Sunday, January 28, 2018

167: Faithfully Unfaithful

Hosea 1–3

Hosea 1:2
Why did Hosea marry Gomer? (God wanted to use Hosea and Gomer as an example of God's relationship with His people.)

Hosea 1:4-9
What did did the names of Hosea and Gomer's children tell us about?
(how God felt about Israel's sin.)

Hosea 3:1
This is what the suffering love of God is like. This lover (God) would rather be torn apart than lose his beloved (the people). God choses to be wounded, if that is what it takes to love. How might your life look different if you know these things deep down?

Hosea 3:2-3
What did Hosea do when Gomer ran away?
(He went after her, brought her out of slavery, and brought her home.)

Here's the big question... How does Hosea remind us of God?
(God loves us even when we are unfaithful.)

Why does God continue to give His unconditional love to people who continually throw it away?
(It's not because we deserve it; it's because His mercy demands it.)

What did Jesus do that demonstrates God's love for us?
(Jesus died for us even though we are sinners, Romans 5:8)

What are the idols that we prostitute ourselves to?
(i.e. success, affirmation from others, money, easy life, hobbies, etc.)

Next Steps:

God want us to live in such a way that others can see God through our lives. We can't be perfect. That's why Jesus died for our sin. However, when we obey God because we love Him, we allow others to see who God really is. Whether at home, at work, in school, or anywhere else, how does God want you to demonstrate who He is?

What have you learned about God in Hosea, and how will it change you?

Based on this, how will God use your 167 this week?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

167: Run-Away Slave

Philemon 1:8–17

Read vs 8–14.

Is there a difference between liking someone and loving him (or her)? If so, what is it? Are we supposed to like everyone?

Is there someone you say you have forgiven but who still needs your kindness?

Read vs 15-16.

Why should a Christian's status as a member of God's family transcend all other distinctions among believers?

Read vs 17–18.

How would you counsel someone who was finding it difficult to forgive someone else? What biblical principles/examples apply?

Why is it important to see God's glory as the primary reason to work at restoring broken relationships? What are the pitfalls if you don't do it for that reason? What are the implications if you do?

As you read the book of Philemon, what qualities does Paul seem to think should characterize the Christian church?

Next Steps:

1. Is there someone in your life that you need to forgive? This week extend forgiveness to them, either by writing them, calling them, or speaking with them. Don't leave anything undone.

2a. What negative or hurtful thoughts of the past are dominating your mind today?

2b. What spiritual truth(s) will demolish these strongholds?

3. What step do you need to take in order to renew your mind and live the life God has for you?

4. What is God calling you to do right now? (Remember, following Jesus is usually not easy, and rarely makes logical sense.)

Sunday, January 14, 2018

167: Go Big or Go Home

Read the story of Deborah's faith and leadership in Judges 4:4–22.
You may want to read it in The Message (MSG) version for easier reading and storytelling.

Discussion Questions:

What happens when we only have a "surface-level" perspective like Barak? Why is it easy to do this?

Why do we need a "faith-based" perspective like Deborah?

How can we actually go about having this in our lives? What are steps can you take to build faith?

In our own lives, when is it easiest to have faith? When is it hardest?

What do you do differently than others in your life because you have faith? How have you seen God care for you during these times?

How does Deborah's leadership in a physical battle point people to Jesus?

What areas in your life can your leadership point people to Jesus?

Eventually (if not already) your plans for your life will collide with the faith that God has called you to place in Him, and one will have to give. Is this going on in your life? What are you doing? What should you do? Explain.

This rGroup should be a "Deborah" (something that will challenge and encourage you to live a life of faith in God) for each of us. How can we become better at this?

Sunday, January 7, 2018

167: Beza-Who?

Exodus 31:1–11

Read verse 2.

Now read this phrases in verse 2, but insert your name where Bezalel's is:

"I have chosen [your name]"

How does that make you feel? What do you think about that? (This is not about predestination, so don't go there with conversation.)

Read verse 3–4.

Now read verse 3–4, but insert your skills where Bezalel's are:

"I have filled him/her with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills– [your skills]."

(Ask people to share a few skills they inserted into the blank.)

Talk About It:

Do you think God has chosen you for a purpose? What do you think it is?

Do you ever feel like God can't use what you're good at in a great way?

What are one or two basic things you are good at?

What's an example of when someone else used their basic talent in a way that's impacted your life for God's purpose?

How could other people benefit from you doing what you're good at?

What's one skill that you often find yourself using in your free time?

What's one thing people always ask you to do for them because you're good at it?

Read verse 11b. ("make everything as I have commanded you.")

Why are God's plans necessary for your skills?

What are some ways God can use your talents to further His purpose?

Why would God want to involve His people in His plans, instead of doing it all Himself?

Next Steps:

What are some steps you can take to start moving into what God may have in mind for you in this area?

What's the worst that could happen if you stepped forward in what you feel called to do?

What's the worst that could happen if you DON'T step forward in what you feel called to do?

How might God bless you, and those around you, if you do step forward in what you feel called to do?

Monday, January 1, 2018

What if? - Spiritual Goals

Colossians 4:2–6

- How would you describe your prayer life? (e.g., intense, lukewarm, sporadic, frustrating...)

- How would you like your prayer life to be better?

Paul's encouragement is for the Colossian believers to 'devote themselves' to prayer. Prayer won't always come easily or naturally, but is a practice that we commit ourselves to.

- What are some practical ways you can devote yourself to prayer?

- How can our group devote itself to prayer?

(Read v 2)

"Being watchful" is also part of prayer.

- How have you seen God at work in your prayer life?

- What are some open doors that perhaps you've overlooked in your life? Where are opportunities that God wants you to invest yourself in?

(Read v 3–4)

Paul is in prison, and yet his request for the Colossian believers is to pray that he has more opportunities to share the Gospel and for God's help that he would make the most of those opportunities by speaking the message clearly! Wow!

- How does Paul's example inspire you to be more content in your current circumstances and more committed to Christ's mission?

- Who are the specific people or situations that you a praying for at the moment for opportunities to share the Gospel with?

(Read v 5–6)

- Why do we need to be wise in the way we act towards outsiders (unbelievers, unchurched)? What is the wise way to act towards outsiders?

- What are the 'opportunities' that Paul is referring to?

- How is the gospel overwhelmingly obvious in your life as it is seen through the eyes of your non-Christian friends, family and co-workers?

- What areas or ways might you need to be more bold?

'Grace' in verse 6 has the double meaning of God's grace and human graciousness.

- What would it look like for our conversations with each other to be always full of grace?

'Seasoned with salt' in verse 6 represents making things better or steering it in the right direction (towards Jesus).

- How have you seen 'salty' comments used well to steer a conversation to Christ? How can we practice this without it being pushy or making others feel as if we are forcing the conversation to faith?

Next Steps:

- What new year's commitment can/will you make based on these verses in scripture?

- What is 1 phrase from these verses you will immediately focus on implementing this week?

- How do you need help from others in our group to follow through with what God is calling you to be?