Monday, February 11, 2013

Tough Sayings: Less is More

Mark 12:38-44

-Explain the relationship between our actions and our motives

-In your opinion, do impure motives nullify right actions?

-Since your opinion doesn't matter...does Jesus suggest in this text that impure motives nullify right actions?

-How does one go about changing his or her internal motivations?

-The scribes in Mark 12 were extremely passionate about how they were perceived. Do you ever find that you are more concerned with the image of spiritual maturity that you project than you are with the substance of your relationship with Jesus?

-What did you think when Pastor Nathan said that we often ask God to fill us but neglect to acknowledge the fact that we have already filled our lives with other things?

-What things have you filled your life with that really don't matter, don't get you closer to Jesus, and don't get anyone else closer to Jesus?

You knew it was coming:

-What did this text teach you about God?

-What did this text teach you about yourself?

-What are you going to do about it?


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