Philippians 2:1-8
-What were the overall points or ideas conveyed during the message on Sunday?
-What stuck out to you the most?
-Guys and Girls: Where do you get your ideas and presuppositions of marriage from? Your parents, movies, friends, other family members, books, culture, etc.
-Let's take a look at the different key words that were mentioned during the message on Sunday:
Philippians 2:1
1. encouragement
2. comfort
3. fellowship
4. tenderness
5. compassion
1. like minded
2. same love
3. one spirit
4. one purpose
1. selfish ambition
2. vain conceit
3. humility
4. selfless
-How have you experienced these different actions or emotions? What was the result?
-How have some of these panned out in your relationships, good or bad?
-Who is setting the bar for your viewpoints of relationships now? In other words, who are you modeling your actions and attitudes after when it comes to your relationships?
-How different would your relationships look if you modeled yourself after Jesus?
-I know your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, significant other has problems, but let's take a look at our own lives and get them grounded in Jesus before we look at the problems of others.
-Read Matthew 7:3-5. How does this verse correlate with marriage and relationships?
-Remember to invite people to the relationship series next week!
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