Genesis 39:19 – 40:23
When a detour occurs in your life, how have you generally reacted toward it?
Why does God not take us on a direct route from where we are to where He wants us to be? Share a personal example of how God led you in a "roundabout way" toward a desired goal. What are some important lessons you learned on the path?
Joseph was born into a dysfunctional family, thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape, sent to jail unjustly, and forgotten by everyone he had helped and served. Have you ever had to bear negative consequences in your life as a result of your commitment to God?
Obviously, Joseph was not where he wanted to be (and not where God told him he would be yet), but while he was in prison, he was given an opportunity with the baker and the cupbearer. What opportunities are in front of you right now in the midst of your detour?
Has there been a time in your life where you were so focused on the final destination of your future that you were missing what God wanted to do in your life right in the present?
Have you ever tried to refuse taking a detour? What happened as a result?
Are you on a detour emotionally, relationally, career-wise, or in another way? Answer these questions concerning your situation:
1. How is this experience developing my relationship with God?
2. What am I learning about myself through the situation?
3. What opportunities do I have now that I otherwise would not have had if I wasn't on this detour?
4. What could God be preparing me for in the future through this experience?
Next Steps:
This week, some of your rGroup members ma have shared some struggles and pains associated with detours they find themselves on. Be sure to spend some time praying for them (and for each other) as a group before you dismiss.
On your own, take some time to identify ways you can improve your relationship with God in the midst of your detours and disappointments.