Monday, August 8, 2016


1 Peter 2:9-10

Group discussion questions:

In your own words, what is "identity"? ... Who are you?

What are some of the "false" identities that people around you cling to?

What stereotypes do you most identify with?

What are some ways that you get your identity mixed up and confused?

Why is it important to know what your identity is?

Why does your sense of who you are need to come from a proper sense of who God is?

What is dangerous about finding your identity in something that can change or be taken away?

How can you remind yourself of your identity in the Lord despite the overwhelming messages of our culture?

What does it personally mean to you that you are accepted, valuable, loved, forgiven, and called by God?

Knowing that, how do you respond?

(Take time to confess sin, repent, worship, and pray.)


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