Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Empty Bus: When God Doesn't Show Up

Job 23:1-12

Summary of verses 1-9: Job has been struggling with the burden of his afflictions. He can't understand the meaning of God's providence with him. He cries out to God, but it seems God is not there to hear his case. He can't seem to find God anywhere (ahead, backwards, on the left or right). Although he knows that God is present everywhere, his mind becomes so confused, so consumed with his troubles, that he seems to be a man in fright and at his wits' end. And because he's so confused, nothing is clear. He is at a loss to know what God's purpose is with him. We see Job's faith wavering a bit.

Have you ever called out to God in a time of need, but it didn't seem like He even heard you?

• What were some of the thoughts going through your head?
• Why do you think you didn't hear from God? What do you think God was doing?
• Would you have done anything differently?
• What did you believe about God at that time?
• Why is it so scary when God doesn't seem apparent during times in the valley? Do you desire for His presence the same when you're on the mountain?

Why does it seem like the devil is always in the details? When trials come, we think this must be Satan. Why?

• Read Psalm 37:23. Who is always in every detail? Who directs every single step?
• Do you think you're a weak person if you need to depend on God? Are you strong if you can get through the hard times on your own?
• How does it help you to know that God is always aware of every detail in every step of your life?

Summary of verses 10-12: Job finds a way to still trust God. The steadfastness of his faith continues. God is a witness to his integrity. And even though he does not know the way which he goes, God knows that way. And Job's confidence is that God's way is good and produces gold.

• Are trials golden opportunities (pun intended) for God to do the work He desires in your life? Do you believe that statement? Can you testify to it? What personal stories can you share about this?

• How do you know if the affliction you're facing is a consequence for your sin or for God to do something powerful in your life?
(Embrace and learn from trials. Repent and turn from consequences.)

• How do you know when purification and sanctification are complete in your life? (When Jesus is seen perfectly in you.)

What should we focus on during our afflictions and trials?
(Our response and attitude towards these should be to pursue the will of God in/for our lives. Read vs 11.)

• What do you think the will of God for you today is? Are you in it, close to it, or far from it?

Continue to develop a thirst for His Word. Continue to seek Him in prayer.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Beat-Up Bus: Grief, Anger, and the Blame Game

Job 3, Ephesians 4:26-32

Think of a time during the past week when you felt your emotions changing in the direction of anger. Which of the following statements characterized your response?

a. I ignored it.
b. I overreacted to it.
c. I worked to address it.

What was the result? What did you reap?

Anger shows itself in a variety of forms. Which form are you most likely to struggle with?

a. Irritability or bitterness?
b. Yelling or screaming?
c. Explosions?
d. Acts of fury to defend yourself (or others)?
e. Acts of self-injury (cutting yourself, misusing food, sex, alcohol, drugs, exercise, etc.)?
f. Dwelling on dark things that others have done?
g. Revenge, destroying others
h. Stewing and brewing

Anger is a heart issue. Understand how your heart leads to anger: A desire for even a good thing becomes a bad thing when that desire becomes a ruling thing.

"I want _______." (Desire)
"I must have _______." (Demand)
"I will have _______." (Need)
"You should _______." (Expectation)
"You didn't _______." (Disappointment)
Therefore, "I will _______." (Punishment)

What is your typical mode of punishment when you do not get your way?
(Silence, withdrawal, angry words, violence?)

Where do you tend to get irritated, frustrated, discouraged, or experience flashes of anger? Do you recognize any themes or patterns?

We can't control everything that happens to or around us. But, what can you control?
(Changes inside of yourself.)

Why does my heart towards others have to do with my heart towards God?
(1 John 4:19-21)

What is God revealing to you that he wants you to own, because He loves you and wants to change you, so that you can experience the freedom and joy of His rule in your heart? Be specific and ask those in your rGroup to pray for you and hold you accountable. Change is a community project.

So, you have an anger issue. What do you do?
(Anger must be surrendered. The only way out is to surrender your anger to God. Do not control or mange it in your flesh. Let the Spirit move you to action or bring you to brokenness.)

Are you ready to humble yourself in your broken state and surrender your sinful anger to God? Know that He will give you grace in your time of need.
(James 4:6)

Outbursts of anger can feel good for a moment (to our flesh), but how does it feel to surrender your anger to God? (Frees our spirit, removes weight of sin, mends relationship with God and others, allows you to focus on what's Holy, enables you to move forward, etc.)

Sunday, August 14, 2016


What is the best or worst job you've ever had, and why?

Let each person quickly share either the best or worst. Don't take too long. :-)

Do you think God cares about your job/work?

God redeemed us through the sacrifice of Jesus. So, He cares immensely about what we do as redeemed people. Our jobs are one of the primary ways God intends to make us more like Christ. Read Colossians 3:22-24.

Who do you work for? (Trick question, haha!)

Colossians 3:23 - "Work heartily, as FOR THE LORD and NOT FOR MEN.

How does your work life change when you work for the Lord instead of the man?

Because we work for King Jesus, our work has meaning, purpose and value. WHO you work for is more important than WHAT you do.

What sin occurs when we work for work/us/career/man instead of God?

Idolatry. Work becomes an IDOL when it is elevated to the most important or primary part of our life. It's the thing our life is organized around and what we care most about.

Why do we so easily let our work define us and become a source of pride and self-confidence?

It's one thing to desire to do a good job. It's entirely another thing to allow your job to be the means by which you convince yourself that you have worth.

How do we identify if work has become an idol?

• When we can't be happy in life unless our work "fulfills" us.

• When our perception of ourselves rises and falls, from day to day, based on our perceived effectiveness in the workplace.

• When we perform well on the job and a lack of praise from others crushes our spirit because we need esteem from our work.

• When we work to pursue materialism and are willing to neglect relationships, family, church, etc.

What difference does it make that you're a Christian in the workplace? (or) What does it look like to be a Christian at work?

Colossians 3:23 - "WORK HEARTILY (whole heartedly, with all your heart)..." We don't become IDLE in our work because our work has meaning, purpose and value.

How does knowing WHO you work for change HOW you work?

If you truly worked for the King, you would never slack in your work. Your job is an assignment from the King.

What are some motivations for working whole heartedly for the Lord?

• We have a new identity. We're not just employees, but exist for a reason and purpose.
• We have a new pursuit for our lives. We work for the glory of our King.
• We have a mission to love and serve others.
• We work for the eternal rewards from our King.
• We know that everything is under God's control and that frees us to work with joy and not worry.

What's the main obstacle keeping you from working whole heartedly for the Lord?

Pray and ask God to help you overcome that sin.

What do you need to change, starting now?

Confess and turn to God for help. Ask others to keep you accountable.

Monday, August 8, 2016


1 Peter 2:9-10

Group discussion questions:

In your own words, what is "identity"? ... Who are you?

What are some of the "false" identities that people around you cling to?

What stereotypes do you most identify with?

What are some ways that you get your identity mixed up and confused?

Why is it important to know what your identity is?

Why does your sense of who you are need to come from a proper sense of who God is?

What is dangerous about finding your identity in something that can change or be taken away?

How can you remind yourself of your identity in the Lord despite the overwhelming messages of our culture?

What does it personally mean to you that you are accepted, valuable, loved, forgiven, and called by God?

Knowing that, how do you respond?

(Take time to confess sin, repent, worship, and pray.)