Sunday, September 24, 2017

Messed Up Church: Spiritual Babies or Adults?

Announcement: Communion Sunday is October 8th. We encourage your rGroup to take that week to find an opportunity to serve the community together, or use the time to host a party and invite guests to it.


What are some things you do to maintain or improve your physical health?

What about your spiritual health? What routines and habits improve your spiritual health?

Read 1 Corinthians 3:1–4.

Being "controlled by our sinful nature" (v 3) is a sign of spiritual immaturity. What can someone do in order to NOT be controlled by sin and begin to mature?

Why is it so important for Christians to become mature in their relationship with God?

What was the proof that the Christians in Corinth were not yet mature?

How should our attitudes and behavior change when we become mature Christians?

Read vs 5–8.

What does it mean to plant and water God's Word in others? What are practical ways you can do this?

Who is responsible for your spiritual growth? Who does the Lord hold responsible? How does this reminder change your priorities?

Read vs 9–15.

Why must Jesus Christ be the foundation (strong base) for people's lives?

How can we develop our lives in the way that pleases God?

What does Paul mean by the fire that tests the quality of our work? What would fail that test?

Read vs 16–17.

Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit – God's presence dwells within us. What does that mean to you? What do you think God's purpose for this is?

Note the warning in verse 17. How should this affect our attitudes and actions toward other Christian groups and individuals with who we may not agree with?

How will you apply these verses to build your spiritual strength this week?

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Messed Up Church: Weird Christians

1 Corinthians 1:10-31

Read vs 10-13.

Do you ever find yourself following other people or things in church more than Jesus? Explain how this messes up the church.

What often divides us in our churches? (Don't let it get out of hand. Stay on point!)

What is the solution to divisions, according to this passage? (An attitude of humility to pursue harmony.)

Look at verse 10 again. How do we "be of one mind, united in thought and purpose"? (We overcome divisions by seeing Christ and his mission as more important than our preferences.)

Ever notice how much we make Christianity and church all about us? What's one thing you can do to switch the focus off yourself and back onto Jesus and his mission? (Remember vs 9 says we are partners with Jesus on his mission.)

Read vs 18.

I'm sure you've come across many people who want the message of the cross to be more inclusive, but rejecting the cross means rejecting Christ and remaining in one's sin. Do you have an ongoing conversation with someone who "despises" the cross? How can we pray?

"Religious unbelievers" add their works to Christ's cross. "Secular unbelievers" deny the power of the cross (they think it is irrelevant). How can you approach these opinions with grace and love?

Read vs 19-21.

In what ways has trusting the "wisdom of this world" led to trouble in your life? How has God's Word led you into blessing?

Read vs 22-28.

Where do people search for significance?

How can you become more satisfied with our status in Christ so that we don't search for significance outside of him?

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Messed Up Church: How to Know if You're Messed Up

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

1. (vs 1) Paul begins his letter by identifying himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus. Why should that carry weight to whom the letter is written? How does that apply to you and our church? (Aim to get a discussion going about spiritual authority, leadership, or discipleship.)

2. (vs 2) The church belongs to God, but it's full of imperfect Christians. How can this possibly work out? (We are called by God to be holy people, set apart for God... now live like it.)

3. (vs 4-6) We are blessed! What has God blessed you with that you use to bless others?

4. What needs do you know of for which you can use your gifts to be a blessing?

5. (vs 7) We are equipped with spiritual gifts, too. What do you think yours is? How do you know? (One practical way to find out is try doing what you're passionate about. Also, ask others how you've helped them. Spiritual gifts are to benefit others)

6. What keeps you from using the abilities God's given you? What hurdles do you need to overcome?

7. (vs 8) God sustains us! Why is it difficult to admit that we can't control our lives, or that we need help?

8. Read James 4:6-8. What does being humble look like? (When we give ourselves completely to God, instead of ourselves)

9. (vs 9) We're sent out! We're on a mission with Jesus. What priorities need to change in your life to ensure you focus on the mission?

10. What if I told you that money, cars, houses, and careers are temporary; but God is eternal? How does that change your heart (what you treasure)?

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sermon on the Mount: Building on a Strong Foundation

Read Matthew 7:24-27

Have you ever built something or cooked food and realized after it was completed that the materials used were very low in quality or you forgot a key ingredient? How did that turn out?

What do the wise and foolish builders have in common, and what distinguished the two builders from each other?

The rain, streams and wind eroded the foundation of the foolish man's house causing it to crash down. In your life, what would represent a foundation made of sand?

What does it look like to build your house on the rock (a solid foundation)?

Why do people "hear" Jesus' words of encouragement to build their lives on Him, and yet choose to build their lives on "sand"?

Have you ever endured a "storm" in life that you can share with the group? How did you endure it, and what was the end result?

What needs to change for you to be more like the wise man and less like the foolish man?

What have you currently been doing to lay solid bricks (prepare) for "storms" that will come in your future?

Explain why Christ is the only foundation that will never fail and always last.

What commitments are you willing to make to be more like the wise man who built his life on Christ?