non-functional role. What are the functional saviors that we pursue daily? (family, money, career, government)
2. Caesar's purpose was to advance his kingdom, make his name known, and create followers of him that would be loyal. One of the greatest ways that these leaders would accomplish that is through the concept of money: paying taxes, printing their image in every place that they could. What is the correlation between this idea and what Jesus calls his followers to do? (tithe, evangelism, being image bearers of Jesus)
3. Why do we say that giving tithes and offering each week has really nothing to do with money? (Giving is not about the money, but about WHO it is going to. It's about selling out to the belief system that changed your life. Your money shows whose authority you are under. If you spend it all on you, you are acknowledging that you are the boss, the only one that matters, the sustainer, the provider. Giving first to God acknowledges that you are under His authority, that you are trusting Him to provide, that His kingdom and agenda is most important, that He is the one that sustains and blesses. Those attitudes create followers of Jesus, and that's REVO's goal: to create followers of Jesus. We want something for you, not from you.)
4. A great summary statement is Matthew 6:33. What does is mean to "seek first the kingdom of God"? How can you do that on a daily, practical level?
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What do you plan to do about it?
Monday, July 8, 2013
Religious Lies: Give Me A Sign
Why didn't Jesus give them a sign? It would have been an easy fix,
right? It would have shut them up and finally helped them to be
authentic followers, right? What's wrong with asking for a sign?
Jesus compares the traditionalism, doubt, and skepticism of the
religious people to yeast in dough. How do those things work in our
lives? What are the results?
3. Here are the 5 questions that Jesus asked. Let's put them in our context and answer them.
Why are you talking about having no bread? (Why do we always sweat the
small stuff? Why do the unimportant things always worry us and consume
us? How can we stop doing that and focus on what matters?)
Do you still not see or understand? (How many times have we heard a
sermon on love, forgiveness, evangelism, discipleship, faith, etc, and
it seems to never stick? What causes that? Why are so quick to forget
the basics, which in turn causes our lives to seem like chaos
c. Are your hearts hardened? (Do you ever read the
Bible or hear and sermon and automatically think of 5 different people
that need to hear it? How can you create a habit in your life of
wrestling with texts/sermons/Bible reading? Maybe you can take notes
during the message and then revisit them during the week. Maybe you can
focus on ways that this text applies to your life/situation/job/ relationships right now.)
Do you have eye but fail to see and ears but fail to hear? (Are you so
desperate for the big things that you miss the little ways that God is
daily moving in your life and around you? Do you have a plan for your
life/prayers that you want God to follow? If he answered those prayers
in some other way, would you even notice?)
e. Don't you
remember? (Do you ever take time to think about what God has done for
you in the past? How he has provided, sustained, spoken to you, helped
4. How do you identify the ways that God
is moving in your life every day? How can you move from "wanting more
signs" to "acknowledging what God has done and worshipping Him for
Monday, July 1, 2013
You Gotta Have Faith: Blind Faith
Mark 10:46-52
1. Close your eyes. Imagine what it would be like to be blind.
Imagine not being able to see color. To know what the beach looks
like, or the sunset. The phrase that I think comes to mind most when I
think about blindness is this: "you're missing out on so much. So many
of the joys in life, so many beautiful things, so many indescribable
moments of life." Now, how does that relate to spiritual blindness?
How would you describe what spiritually blind people are missing?
What is your role as a person that can now see? Do you feel any
obligation to help anyone else? Do you desire for others to see? What
does it mean for Jesus to look at us and say, "Call him to me."
Why does Jesus set it up so that the Savior comes before the sight?
Why wouldn't Jesus just give everyone their physical sight first?
(People will then put their faith in their prayers and ability to ask,
the signs of Jesus instead of the person). What is Jesus after, clarity
or intimacy? What does those things produce?
4. Share time! Look at Luke 18:43.
If you have faith in Jesus, share how these things are true in your
life. Faith is an internal conviction that leads to external action.
What has your faith produced in your life? Can you identify these
a. Worship
b. Witness
c. Follow
They're Back:
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
Monday, June 24, 2013
You Gotta Have Faith: Faith Produces Results
Mark 7:24-30
1. How has faith in Jesus changed your life? Has it really changed your life? Is your life REALLY changed? Law 1- an object stays at rest until it's moved. Is your spiritual life moving, or is it as rest? Quote from the sermon: "It’s going to be hard to convince people that your life has been changed by Jesus if there is no change."
What are the ways that life change is measured? (salvations,
relationship mended, marriages restored, behavioral changes including
speech, attitude, and even actions). What are the areas in your life
that are showing people that your life has been changed by Jesus?
5. Take the Name
Challenge. Have each member of your rGroup write a name on a piece of
paper that they are committing to pray for. Pray for them tonight.
Bring the names back out occasionally and ask about them and pray about
them more. Hopefully you'll soon be able to take names off of the list
because your prayers will be answered!
1. How has faith in Jesus changed your life? Has it really changed your life? Is your life REALLY changed? Law 1- an object stays at rest until it's moved. Is your spiritual life moving, or is it as rest? Quote from the sermon: "It’s going to be hard to convince people that your life has been changed by Jesus if there is no change."
How did so many people find out about Jesus? Why were people
clamoring just to be around him, touch him, talk with him, and be
changed by him? (Because people that had encountered Jesus and been
changed by him left and told other people about him). Think about it
like this: before you buy a car, you check out the reviews, you ask
around, you check with any of your friends that may own that make/model.
Many times, the experiences of your friends/family with that product
carry great weight in your final decision. How much more
important/urgent/life changing is the Gospel!?!
"Are we so passionate about our favorite restaurant or brand of
electronics that it leads us to tell our friends and put it on facebook,
but so apathetic about the Gospel that we won't tell anyone about
Jesus?" Sometimes we use the excuse that we don't want to offend people
or be embarrassed. That doesn't seem to stop us from sharing our
beliefs about other things, does it? When you tell people about a good
experience at a restaurant, you don't get nervous and think "well what
if they go and don't like it?" You're not thinking "I can't tell them
about that steakhouse, what if they don't like steak?" So why do we
have those worries about Jesus and the Gospel?
woman wasn't thinking "what if he doesn't like me, what if he sends me
away, what if I get embarrassed?" No, it meant enough to her to go and
ask Jesus. She cared enough about her daughter to do what it takes to
see her healed. Are you willing to do what it takes to see your
neighbors/friends/coworkers life changed by Jesus? If so, what are you
going to do about it? (pray, invite, invest in them, share your Jesus
Monday, June 17, 2013
When the Answer's No
1. Did your parents ever tell you "no," and give you the reason "because I said so?" How did that make you feel? Are those feelings similar when God says "no" and it seems to you that He really doesn't have a very good reason for it? Do you ever think of God as your Heavenly Father that is infinitely more wise and knowing than you are, and knows what's best for your life?
2. This man was begging and pleading with the disciples to heal his son. It wasn't a bogus, off-the-wall claim. Have you had a point in your life where you asked God for a legitimate, important request, and he said no? In hindsight, can you now understand why you got the answer that you did? What did God teach you during that process?
3. What are the areas of your life that you are MOST likely to bring to God first? What are the areas of your life that you are LEAST likely to bring to God?
4. Why doesn't God just answer all of our prayers? Why does he sometimes wait, say no, or actually allow the opposite of what we've prayed for happen?
5. God views our lives from the lens of James 4:14, like a vapor or a mist that dissipates quickly. How should that mentality and outlook on life change and shape our view of God's response to our prayers? Does it make it any easier to understand why He does what He does?
6. How can you personally implement the 3 takeaways from this text in your life?
a. Help my unbelief. (9:24)
b. Bring it to Jesus. (9:19-20)
c. Some things can only be solved through intense prayer. (9:29)
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