Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christianity 101: Temptations

Text:  James 1:13-18
Topic: Temptations

1.  First, we've got to understand some basics about temptation:
a. Its inevitable (13a)
b. Its personal (13b)
c. Its predictable (14-18)
d. Its conquerable (18)

2.  Let's talk about the process of temptation and connect the dots.  One reason why it's so easy to fall into temptation is because initially it seems like no big deal.  Using the following 4 steps, talk about how sin moves from something simple and insignificant like "deception" to something with huge collateral damage in your life like "death."

(Possible temptations: Gossip, substance abuse, adultery, sexual sin, unethical business decisions)
a. Deception-  It doesn't hurt anyone else, it's only this one time, nobody will know, it's really no big deal
b. Desire- I just want to be happy, wealthy, have a little fun, feel good, make myself look better
c. Disobedience- I know it's wrong but it feels good, I deserve this, I want to do what I want
d. Death- Relationships lost, marriages wrecked, families broken, physical death, professional career destroyed, character and credibility gone.

How quickly can "it's really no big deal" move to "lost, broken, and death!"

3.  Deception and desire illustrates how sin often makes false promises.  Talk about some of the false promises that sin makes?  (satisfaction, riches, fulfillment, peace, pleasure, influence, power)

4.  Disobedience and death solidify our failures and ultimately our need for a savior.  We deserve to get an F, but with Jesus we end up getting an A.  How does Jesus pick up where sin left off?  How can failing a test time and time again result in forgiveness, grace, and new life?

5.  So how do you overcome temptation?
a.  Realize that you are in a spiritual battle (James 1:19-21, James 4:8)
b.  Remember that you are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:12-14, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, Galatians 2:20)
c.  Renew your mind by the spirit and the word (Ephesians 4:22-23, Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 4:8, Colossians 3:16)
d.  Realize that God is more satisfying than sin (Hebrews 11:24-26)
e.  Rely on the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16-21)

Remember that temptation is about focus.  Focus on God, the blessings that he's given you, and the things that He has made for man to enjoy within the context of Scripture.  When you lose that focus, you'll use the blessings of God in a God forbidding way and fall into temptation.

HOMEWORK:  Identify the temptations that you struggle with and take stock of the things that make you susceptible to that temptation.  (Time of day, location, your mood, the people around you, what's going on in the world, certain subjects, tiredness).  That way when you experience any of the things in the list above, you'll be reminded to keep your guard up and remained focused so that you don't fall into temptation.


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