-I Peter 3:1-7
-What are the different definitions of "manhood" today? (from media, music, academia, culture, family history/influence)
-Being a male is biological and happens naturally. Becoming a man is "learned." Agree? Give examples. Guys, who taught you to be a man? Girls, who do you look to as an example in your life of what a man should look/act/talk like?
-Girls' List of Things to Look for in a Guy
-Guys' list of How to Be a Man
1. Love Her and be Sacrificial for Her (5:25)
2. Encourage Her, build Her up, and Speak highly of her (5:26)
3. Take responsibility, know what to do, and do it. (5:27)
4. Put others before yourself (5:28)
5. Provide for Her, Protect Her, and Value Her (5:29)
-How does this list compare to the lists from question 1? Girls, does your list look anything like this one?
Ways that you can work on these passages this week:
-Do you talk bad about your wife when you are joking around with your friends at work?
-Are you only focused on you and your wants and desires?
-Do you take responsibility for your actions, or are you always looking for a scapegoat?
-Do you have your own life in order? Finances, time management, employment, etc. Are you a man, or are you still a boy?
-My marriage counseling for guys simplifies down to three steps. 1. Shut-up. Stop bad mouthing your wife in front of your friends. Stop saying anything that does not edify her or build her up. 2. Man-up. Start loving your wife sacrificially. Don't be so concerned with yourself. 3. Grow-up. Stop blaming your wife for what's wrong. Stop making excuses. It's your responsibility.
-Are you compromising in your relationships because he's cute, rich, or "better than nothing?"
-What's your criteria for relationships? What/Who is the bar that is set for your man?
-If you are married, how do you encourage your husband to submit his life to Christ? Submit to him when you know he is seeking Jesus?
-No man ever wanted to go to church or get closer to Jesus as the result of a nagging wife. Don't try to guilt him into a relationship with Jesus. Pray for your husband daily.
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