Monday, October 29, 2012

Jesus Is...Crazy!

To the Leaders:
We're rolling with scaled back blog content this week because I want to give each group an opportunity to get personal and deal with the important message Jesus sends us in Mark chapter 3.

As the rGroup leader prepare for this session by getting your notes out from the October 7th sermon and re-familiarize yourself with the content.

You may even want to let your group listen to a bit of the sermon together to reconnect with it. If you choose to do this start listening about 13 minutes in. You can find the sermon here:

Remember that if people eliminate the excuses for why they can't be used by God we'll see crazy things start to happen in our church. God intentionally used some losers in Scripture so that we might be encouraged by knowing that He can and will use us if we make ourselves available to Him. Start your group time by sharing that thought.

Read Mark 3:13-21

Conversation Questions:
-What did this text teach you about God?

-What did this text teach you about yourself (i.e. what excuses have you been giving God)?

-What are you going to do about it?

 On the flip side:

-How many of you know the dude that doesn't have any excuses for why God shouldn't him? (this guy thinks he is God's gift to the world)

-Do you think God is going to use the humble guy who realizes he is unworthy and ill-equipped or the guy who thinks he is a super start?

-Do you struggle with pride in thinking that God should use you instead of others?

Because this gets a bit personal make sure that you lead in vulnerability so that others feel comfortable sharing. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jesus Is...Smart

I’ve provided supplemental videos in this blog that address questions raised by the text. These are optional, but may help draw more meaning out of the verses. The video will appear above the question(s) to which it is related.

Read Jesus’ answer to the question posed in verse 28 (His answer is found in verses 29-31).

 What does it mean to love God internally?
 What does it look like to love God tangibly?
 How does one love his neighbor and why is it so important?

The teacher who posed the question in verse 28 responds to Jesus’ answer in verses 32-33. Read this response.

 In what way is comprehensive love for God and a tangible love for ones neighbor more important than offering whole burnt offering and sacrifices?
A burnt offering just symbolized submission to God, but keeping the two greatest commandments demonstrated submission to God!

 Hopefully Jesus’ questions in verses 35-37 aren’t as random as they seem. What might Jesus be saying about Himself in these verses?

 Street Level
-What did this text teach you about God?

-What did this text teach you about yourself?

-What are you going to do with it?

Announcements Recap:
*Baptism October 28th
*Pray for Cuba team (fever for the Gospel and burden for the people of Cuba)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jesus is... Enough

Mark 9:2-13
5 Major topics to hit in this passage:

1. The glory of Jesus

2. The fulfillment of the law and the prophets

3.  Listen to Jesus

4.  Jesus is enough

5.  Come Down off the mountain

1. The Glory of Jesus (vs. 2-3)
-Jesus was fully God and fully man.  How does that work?  Why is that important?  Why couldn't Jesus just be fully God?  Or maybe just fully man?  Why is it significant now that Jesus has been shown to have the glory or God?  What does that do for his authority here on earth?

2.  The fulfillment of the law and the prophets (vs. 4)
-Who was the celebrity when it came to authority in the biblical world up until this point?  Moses.  So why was is significant that Jesus come to fulfill the law (written by Moses?).  Because the limited access to God was known blown open.  That's a big deal!
-Who was the biggest celebrity when it came to the prophets?  Elijah.  So why was it significant that Jesus came to fulfill the words of the prophets?  Because the people of God didn't have to wait any more!  The one that was sufficient was here.  The savior was here.  The very presence of God was with them.  That's a big deal!

How have these things changed then?
1. The prophets were the spokesmen of God to the people.  What's different now that Jesus is here?  Priesthood of the believer.  We all have access to God now, not just a priest inside the temple at certain times.  That's a great freedom!
2. The prophets demonstrated the power of God to help people believe in God.  What's different now that Jesus left in Acts 1?  Holy Spirit now dwells in each of us as believers.  It's our responsibility to demonstrate the power and authority of God in order to point people to Him.  That's a huge task!
3.  The prophets talked about the future coming of Jesus.  What's different now that Jesus came?  It's our responsibility to tell people about not only when Jesus was here on earth, but also that he's coming back.  That's an urgent mission!

3.  Listen to Jesus
-I bet that every person in your rGroup knew all of those responsibilities listed in the list of 3 mentioned above.  Why?  Because you have heard them before.  Now, here's another question: Are you doing them?  If not, it's probably because you have heard them before, but just weren't listening.  Listening leads to comprehension, which leads to learning, which leads to action!  Go back up and list them again.  Go over our responsibilities that God has entrusted us with.  Listen so that you can apply them in your life!
-What are some of the best known commandments from God that we are most guilty of hearing instead of listening to?  Telling others about Jesus, spending intense time in prayer and in the Word to know God more, being fishers of men, etc.

4.  Jesus is enough
-Peter wanted the experience.  Peter wanted the guy that wrote the book (Moses) and the most powerful communicator (Elijah).  But God knew that he just needed Jesus.  What is the 1 in your "Jesus + 1"equation?  What are the things that are in your life that are keeping you from saying "Jesus (and Jesus alone) is enough?

5.  Come down the mountain
-What has God taught you lately?  What have you been studying in the Word?  What do you think God has been saying to you lately?  The follow-up question has to be, "Now what are you doing with it?"  How are you taking what God has been teaching you and coming back down to your everyday life and applying it?

List out some of the main points your group has gotten out of the Jesus is... series.  Now, write down some ideas on how your group can move forward and put those principles into practice.  Come off of the mountain of Sunday morning and put into practice what God taught you on Monday!

-Maybe you can each write down 1 name that you are going to talk to this week about Jesus.  Then next week when you get back together you can pull the names back out and talk about how those conversations went.
-Maybe you can go ahead and plan out the next service opportunity for the month of November so your group can "grab a corner of the mat" and get people to Jesus.

Monday, October 8, 2012

No rGroups this week! It's Big Serve time! 

We've cleared the schedule this week to make sure that every rGroup has the opportunity to plug into the big serve. If you aren't signed up yet go to

Don't forget:
-2 more weeks left in Coats for Kids drive
-Band Auditions October 18th (Details at 
-Drive for Freedom Oct. 20th (Details at
-Baptism Oct 28