Saturday, July 26, 2014

Breaking Point: Writing on the Wall

Text: Daniel 5

Summary:  King Belshazzar leads a life of sin and turns his back on God, despite seeing his Father's example (Daniel 4) and how God dealt with King Nebuchadnezzar.  Daniel interprets the writing on the wall, which foretells the death of King Belshazzar.

1.  In vs 1-4, we see the sinful lifestyle that the king is living, and in verse 5, we see God put "the writing on the wall."  That phrase means that it's easy to see what's going to come next in life.  Has God ever revealed himself to you through some "writing on the wall?"  Not in a literal fashion, but in the sense that you were confronted with some choices in life that you had made or a lifestyle that you were currently living?  How did you heed that warning?

2.a.  Did you turn back to God?  How did your life change?  How did that event shape your future and where you are today?

b.  Did you continue to live a life outside of God's instruction?  What damage was caused as a result of that decision?  How did that decision effect where you are today?

3.  Some people are in the middle of a breaking point, and some are coming out of one.  David's advice on Sunday as it pertains to perseverance during the tough times was to remain faithful wherever you are in whatever you do as you wait on what's next from God.  How are you being faithful where you are right now?  What does it mean to be faithful where you are currently?  How can you show faithfulness to God in the different areas of your life so that your obedience and faithfulness in the small things ensures that we are given opportunities with the bigger things (relationships, finances, family, job).

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Breaking Point: Fear

Text: Daniel 3:8-30

Summary:  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago faced a huge fear when their lives were threatened if they refused to worship another god.  However, God used the fire in their life to teach them and the king a few things.  God uses fire in our lives to help us draw closer to Him.  We can actually benefit from the correct response to fears in our lives, and can also help get other people to Jesus in the process.

1.  Some of our greatest fears can be curbed through good planning.  What am I going to do when I can't work anymore? (we save for retirement from the time we start working).  What happens to my family when I die? (we get life insurance to cover our expenses and take care of our families).  What happens if I have an unexpected expense? (we save money in a rainy day fund to cover car repairs, emergencies, and other unplanned expenses).

So what are you doing to plan spiritually to avoid facing fears in the future?  Is your relationship with God solid so that it can withstand the grip of fear?  Is your familiarity with Scripture strong so that you can remember the promises that God has told you?  Do you have a rehearsed response when bad things happen so that you'll be faithful instead of buckling to fear and making irrational decisions?

2.  The 3 men were walking around in the fire, unharmed and unfazed by what had happened.  How could they possibly have peace at a time like that?!  How can YOU have peace despite your troubles, worries, and fears?  These men decided that no matter what happened, they would remember that God loved them, God would never leave them, and that God would always take care of His people.  Have you decided that no matter what fears hits you, you can rest in the same 3 things?

3.  When these 3 men were thrown in the fire, the only thing that was burned off was the rope that had them BOUND.  Sometimes God uses the fires of life to free you from the things that you keeping you enslaved (like fear) and helps purify your life to be closer to Him.

Would anyone be willing to share a story of a time in your life that you had to walk through "the fire," but God used it for your benefit and growth and prosperity once you got through it?

4.  Scripture shows that the way that the 3 men handled the fire that they were going through actually had a profound effect on the king.  Did you know that the way you handle fear and worry and anxiety in your life can actually help other people know more about Jesus?  Let's compare and contrast.  How should a person that knows Jesus respond to difficulty?  How is that different for someone without a relationship with Jesus?  How can you use this difference as a way to help your non-Christian friends understand the incredible value of an authentic relationship with Jesus?

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Breaking Point: The Economy

Text: Daniel 3:1-7, 1 Timothy 6:6-19

Summary: In Daniel 3, we see a society that is controlled by money, and worships it.  In 1 Timothy 6, we see a biblical outline of how to properly respond to the economy (world, national, and personal) and avoid a financial breaking point in your life.

1.  In Daniel 3, the king makes sure that the financial symbol is visible for everyone to see.  He rallies the politicians and the leaders to convey the same message.  He puts pressure on people to have the same mindset and beliefs about finances as he does.  So what about the world today?  What is the message that culture is telling us about money?  What pressures do we often fall into when it comes to money?

2.  There are many sayings about how money proves things about us.  "Put your money where your mouth is."  "If you want to know what matters most to someone, then look at a person's checkbook."  So let's look at our spiritual lives.  Are you putting your money where your mouth is when it comes to God?  Do you believe that you can follow Jesus and be surrendered to him without giving generously to him?

Take a look at your checkbook and calendar.  The places you spend the most amount of money and time are the things that matter the most to you.  So what are the top 3 things?  Where on the list does God appear?

3.  There were 4 things that Paul tells Timothy in order to find true peace, happiness, and contentment when it comes to finances.

a.  Life is short.  If you were told you were going to die tomorrow, what would your regrets be?  It probably won't be "I wish I would have worked more" or "I wish I would have made more money" or "I wish I would have grown my business more."  Scripture says that we aren't promised tomorrow, so how can you live your life NOW and enjoy and value the things that God has already given you?

b.  God takes care of His people.  When we fret over money and the economy, we are really showing what we place our trust and faith in.  When we worry over money, what does that communicate to God?  (You can't handle it, you're not good enough, you can't provide for me, you need some help, I don't trust you).

c.  Remember where your hope is.  Why do people want money so much?  Why do we always want more?  Why is it so important to us?  (because it gives us security and it gives us hope in the future).  As Christians, our hope and security is found in Jesus.  A dangerous result of being rich is that we begin to lose our trust and hope and reliance on God and trust/hope/rely on ourselves and our money.  No wonder God warned rich people so often in the Bible!

d.  Remember the purpose of your economy.  Why do you think money exists?  Why does God provide it?  Do you believe that God provides it for you?  Which makes more sense: that God would give you something like money to distract you from Him, to cause your faith and trust to dwindle as a result of His gift of money to you?  OR, do you think God gives us money in order to use as a TOOL to accomplish His mission here on earth?

REMINDER:  There IS a great reason for you to constantly worry about finances.  That reason is if you aren't being faithful with what God has given you.  God won't continue to give you money and bless your life if you are just going to throw it away on selfish, useless things.  If you're doing that, then you should be VERY afraid about your financial stability and future.

If you're being faithful, obedient, and generous with your finances, and treating them as a tool to use to get other people to Jesus, then Scripture is very clear that God will give you everything you need AND MORE to accomplish what He's called you to do, and promises to take care of you!