Hosea 1–3
Hosea 1:2
Why did Hosea marry Gomer? (God wanted to use Hosea and Gomer as an example of God's relationship with His people.)
Hosea 1:4-9
What did did the names of Hosea and Gomer's children tell us about?
(how God felt about Israel's sin.)
Hosea 3:1
This is what the suffering love of God is like. This lover (God) would rather be torn apart than lose his beloved (the people). God choses to be wounded, if that is what it takes to love. How might your life look different if you know these things deep down?
Hosea 3:2-3
What did Hosea do when Gomer ran away?
(He went after her, brought her out of slavery, and brought her home.)
Here's the big question... How does Hosea remind us of God?
(God loves us even when we are unfaithful.)
Why does God continue to give His unconditional love to people who continually throw it away?
(It's not because we deserve it; it's because His mercy demands it.)
What did Jesus do that demonstrates God's love for us?
(Jesus died for us even though we are sinners, Romans 5:8)
What are the idols that we prostitute ourselves to?
(i.e. success, affirmation from others, money, easy life, hobbies, etc.)
Next Steps:
God want us to live in such a way that others can see God through our lives. We can't be perfect. That's why Jesus died for our sin. However, when we obey God because we love Him, we allow others to see who God really is. Whether at home, at work, in school, or anywhere else, how does God want you to demonstrate who He is?
What have you learned about God in Hosea, and how will it change you?
Based on this, how will God use your 167 this week?