1. Read verse 17. How do we confuse "doing" and "inheriting" sometimes when it comes to life in Jesus?
2. Read Deuteronomy 10:14. Pastor Nathan talked about this truth in terms of "leasing" from God. He owns it all, but we use it and steward it. We will have to give an account for how we used those things He gave us. What are you doing a good job "leasing" in your life? What are the areas in which you struggle with "ownership"?
3. Read verse 25. Why would it be so difficult for rich people to get to heaven?
4. Read verses 26 & 27. What does Jesus' answer mean?
5. Unpack this saying: "Giving is a heart issue, not really a money issue."
You know it's coming:
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
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