Philippians 4:6-8
vs. 6- Don't be anxious in anything-
-What are the areas of your life that you are most anxious about? What things need to happen or change in your life to move from anxiety to finding the peace of God?
vs. 7- Keep the lines of communication open-
-Just like with God, many times we don't try to communicate clearly with our spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends until things get bad. What are the advantages of communicating clearly? How can you make communication with and reliance on God a part of the entire relationship process, and not just when you need a problem solved?
-When was there a time when you let your heart guide you and it was a bad decision? What is usually the deciding factor when making important decisions for you?
vs. 8- Let's take a look at these characteristics and analyze them in our own lives.
Answer the questions:
A. What do these attributes look like in my life?
B. What does this look like in my spouse's life?
C. If you're single, how can you effectively spot these characteristics in your sweetheart's life to know you are making a good relationship decision?
1. True: Real, Genuine. Opposite: Deceitful
2. Honorable: noble, possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties.
3. Just: right, proper. Opposite: unfair
4. Pure: free from pollutants, impurities, and adulterants. Opposite: Not genuine
5. Lovely: enjoyable, delightful, beauty that appeals to the emotions as well as the eyes. Opposite: Disagreeable.
6. Commendable: Admirable, to treat with pleasure, wonder, and approval. Have a high opinion of and respect for. Opposite: hateful
7. Excellence: Highest or finest quality, first-class, highest level of good. Opposite: second-rate, inferior.
8. Praiseworthy: merits praise, highly commendable.
Finally, put some closure on the relationship series. Ask you group what was the most helpful. What got left out? What were questions that they have that they wished were answered. This will be a huge help for us as we plan relationship things in the future.
Also, remind them that in January of 2012, we are starting a 6 week rGroup on Sunday nights that is open to the entire church. We will meet at 6:00 at the Children's Museum, and we will go through the book "iMarriage" by Andy Stanley. It's a great relationship resource for singles and marrieds alike.
The reason we are doing this is to make sure we are not only teaching what the Bible says about healthy relationships, but also offering practical steps for people to help them in their relationships everyday. We already have 3 rGroups that have decided to attend the iMarriage group for the first part of 2012 instead of meeting as a group like they have been doing. It could be a good change of pace for your group and will definitely be insightful and helpful for everyone that goes through the study.
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