Sunday, October 28, 2018

Flip the Switch: Paternity Test

1 John 3:1–18


How is it possible to tell apart believers and unbelievers?

Scripture Discussion

Read verse 10. In this verse, John describes two evidences of children of God:
1. Practice Righteousness
2. Known for Love

Which one of those two is harder for you?

Practice Righteousness:

How do you distinguish between righteousness and self-righteousness?

Why is it easy to fall back into our sinful nature, yet hard to be consistently righteous?

Take the word 'practice' literally. How are you practicing righteousness?

Read verse 9. How does knowing that God's nature abides in you change your approach to sin and lawlessness?

Known for Love:

What are you known for by your family, friends or coworkers?

What drives people in our culture to be loved?

How is love really demonstrated?

To what need of others do you close your heart?

Are children of God able to produce this kind of love on their own? How is it accomplished?

How is engaging in controversies and quarrels with the world unprofitable?

Read James 1:27. What does James teach about religion?

Read Psalm 89:14-15. Why is being born of God an important art of our identity in Christ?

Next Steps

Some in your group may be enslaved to a pattern of sin. This does not necessarily mean they're not Christians, but that they need encouragement and support to help overcome it. This week may be a good time to bring up these matters with individuals in your group and encourage them to seek Christ for deliverance and support. Challenge the group to consider how they can love one another through the process of repentance.

What step will you take this week in order to practice righteousness (Move Forward)?

John provides on very practical way to love one another: meet the material needs of other believers (1 John 3:17-18). This week, as a group, prayerfully consider identifying an individual or family whose material needs you can meet. This is just one example. Feel free to explore other opportunities to love others the way Jesus has loved you.

How will you put love into action (Love Big) this week?

How To Pray This Week

Pray that your group will be encouraged to pursue righteousness and live their life in the light.

Pray that your group will respond in love when the world expresses hatred.

Pray for the group to express sacrificial love toward those in need.


Operation Christmas Child: Shoebox Packing Party & Chicken Stew

When/Where: Sat, Nov 3rd at 3pm at REVO North

What: This is a free event (including free chicken stew for attendees), although donations to help cover shoebox shipping costs and desserts will be accepted, and kids are welcome! We’ll enjoy fellowship, pack shoeboxes with items already provided by REVO & donations, and pray for the kids who will receive the boxes.

How to help: In addition to attending, we also still need more volunteers for the event so please email Pastor Barrett ( if you’re interested in serving and he’ll connect with you volunteer leaders to find out how to be involved!

Can’t attend? We are also taking pre-orders for Chicken Stew to Go. $10 a quart and money goes to help pay for shipping costs. Have it for Sunday lunch or freeze it for the first snow day. Also make sure to return all filled shoeboxes that you/your family/your rGroup have packed yourselves to REVO by Sunday morning Oct 28 if possible or, at the very latest, by Sunday, Nov 4.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Flip the Switch: 4th Quarter

Read 1 John 2:18–29


John begins by again referring to his readers as "children" and issues a warning. What was something your parents warned you about as a child?

Scripture Discussion

v. 18 - Why does John emphasize a sense of urgency ("the last hour is here")? How does this apply to us reading the Word today?

What is an antichrist? Who are they?

v. 19 - Who are these who "went out" and what does that mean? Can they be considered believers? Are we to call people heretics if they stop going to our church? What is the application here for us?

v. 20-21 - What does the Holy Spirit have to do with our understanding of truth and doctrine? How does the Spirit protect us from false teaching? How do you know if someone is a falser teacher or not?

v. 22-23 - What does John call someone who denies that Jesus is the Christ? How can we deal with this strong word in our culture of tolerance today?

Who was the first liar? Why does our enemy use lies as his chief weapon against believers? What makes this effective?

What are some of the lies the enemy uses?

How can we avoid being deceived into believing the enemy's lies?

v 24-25 - What does John mean, "what you have heard from the beginning? When you receive that, what do you have and for how long?

v 28 - What reason does v. 28 give you for having a close relationship with Jesus? Are you ready for Him to come back? Ideally, what would you like the state of your earthly life to be when He returns? What stands in the way of that?

Next Steps

Pay close attention to what friends, pastors, leaders, the media, etc. say about your family, humanity, society, and God. Consider statements and evaluate whether they are wholly true, partly true, or completely false.

Identify people in your life that you can trust to teach and show you the truth. Let them know that you want them to hold you accountable, and that you will do the same for them.

The last hour is here. What next step has God called you to move forward with?

How To Pray This Week

Pray that the Holy Spirit would give you greater discernment to detect and combat false teaching in your daily life.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you remain in fellowship with Christ and be full of courage.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Flip the Switch: Jellyfish or Salmon?

Read 1 John 2:15–17

Scripture Review

What does John mean when he says "do not love the world"? What do you think are some things in the world that we shouldn't love?

How can our love of the world squeeze out our love for God?

What are the three techniques that Satan uses to draw us into loving the world?

Personal Application

1. Lust of the Flesh

What does our culture run hard after when it comes to desires?

What is advertised in our world today that makes people believe that "it" will bring happiness?

What would you say is the "current" flowing in schools and universities? At your workplace? Amongst your friends?

How can a believer choose to "fight against the current" or "take a stand for righteousness?"

2. Lust of the Eyes

How would you describe "lust of the eyes?"

What kind of study do you let your eyes watch? How does that affect your soul?

Are you tempted to get the latest electronics, car, house, etc.? What's the pull?

What stops us from being ruled by our desires?

3. Pride of Life

How do we define worldliness? What makes evil look normal, and godliness look weird?

Our lives ruled by pride either makes us feel superior to some, while making us feel inferior to others. Why is that a bad thing?

Next Steps

What are some practical ways we can combat each of these temptations?

How can you be like a salmon swimming up stream and against the current, and not like a jellyfish that just drifts wherever the current takes it?

What are some safeguards that you can implement in our life and in your home that will keep you from drifting into loving the world?

How To Pray This Week

Pray that as you are tempted by the things of the world this week that you will remember your identity in Christ and claim God's power to fight back against those temptations.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Flip the Switch: The Light Test

Read 1 John 2:3–11

How would you respond to someone who asks, "Why does it matter how I live, if Jesus forgives all my sin and is the atoning sacrifice"?

Scripture Review

Read verse 3. What does John point out is the clear indication in our lives of whether or not we have come to know Jesus?

Read verses 4–5. What's the difference between a liar and someone telling the truth?

Read verse 6. Who should our behavior be modeled after? How did Jesus demonstrate obedience to His Father, and how can you?

Read verse 7–8. In what sense is loving God and obeying him an 'old command' and in what sense is it a 'new command'?

Read verses 9-12. What does it mean to 'be' or 'live' in the light?

Why do you think John emphasizes our love for other Christians as much as he does?

Read verses 1–2. What grace is being offered in this passage?

Personal Application

What would you say about the person who claims to know Jesus but whose life tells another story? How can/do you help someone in this situation?

If someone claims to be in the light but has a terrible relationship with a brother or sister in Christ, what does this indicate? How can/do you help someone in this situation?

What kind of person is this passage calling you to be?

How is Jesus your ultimate example? How do you, personally, look up to and imitate him? Share an example.

How does participating in community (or not) affect your faith?

Next Steps

Which truth from this passage is the most important to you today? What practical way will you apply this truth to your life?

What specific command(s) are challenging to follow? How will you change and obey?

Spend some time with your group to connect outside of your weekly meeting – at someone's home, coffee shop, restaurant, etc. Share your personal stories of your relationship with God.

How To Pray This Week

Confess the areas in your life in which you have been disobeying God. Ask God for forgiveness, and tell Him how you will move forward.

Pray that God would gracefully develop deep and meaningful relationships in your group so that we can live in the light.