Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tough Sayings: First is Last

Mark 9:33-37 & Mark 10 35-45

-After hearing this week’s sermon how would you answer someone if they asked you what it meant when Jesus said that the first will be last?

 -Your level of humility reveals what you think about yourself, but your level of service reveals what you think of others. What does your level of service reveal about your viewpoint of others?

 -In Mark 9:37 Jesus says that we should serve in His name. What does that mean?

 -In America altruism and humanitarianism are extremely popular. How do we ensure that Jesus receives honor and glory from our service rather than simply being caught up in the trend of social action?

 -How is God glorified in our service to others?

 Still Askin’ Em’:

-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?

-What are you going to do about it?


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