Sunday, January 27, 2019

Airplane Mode: That Prayer was FIRE!

1 Kings 18:17-39


How regularly do you pray?

How important is prayer to you?

Read James 5:16-18. James reminds us that Elijah was a human just like us. Get to know him, see his struggles and his strengths because James holds him as an example of prayer. He can be an inspiration to us as we study prayer.

Scripture Discussion & Application:

Read 1 Kings 18:17-20

We see here two sides lining up against each other. One one side is a strange prophet of the Lord, Elijah. On the other side, we have 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah. There was a battle for the people of the country over who they worshipped. The backdrop to prayer is a spiritual battle and this is what motivated Elijah to pray.

1. Is there a spiritual battle going on in your own life?
2. How do you use your prayer life in this fight?

Read 1 Kings 18:22-29

Elijah mocks their gods. 'Is your God asleep?' Hilarious! It seems ridiculous, but so often we call on other gods/idols when we should call on God.

1. How did the priests call on false gods?
2. What are the false gods in your life?
3. What does our worship of these false gods look like?

Read 1 Kings 18:36-39

1. What do we learn about Elijah's view of himself?
2. What do we learn about Elijah's view of God?
3. What did this prayer achieve apart from the fire?
4. When we pray, do we want the same results?

Next Steps:

1 Kings 18:36b "...I am your servant and have done all these things at your command."

1. What things has God told you to do along with your prayer(s)?
2. What steps will you take this week in order to pair your obedience to God with your prayer life?

How to Pray This Week:

Pray for each member of the group. You may consider praying into:

• Spiritual battles in their lives
• False gods which draw them away from the worship of the true God
• Submission to God, and obedience to His commands.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Airplane Mode: When the Answer is No

Mark 14:35-36


When did a parent, friend, or coach say "No" to you – and you were later glad they did!

Read Jeremiah 33:3. God answers prayer – but there are thousands of reasons why God might say "No" to some prayers.

Scripture Discussion & Application:

What does Jeremiah 33:3 tell us about God's heart for prayer? Does this verse tell us that God will always answer in the way we expect?

Read Hebrews 4:13. How can this verse help explain why God may have said "Wait," "Grow," or "No" to one of your prayers?

Read Provers 2:8. Think of a time where you prayed for something that God did not give you. Why was it better this way or how something else He gave you instead far outweighed what you asked for?

Read 2 Corinthians 4:17-18. What does it say about the purpose of our troubles? How have your troubles helped you grow?

Read Romans 8:28 and Psalm 25:10. When God says "No," what should we keep in mind?
(We should trust that God does everything out of goodness and love.)

Read mark 14:35-36. What is surprising about this situation to you? When might you pray this way?

Read Psalm 9:10. What is the promise and expectation in this verse? (Even when God does not answer our prayers the way we hope, he gives us the grace to handle his answer.) Have you experienced this?

Next Steps:

How will you begin to trust God's plan(s)?

In what area do you need to ask for God's grace to handle a "No"?

What do you need to passionately ask God for, and then trust his plan with?

"Pray passionately. Work hard. Trust God." – Which one do you need to move forward with the most this week?

How to Pray This Week:

Use Jesus' model of prayer:

1. Affirm God's power. "Father, I know you can do anything."
2. Ask with passion. "Please give me what I ask."
3. Accept God's plan. "Your will be done."

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21 Days of Prayer - Be sure to participate in our church's 21 days of prayer. Use the guide from the cards you received on Sunday, or follow along on Facebook.

Night of Prayer - January 27th at 5pm

What: This is the church-wide culmination of our annual 21 days of prayer. After uniting in prayer as individuals/families/rGroups for 21 dis, we'll set the tone for the rest of the year by gathering everyone together for worship in song and prayer. We'll praise God in song, and then small groups will break out and pray through the topics on our prayer guides. Childcare will be provided for children 0-3 years old; children 4 and up are invited to attend with their families.

Where: Each campus will hold a simultaneous, one-hour night of prayer.

Why: We know prayer is a lifestyle, not just a one-off event. The night of prayer will help us envision what it looks like to continue to faithfully pray through the topics in our prayer guides throughout the year, whether individually or in our families or rGroups. This Night of Prayer is both an end and a beginning, as we commission out the entire church to Confess, Change and Act all year long.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Airplane Mode: You're Too Connected

Matthew 17:14-21, Luke 18:1


What things in your life get in the way of you having a consistent prayer life?

Why do you think prayer is oftentimes a "last resort" instead of a first priority for us?

Does anyone have a routine that has helped them in their prayer life? (Specific place, time, resource, practice?)

Scripture Discussion & Application:

Read Luke 18:1

Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow to help illustrate a few things on prayer. What are some things (big and small) that you need to bring to God in prayer that you haven't yet?

Read Matthew 17:14-21

What does being "connected to God" mean to you? What does that look like?

What are ways that have worked for you that help you to connect with God?

What are other big things in your life that you are connected to (outside of God)? Are those things hurting your relationship with God?

Worship is really about the call and response for connection. How do you see yourself worshiping who/what you're connected to?

Next Steps:

If you haven't already, lay out these things in your life to help you gain some traction with your connection with God:

1. Determine a time of day. Set a literal "meeting" with God on your schedule so that your time won't get taken up by something else.

2. Determine a setting of where you will pray. (At the kitchen table while kids are getting ready to go to school probably isn't good. At your desk while employees/boos are calling and stopping by to ask you questions probably isn't good.)

3. Pick a resource to help your prayer time be productive. (21 days of prayer guide, praying through Scripture, using a devotional guide, etc.)

4. Consider fasting from something to help you connect better with God. (What are you doing/eating/participating in that takes too much energy and focus from God?)

How to Pray This Week:

Ask God to bring to light the things that are blocking your connection with Him. Confess these things, and ask God to guide you in how you handle reprioritizing them.

Use the Next Steps we discussed to improve your connection with God this week.

21 Days of Prayer - Be sure to participate in our church's 21 days of prayer. Use the guide from the cards you received on Sunday, or follow along on Facebook.

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21 Days of Prayer - Be sure to participate in our church's 21 days of prayer. Use the guide from the cards you received on Sunday, or follow along on Facebook.

Night of Prayer - January 27th at 5pm

What: This is the church-wide culmination of our annual 21 days of prayer. After uniting in prayer as individuals/families/rGroups for 21 dis, we'll set the tone for the rest of the year by gathering everyone together for worship in song and prayer. We'll praise God in song, and then small groups will break out and pray through the topics on our prayer guides. Childcare will be provided for children 0-3 years old; children 4 and up are invited to attend with their families.

Where: Each campus will hold a simultaneous, one-hour night of prayer.

Why: We know prayer is a lifestyle, not just a one-off event. The night of prayer will help us envision what it looks like to continue to faithfully pray through the topics in our prayer guides throughout the year, whether individually or in our families or rGroups. This Night of Prayer is both an end and a beginning, as we commission out the entire church to Confess, Change and Act all year long.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Airplane Mode: Do This First

1 Samuel 1:1-20


Have you ever been in a situation in which you knew you should pray, but for whatever reason you didn't?

Scripture Discussion & Application:

1 Sam. 1:1-2

Peninnah constantly reminded Hannah that she was blessed while Hannah wasn't. Have you ever been there – feeling so unblessed? How do you respond?

Have you ever been in a place where some troubling circumstances has taken your thoughts and separates you from the joy you have in the Lord?

1 Sam. 1:3-8

Interesting fact: Every time God introduced a woman in the Bible and said she was barren, He introduces a miraculous birth. What's this tell you about God?

When God's people begin with nothing but God, it is then He works. God's tendency is to take our total inability and make it His starting point? What's something that you need God to start?

1 Sam. 1:9-20

This story isn't about having children or not having children. What's it really about?
(It's about seeing a sovereign God and coming to Him with empty hands and a broken heart.)

Have you ever been in a place where the only person you could turn to was God?

Prayer doesn't get us things, it shows us things. Hannah was comforted because she realized that God was in control. How can you relate to this?

After Hannah's prayer, her heart was focused. What's it like when your heart is focused on God?

How can we continue to move forward as we wait for the Lord to answer our prayers? What's the key or secret to waiting?

Next Steps:

Are you in a situation that has you in despair? Spend some quality time with God this week and allow His presence in your life to set things back in prospective.

God will answer prayer... sometimes He answers immediately and sometimes He answers "in due time." What action steps should you take during your season of waiting?

How to Pray This Week:

Try this - In every scenario you encounter, pray first!

When you pray this week, pray from your heart (feelings) instead of your mind (thoughts). Don't get caught up in figuring out the right words, but approach the Lord with the right heart.

Pray along with our church for the 21 days of prayer.

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21 Days of Prayer - Be sure to participate in our church's 21 days of prayer. Use the guide from the cards you received on Sunday, or follow along on Facebook.