Saturday, January 18, 2014

Christianity 101: Hearer vs Doer

Text:  James 1:19-27

In this passage, James gives 3 simple instructions for the Christians to follow when it comes to the Bible.  Receive the Word, Apply the Word, and Practice the Word.  He uses a preposterous illustration to help people see how unhelpful it is for them to just attend church and read the Bible without allowing  the truths in it to change their lives.

1.  The Bible teaches that salvation comes through faith alone.  However, Jesus did teach that there were ways that you could tell if a person's faith was authentic.  Jesus taught that real conversion is evidence through obedience to the Word.  Jesus taught that real converts would obey the Word.
-John 8:31, 43-47; 14:21-34; 15:7-14
-1 John 2:3-5 
-Matthew 7:24-27; 13:18-23

2.  It's easy to tell people that you're a Christian and that you know Jesus, but how does your level of biblical obedience compare to your level of biblical knowledge?

3.  James told the people that they needed to receive the Word.  What are ways that you receive the Word today in your life?
-How do you receive the Word?  By hearing it (19), by putting away your sin (20-21), and by being teachable (21b)

4. Why is it important that you move from receiving the Word to applying it?  What good is it to know the Bible if you never do anything about it?

5.  James gives us an outline of how we can practice the Word.  What do these things look like in your life today?  How can your rGroup focus on getting better together with these things?
a.  Controlling your tongue [attitude, actions, speech] (26)
b. By caring for those in need (27a)
c. Be dedicating your life to God (27b)


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