Monday, March 25, 2013

Revolution: God is Terrifying

Mark 14:32-50

-What did Jesus’ death on the cross accomplish?

-When you realize how much wrath God has toward sin do you become more grateful for the cross?

-Do you feel equipped to present the Gospel to others? What do you need to be equipped?

-Do you feel motivated to present the Gospel to others?

Read Ephesians 2:8-9

-What does it mean that we’re saved by grace through faith?

-Verse 8 says, “And this is not your own doing,” what isn’t your own doing?

As the group leader make close the Ephesians discussion by emphasizing that God alone takes credit for saving people.

The Big Three

-What did this text teach you about God?

-What did this text teach you about yourself?

-What are you going to do about it?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Revolution: Who Is Jesus?

Mark 14:53-65

-What is the difference between being a religious peron and following Jesus?

-Who is Jesus? (List as many answers as you can think of)

-Is there anything lacking in the titles you just assigned to Jesus when you compare them to Jesus explanation of Himself? (Son of God/ Son of Man)

-What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of God? Why does that matter?

-What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of Man? Why does that matter?

Light Bulb Moments?

-What did this text teach you about God?

-What did this text teach you about yourself?

-What are you going to do about it?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Revolution: The Bandwagon

1. What does being on the Jesus bandwagon look like?  How do these characteristics compare to fans that are on the bandwagon of a sports team? (emotional, irrational, spiritual roller coaster goes really high and really low, overreacts when things don't go their way, quick to be attracted but quick to leave and abandon, always thinks they could do a better job if they were in charge, thinks they have all the right answers).

2.  What is the difference between a fan of Jesus and a follower of Jesus? (How can you tell if you're a follower or a fan?  Bottom line: followers follow.  Are you following Jesus?  Do you know Jesus?  Or do you simply know of Jesus?  Example: I know OF Michael Jordan.  His stats, his team, his jersey number, his pictures.  But I don't KNOW Michael Jordan.  Never met him, don't have a relationship with him.)

3.  What are some personal areas in your life that you are merely a fan of Jesus, and what action steps do you need to take to become a true follower? (think about what Jesus has called you to do.  Do you think those are great ideas and good tenants of the faith?  Then you are a fan.  Being a follower means actually being obedient and doing those things).

4.  What is your role in "the game?"  What are the areas that you are on the field, doing your part in?  What are the areas that you are still sitting in the stands, watching Jesus instead of participating? (evangelism, discipleship, inviting people to church, etc).

5.  To some extent, we are all fans of Jesus.  We have examples in our lives of when we shout "Hosannah" but also times in our lives when we shout "give us Barabbas." (Barabbas can be any sin we constantly struggle with, or even times when we try to be our own savior and run our lives totally void of Jesus).  So what are the results of both?  What do you get when you go somewhere else other than Jesus?  What emotions do you deal with?  Now, what does the Bible promise that you get with Jesus?  What does he offer us?

6.  Before we begin a relationship with Jesus, we are all guilty of being in the crowd choosing something else other than Jesus to save us.  We were enemies of God.  What does that say about Jesus? (think about the patience, love, mercy, compassion, and grace that God shows us.  We deserve nothing. But God gives us a second chance through Jesus.  He loved us when we least deserved it).