Understanding God’s Word: Know and Understand the Truth
READ Hebrews 11:8-10, 17-19; Genesis 12:1-3; Gen 22:1-14
- Without a doubt, Abraham is one of the Bible's great heroes of faith. As you read his story, what about his faith stands out to you?
- In what ways do you see Abraham's faithfulness and obedience to God having an eternal impact? (How does his story tie into the rest of the story the Bible tells?)
- As we look at Abraham's story, which comes first: faith or obedience?
Assessing the Heart: Identify and Address Sin.
- Nathan talked about how Abraham's faith had to overcome his past, present, and future.
- Past - What are some things in your life that have kept you from moving forward in obedience? (Struggles or sins in your life you have a hard time walking away from as you try to grow in your relationship with Christ.)
- Present - Even though we are Christians, our lives are not exempt from dealing with struggles, hard times, trials, and the brokenness of the world and people around us. But in the midst of that brokenness, God still calls for our radical obedience.
- Do you find it easier or harder to follow and obey him in the midst of these time of struggle. Why?
- Future - Sometimes obedience to God doesn't just mean giving up bad things or things that aren't good for us. Sometimes God is calling us to give our hearts completely to him rather than the good things in our lives. Many times these things are gifts that He has given us. We might see them as our future, our prized possession, things that we wrap our hopes and dreams up in.
- What is something or someone in your life that, if God were to take it from you, you'd feel like you've lost everything?
- What is God trying to reveal in your heart: Is God really and truly enough for you, or is God only enough if you also have ______________?
Turn to God: Confess and Renew Belief in God
- We will never be able to demonstrate obedience to God if we do not have complete faith in Him. It's from our lack of faith that so much of our obedience falls short. God knows that we can always trust in Him no matter what, and He knows a truth that our hearts have a hard time believing: if we give our hearts fully to him, if we wrap up our hopes and dreams in Him, we will ultimately find that He is enough and He will never let us down.
- However, we can never come to that conclusion on our own. He can't just suck it up and have more faith. We need God's help.
- How does God sacrificing his own son for you help increase your faith in Him?
Living and Applying God’s Word: Give a Vision of Life With God.
- How has God's faithfulness to us in the past and all He promises us for our future help us to move forward in obedience?
- When we give our hearts fully to God, when He is enough for us, how can we better enjoy the good gifts he has given us?